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With Viper splitting from Dodge, should Corvette have separated from Chevy?

With Viper splitting from Dodge, should Corvette separate from Chevrolet? Why or why not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 14.7%
  • No

    Votes: 287 82.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 8 2.3%

  • Total voters
2013 Viper

New king of the hill. ZR1's look out.

THAT is a beautiful beast.:thumb
I was out at our local Chevy dealer the other day with the GS. I was wanting to see if they had any updates for the computer since my car is a very early 2010 GS. They didn't. We got to talking about the Corvette and Chevy and I was informed that I could not order a new Corvette at that dealership. They could find me a used one that was on their dealer net but I would have to go to a spacific GM Chevy dealer that was approved to handle Corvettes.......I did not know this.....

So in a way the split is already happening or has happened. I'm always the last to know these things it seems....:D
A stand alone brand does not require standalone dealerships. You simply SELECT the dealers in each market that will be franchised based on their physical plant, willingness to commit staff & resources and their CSI scores. The brand wins, the good dealers win & THE CUSTOMERS WIN.

Interesting concept and I can see the pros and the cons of such a move. I have a question for you however, why couldn't GM designated "quality - qualified" dealerships allowed to sell the Corvette and still keep it a Chevrolet? Seems like that would be a "win win" scenario. I'm sure the Dhevrolet dealers that were not selected to sell the cars would complain but it may wake them up. Having quality sales people is nice but my question is this - Have you ever bought any car that you didn't know more than the salesperson about the car? I know that I have yet to meet the sales person that knows more about the car I am buying than I do! (Maybe that means I am just dealing with bottom feeder dealers!:rotfl
My experience

I bought my first new Vette in '04, a base MY 2005 coupe. The sales guy had been dealing with Vettes for over 30 years and knew the product completely. Sadly, he has moved away. He was at Maxy Price in GA. Hendrick in Atlanta has now far surpassed Maxy in number of sales in the SE. Neither seems to have people who know the product well enough to answer simple questions. I think it is my understanding that for each Vette sold, the dealer is able to receive an additional 1.5 cars. Also, they have to maintain training specifically for their techs on Vettes. It is the techs that should know the product better than the next guy or the sales people. My current C6 is a 2006 Z06, VY, of course! The C7 will have to be something really really special for me to part with my 427.

Frankly, I do not know how a dealership would be able to remai viable selling only Vettes and still maintain a cadre of trained techs to service and repair them. The present economy would be devastating for them I would think. :ugh
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No...but the Corvette should be globalised.

Voted no to a split with Chevrolet, but I think that the Vette should be globalised.

By this I mean that it be available in LHD & RHD formats and be available on all continents, yes even in Australia.
By sharing the Vette with the rest of the world, it will ensure its survival, hey I hope that they never stop making the Vette, but the global doom and gloom economy means that we are in a changing world...only the fittest survive and if the Vette was global, it will guarantee it will be here in another 60 years.


I voted NO, just like the majority did.

I am not sure that Corvette could stand on its own. However, it is recognizable over the world by its name, without saying Chevrolet before it.

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