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What job do we C4 owners have?

Retired with 3 engineering degrees .....Electrical...Mechanical... Instrumentation/Process control... And I love being retired so I can play with my toys.... and work with Richland County Sherriffs Dept as a special investigator on a per case basis...

Hey Jena!!That was one hell of a story!!! I guess I lead a boring Vette life here. Im in the financial services business wholesaling annuities and insurance products to a large bank/brokerage firm.
What do I do?

Well I did two dozen years in the world's most modern nuclear Navy, retiring as a Chief Aerographer's Mate in 1993!
8 months at McDonalds imitating a person with a liberal arts degree, ("Would like fries with that?" or "Would like to Super size that combo?")
16 months in Cincinnati as a Weather Service Specialist.
8 Years in New Jersey as Port Meteorological Officer for NOAA.
and 1 and a half years here in the Charleston SC area as Port Met. Officer for NOAA.
Enjoying the job and area. Maybe in another 15 to 20 years I'll "retire" for good.
MRANT212 said:
I lead a boring ... life
Okay, who among us wants to discuss our past lives. ;)

I led a very diverse and wandering life before I started working at Chevron. After I started there all I did was drink a lot. :beer :bar :drink :m :drink
Umm - I was just thinkin' ...maybe we could possibly change this thread to:

"does anyone have pictures of themself at their job?"
Hi To All,
I do drugs.
It makes for a great icebreaker at parties.
As to pics of me at work, don't ask. The pics were turned down by Cosmo.
Blue Borg Brian 1 of 58
justafamilyman said:
I do drugs.

MARKSC4 said:
"does anyone have pictures of themself at their job?"
I have this one from the mid-eighties: (Oh ****! What am I gonna tell the boss?) :L


The last few years have been more like this:​


My brother Bill on the left, a ditzy blonde in the middle, and yours truly at the Bug Bear Bash last year. :D

Semi-retired. Worked for decades at IBM, left when they threw all the gray-hairs out.

Run a PC consulting business now part-time. It helps pay for the toys, but part-time has become such full-time that I don't get a chance to play with my toys. Something wrong with that...

I'm like Ken. My last "real" job was managing warehouse for 20 years in Illinois. Couldn't stand my life anymore so I "retired' to Michigan where winter is 6 months long, there is no spring and summer is mosquitos and biting black flies! My retirement is fulfilling since Inow buy old sturdy homes, rehab 'em and sell 'em. I work 7 days a week minimum, and sometimes I even make a profit!
Life is hard but not living it is harder.
I'm an ASE Cert. Master Tech.

I've been professionally wrenching since 18 and had went through training at college of dupage while working full time.

I bought my vette at 20, I'm now 23.

I work full time for an independent shop during the day. And nights and weekends I run Rick Anthony Motorsports, Where I play with vettes and sell parts and accessories.
My wife and i are hairstylists and we own the salon. I also play in a top 40/ oldies band all over So. Cal. Now I drive to my gigs in the Vette. That is a very happy day. :L
Just a hint?

Horsepower? We don't need no stinking horsepower!

We have thrust.... [font=arial,helvetica]214,000 lb[/font] of it. (equals zero horsepower) Thrust is a force; HP is a measure of power (work).

Up to ten fuel tanks hold [font=arial,helvetica]52,410 gal[/font] of Jet A, (roughly 6.7 lbs./gallon). A full power takeoff burns over 25,000#/hour.

Aircraft weight varies from just under 500,000 pounds to 836,000 pounds.

BTW, I am just under 6'3", if you want to size the intake of the Pratt and Whitney JT-9.

BTW, I am just under 6'3", if you want to size the intake of the Pratt and Whitney JT-9.[/QUOTE]I believe that intake is larger then the intake one my 69 L-88 vette:D
USN Submarines Retired, now working as an Operator at a hydro-electric Power Generating station.
Buffett said it best ¨The cannons don’t thunder there’s nothing to plunder….. Occupational hazard is occupation just ain´t around¨

Started out as a professional soldier driving F4s & OV-10s for the Marine Corps, after that 7 years in the music business where I was extremely lucky with the exception of the first wife going nuts, (As in institutionalized), during the first 2 years. So I got to play single father until my son went to Military School. After that I went sailing for a few years and did some more soldiering. I was inside the Artic Circle in -30ºC sunshine when the phone rang and my friend told me that the Go-Kart track could be had for a fair price and that he was moving to the same area to start his racing team where my help would be appreciated.

Now I spend ½ of my time working with talented young drivers, 2 of which are currently with F1 teams:upthumbs and the other ½ watching totally incompetent fools try to kill themselves in the rental karts.:W

Along the way I have been involved is several business ventures, real estate development, resort property construction and sales, aircraft charter and sales, and yacht building to name a few, all of which ended up in Bankruptcy. As a matter of fact the Bankruptcies were so predictable that it was rumored that I might be the dumbest man in business.:eyerole Can you say Offshore banking and Asset protection?;):D

I will upload some pics later.
Hold up guys - Wait a minute - !

- I got the picture idea after reading Jenavet's story ;) ... I wasn't trying to sidetrack the thread...

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