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Vanity plates



So what do you guys have for plates on your cars?

heres some of what Im thinking

190 to 200MPH or something like that- yes I know 200 is a stretch, but hey whats 10mph among friends :L
TURBOX2-probably already taken
TWNTRBO-probably already taken as well
in ct we are limited to 6 letters or numbers is this not same in all states.
11PSI X2
54 HGS
1 OF 500
565 TRQE
CALAWAY <probably on an caddy w/a set of clubs in the trunk:D
There are more, also, use the RPO B2K in some chioces if you can
*89x2* said:

CALAWAY <probably on an caddy w/a set of clubs in the trunk:D

The sad thing is, I have a set of Callaway drivers too. :L
How about - XWANNAB

:t :L Couldn't resist! :beer
FYI, Florida is 7.5 letters (the half being a space or dash)

I still love that ZR1 plate, QWK PHKR but i don't think they will let you have it:( Go to the DMV with ideas and they will run them for you.... you would be surprised how many are taken in FL. Anything having to do with twin turbos is probably taken... there are a ton of cars built with them... Another cool plate: U LOSE ... nothing goes better on the back of a turbo vette than that!
How about TWN TERR - the police thought that meant Town Terror when I had those but it really means Twin Terror. Of course I DID terrorize the town when I had those plates on my white one. You know I don't do that sort of thing any more and I sure as hell don't do it any less!! Have FUN.
I did see a FL plate that said FST FKR

Im not really into vulgarities on a license plate though.
vanity plates

New York, North Carolina, and W Virginia are the only states that have/permit 8 characters.

Ontario, Canada has up to 8.

All states but I believe Ky has a web site that discusses their vanity structure.
Try www.pl8s.com for the state web site.

Try http://www.licenseplatges.cc/lp/lp.shtml?vanity.txt

The above has a list of states you can type in a series of characters and they will tell you if it is available.

How many of the plates on the posts are real and how many are in your thoughts?
The second one is a dead link. I was trying to find out if there was a place that would let me know the availability of a certain plate.
As usual, Florida is not on the list. They use the same computer system that counts the votes to process the TAGs in case you wonder why Florida is not tied in :D

TurboLuigi said:
As usual, Florida is not on the list. They use the same computer system that counts the votes to process the TAGs in case you wonder why Florida is not tied in :D


:L :L :L :L :L :L

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