Joe Potipco
Hi everyone, When I hit 30yrs. in General Motors, I thought I need a new toy. What better toy than a GM Icon. I allways like the C-3s and i did not have a big buget to play with, It took awhile to talk my wife into it, till she seen the car I showed in the driveway,[ YOU BOUGHT THAT,DIDN'T YOU!] She did like it, and told me after. The car had one owner,and took very good care her, I have the bill of sale from new.36000 miles showing, 59000 kms. Canadian. Interior and engine is mint, Body and paint looks like it came off show room floor. Just for fun I took the car to a local car show a week after a bought the car, There was over 400 entries , and brought home a trophy in Best of Class-80-89. Now the wife likes the car a little better. Spring is near and I got the itch. :cool Joe.