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53 Corvette #29 (x2?)

Rob manages the 1953 Registry here on the CAC. I will bring this thread to his attention. I don't understand what goes on over at CF. To me the important thing is to document the real 029 and I have no problem calling with out fakes. It will be very interesting to follow this story as it progresses.

Sounds like good cause to change the CAC 1953 Corvette Registry info, pertaining to #029 and ownership.

Help me out here. Ironically, I'm working on the 1953 Registry here right now. I'm in the process of integrating the look, feel and functionality of the ZR1 Registry.

I just got an email the other day from #029's owner in Indiana:

Corvette Action Center | Model Center | C1 | 1953 | 1953 Corvette Registry | Roberts, Roger's 1953 Corvette

So I'm confused now. Who is the real owner of this car, and where does this car currently reside??? ;squint:
Help me out here. Ironically, I'm working on the 1953 Registry here right now. I'm in the process of integrating the look, feel and functionality of the ZR1 Registry.

I just got an email the other day from #029's owner in Indiana:

Corvette Action Center | Model Center | C1 | 1953 | 1953 Corvette Registry | Roberts, Roger's 1953 Corvette

So I'm confused now. Who is the real owner of this car, and where does this car currently reside??? ;squint:

OK, let's think logically about this October 1st "build date" stated in the updated version of the CAC 1953 Corvette Registry, submitted by the claimed owner of the #029 car in question.

The updated version of the CAC 1953 Corvette Registry for #029, submitted by the claimed owner, 10/7/9, states that it has an Oct 1st, 1953, ink stamp under the dash. Maybe this owner will post a picture of the October 1st ink stamp? It would be interesting to see.

Not all 53's had a date ink stamped under the dash. This stamp was most likely a production stamp from GM Parts Fabrication group. The ink stamp on the body part for the hinge pillar support has the date and a GM & PF within a circle, after the date. Production or QC stamp.

Data from the Corvette Birthday Book states that #029 was built September 9th, 1953.

Also, according to engine data for 1953 Corvettes, I would challenge that car #029 was built BEFORE October 1st, 1953.
VIN ENGINE CastingDate
1 LAY300603
3 LAY303666 D283 April
5 LAY298780 D273 April
6 LAY310911 E213 May
7 LAY300602
8 LAY300602
10 LAY341016
12 LAY341017
13 LAY341015
14 LAY341013 C213 March
15 LAY380880 D283 April
16 LAY366281
17 LAY366282
18 LAY366283
19 LAY366285 D283 April
20 LAY366284
21 LAY380884 D283 April
22 LAY380881 D283 April
23 LAY380883
24 LAY380882 D293 April
25 LAY270571 D293 April
26 LAY410039
27 LAY375996 D293 April
30 LAY341014 D293 April
33 LAY341011 D283 April
35 LAY352112 D223 April
43 LAY395140 F203 June
44 LAY451668
46 LAY451666 H123 August
48 LAY411062
49 LAY270600 D283 April
50 LAY422245
51 LAY487715
53 LAY487716 H123 August
55 LAY487722 H173 August
56 0054406F54YG K303 November Styling Car Steel Hood
60 LAY494499
61 LAY451674 H123 August
62 LAY494688 H173 August
64 LAY507604 D124 April
65 LAY494733
66 LAY494790
68 LAY494500
72 LAY494651 H103 August
75 LAY494788 H213 August
76 LAY445860 H133 August
80 LAY451665
85 LAY505457 H263 August
88 LAY505458 H183 August
89 LAY425223 G223 July
91 LAY341018 D293 April
93 LAY505454
94 LAY451669 E113 May
97 LAY505455 H 3 3 August
100 LAY535454 H283 August
101 LAY535455 H263 August
105 LAY537521
108 LAY535720 F223 June
112 LAY507604
113 LAY507603 H243 August
Just my opinion.
Post up that email, now that would be funny to read what he has to say, I will have a person in the know contact you about the whole story.
The one liner with today's date in the listing is what the email stated.

