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Trying to locate the water temp sending unit


Active member
Mar 29, 2009
1967 Marina Blue Coupe
I am working on a 1960 with a 3160 fuel injection unit mated to a 1973
350 vette motor 4 bolt main solid lifters. engine runs great and temp scope shows cooling at 180*. I am unable to locate the temp ending unit on the motor to determine why the gauge is pegging. Does anyone know where this unit might be on a f.I. engine? thanks in advance for your assistance
The ECT sender in a 73 engine will be screwed into one of the cylinder heads, probably the driver side head.

It might be that the 60 gauge is incompatible with the 73 sender.
Thanks, I found it. I also see that I have a pipe plug in a hole on the intake manifold of the F I. Do you know which sending unit might fit on the 62 3160 FI? I guess there is no way of telling if it will mate with the 60 gauge? thanks for your assistance Hib, vinny
I am working on a 1960 with a 3160 fuel injection unit mated to a 1973
350 vette motor 4 bolt main solid lifters. engine runs great and temp scope shows cooling at 180*. I am unable to locate the temp ending unit on the motor to determine why the gauge is pegging. Does anyone know where this unit might be on a f.I. engine? thanks in advance for your assistance

Never heard of a 3160 fuel injection unit (what's the number stamped on the Rochester Products tag riveted to the front driver's side of the plenum?), but the temp sender is at the front of the baseplate, adjacent to the thermostat housing, on the passenger side. Look closely at the photo below and you can see it. The original sending unit was GM #1513321, used in all Corvettes from '56-'67; common replacements (which are usually inaccurate) are Wells TU-5, Standard TS-6, etc.



  • 63Z06Engine.jpg
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my mistake! on the F I. it reads 7017360. I found the place on the manifold that is plugged. I will try one of the units you suggested. thanks, vinny

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