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  1. rrubel

    FREE 86 front rotors

    I have a pair of brake rotors from my 86 from the stock factory brake setup, left over when I upgraded to C5 fronts. I don't know what brand these are, but they're in great condition so I hate to just toss them. Free to a good home, but you have to pay shipping from 21061 (MD). [RICHR]
  2. rrubel

    free items, just pay shipping. early C4 stuff

    I could use the radio. Mine's got problems with some of the buttons so maybe I can kitbash one working unit from the two. [RICHR]
  3. rrubel

    WTB: the "4" part of a 4+3

    So where's your mom moving to? Next weekend should be fine for bringing the stuff over. I'll let you know what I decide to do with the transmission; I'm going to let Paul try and adjust things first and see if that helps enough to put off the major work a little longer. MBDiagMan, the 86 4+3...
  4. rrubel

    hypertech power chip

    Uhhh... if you can hear the ECU while you're driving, then your exhaust isn't loud enough... [RICHR]
  5. rrubel

    WTB: the "4" part of a 4+3

    Thanks - that's good to know. One reason why I just want the 4, though, is that the +3 was fairly unique for 86 and I'm not sure how well other year units will mate up (there's at least one less switch on my year). [RICHR]
  6. rrubel

    hypertech power chip

    With a good extension, you can do it by feel... My ECU box has been sitting on the floor for the last year :). [RICHR]
  7. rrubel

    WTB: the "4" part of a 4+3

    Anyone selling the manual portion of a 4+3 transmission? I think all the synchros are dead in mine and I'd like to rebuild one out of the car and have it swapped in rather than pay to have someone else do it. Condition isn't critical as I plan to rebuild much of it anyway. Thanks. [RICHR]
  8. rrubel

    WTB: Stock Throttle Body

    You're welcome, and it's not a problem... as I'd said, I have it as a spare. However, if someone needs something I have, I've no problem selling it... [RICHR]
  9. rrubel

    hypertech power chip

    If you've got an off-the-shelf chip, it most likely cannot be re-burned. If you have a custome one, then it usually can. Did you ever pull the ECU to see what you had? [RICHR]
  10. rrubel

    WTB: Stock Throttle Body

    The guy who did mine is named Dave Koldos and his email was dkoldos@ameritech.net. I assume it's still valid... He does great work. [RICHR]
  11. rrubel

    Glue Recommendation

    I agree completely. I used it to glue the plastic around the side of the air filter housing where the nut is. So far, it's held up and the nut has stayed in. I also used it to glue together a wall of aluminum cans at work, but that's a different story :) [RICHR]
  12. rrubel

    hypertech power chip

    It gets installed in the ECU, which is behind the breadloaf on the passenger side. You get to it from underneath by removing the carpeted panel. The ECU is a tan plastic frame around a metal box held in place by two bolts. There's a cover on the ECU (two phillips screws) and the chip goes...
  13. rrubel

    Breadbox Hollow?

    I can agree with this within reason. I still have the breadbox, for example, and my original closed airbox lid. However, I'll be darned if I'll keep a clapped-out flat-tappet shortblock in my garage for 20 years just because someone might want to restore the car later. I have a SuperRam and a...
  14. rrubel


    Oh boy... that's either really great news (if you wanted to build a nice new engine) or really sucky news (if your wallet is like mine). Was this an oil starvation issue, or something else? [RICHR]
  15. rrubel

    emissions passed!!

    You'd think a man who drives a Hummer would be less enviro-nut... [RICHR]
  16. rrubel

    Breadbox Hollow?

    FWIW, I replaced mine right after getting the car. I put in a plastic panel with a small shelf and nylon cover - sort of a micro glove box. It looks OK, but the storage space is invaluable and I get no more jokes about the "crash pillow." It's my car, I can customize it the way I want to :)...
  17. rrubel

    WTB: Stock Throttle Body

    I can post a pic this weekend. I wasn't aware of two different arm types, but I do know there are two different breather connection layouts. I actually bought this as a spare. I've got a rebuild 52mm on my car and was considering getting this one cleaned and also bored to 52mm. So far...
  18. rrubel

    WTB: Stock Throttle Body

    I've got one, but it's a bit dirty... make an offer. It does not have the IAC stuff on the bottom. [RICHR]
  19. rrubel

    emissions passed!!

    I have a 5-year-old. Need I say more? :) Double the headache because the CARB is so ridiculously picky. [RICHR]
  20. rrubel

    emissions passed!!

    And you've got double the headache, being in California... good luck. [RICHR]
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