The contact forms here on the site also capture the sender's IP address. The email originated from Indiana. ;shrug
From what I know or understand, the real #29 is in FL. and the not so real #29 is in Indiana claiming to be real with a not so real Vin tag etc. That is me $0.02 worth. Also it is to my understanding that the person claiming to have the real #29 (in Indiana) also has his son claiming to have a 53 Vette also but uses a different address and the son is not old enought to live on his own yet. How does that happen. I think the person in Indiana who is claiming to own all these real cars need to be careful what he is claiming. It may come back to bite him in the AZZ some day soon. :boogie

I'll get you the info I have via PM or offline to keep it safe. The car I know is a two-owner car with title work back to at least the early 60s. It's been in FL since the 90s. I'll post my original CF thread post here this evening (since I've been banned from CF until Sat).
This is going to take "Matching Mumbers" to a whole new level ! :ohnoes

Gary ;LOL

Looks like someone went go to great lengths to avoid a state issued vin and they got bit.:chuckle

This goes way beyond avoiding a state-issued VIN! You can avoid a state issued VIN, by having the frame number inspected, and having a new VIN tag made to match the title and the frame.This is completely legal in many states and is widely done. This was a matter of someone picking a car that he though was not around any more and changing the identity of his car to match that car.
I have made Repro tags to avoid state issued tags before, and this is something entirely different! A repro tag is simply a new tag that matches the original tag and title that came with the car from the factory. To make such a tag for anything but to match the original VIN # is fraud, and requires the owner to commit perjury to accomplish this.

Unfortunately, several states will grant a title to a car that does not have one by simply supplying a bill of sale and filling out an affidavit that attests that the VIN on the car is correct. It is usually accompanied by an inspection of the VIN tag, but if a person is willing to commit perjury, he clearly has no problem making a fake tag! As long as a real owner of this VIN does not surface, the person will probably get away with this forever. He took a low value 54 and turned it into a desirable early model 53, and he would have gotten away with it had not the real owner surfaced. I am sure that he surveyed all the registries, and concluded that this car was long gone, and that it was safe to use the VIN. I'll bet he is puckered up pretty tight now!:boogie

Regards, John McGraw
X2, So how much does the first car sale for then since it is fully restored now and the one in Florida is not.

Brett, there is no way in hell he can sell that car now that the cat is out of the bag. If he sells it without disclousure, he will be sued. amd if he makes disclosure, the car won't bring squat! Would you buy a car with this type of title issue?

Regards, John McGraw
For those not accustomed to censorship, here's my original CF post:

I happened to be browsing the C1 Forum and came across this interesting tidbit in a thread about "Re-Stamping/"replica cars":

by the way, here is some more discussion that is highly relevant to this topic:


Originally Posted by ctjackster
how many of your cars have reproduction VIN tags on them?

bear in mind I often ask questions that I already know the answer to . . . but would still enjoy hearing your answer just the same, esp. with regard to E53F001029 and E53F001259 . . . . .


Originally Posted by 1954corvair
Yes Brett, via CTJackser, your english language and knowledge have been profound today. Car 029 does have a reproduction vin tag with all the proper paperwork filed. No it's not for sale. Car 259 has the original tag that I'm aware of with the original drivetrain, it has been hit in the front though and is in the process of being restored.

I also have one 54 with a reproduction vin tag due to buying the car without one because it had been lost. I bought this car from Texas and had the origianl title and vin stamped on the frame.

See Brett, via CTJackster I will answer my questions without hiding my identity.


Originally Posted by ctjackster
when did you buy that 029 car and from whom, and does that paperwork show the VIN? What's the "proper paperwork filed"? I am not out to battle with you, I am really just curious what the "proper paperwork" is for a reproduction VIN tag and how you even knew just what the correct VIN was for that vehicle when the repro VIN tag was created . . . .

Now that 53 #029 intrigues me...especially since I happen to know that #029 is a two-owner Corvette that has resided in Florida since the early 90s and is finally undergoing a restoration at a facility maybe two hours north of me.

So, Mr 1954corvair, I hope your reproduction Serial Number Plate and "proper paperwork" are better than this:

BTW, the links I copied above go to an apparently deleted thread; hence no linky-dinky

The links above went to an unaccessable post but the "good stuff" seemed to be quoted.

Ethics from 1954 Corvair

#259 owner is listed as Austin Roberts in Indianapolis IN, note from owner is purchased in Sacramento CA., white with only a hardtop, doesn't run and missing alot.

Well if it only has a hardtop then, can I buy a hardtop and create a 53 also??
Ethics from 1954 Corvair

#259 owner is listed as Austin Roberts in Indianapolis IN, note from owner is purchased in Sacramento CA., white with only a hardtop, doesn't run and missing alot.

Well if it only has a hardtop then, can I buy a hardtop and create a 53 also??

Wait a minute..if #259 was allegedly turned into the '54 Motorama Corvair what's it doing with a hardtop? The Corvair was a coupe. (Never mind that another '54 Motorama Corvette had a hardtop but no production Corvettes did). Is it a Plasticon? Oh wait, rebodied. Yeah, that's it.

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