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65 brake lights don't work -- help


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2004
Middleboro, KY
1965 convertible
I hope this is a simple problem. Fuze for brake lights and courtesy lamp by appearance looks okay. Also the courtesy lamp works whereas the brake lights do not. Rear turn signals work. Both bulbs on each side flash when operating turn signals. I assume based on all of the above, that the fuze and bulbs for brake lights are okay. If my assumption is correct, what then should I check to isolate the problem and correct it?


The obvious response is the brake pedal switch, which you did not mention. Have you check how that works?

I had visually inspected it and it seem okay. Checked it again after your response; operating the retractable pin several times and the brake lights began functioning. Must be ready for replacement. Thanks for responding so quickly. Bill

Dave65 said:
The obvious response is the brake pedal switch, which you did not mention. Have you check how that works?

Take it out and squirt some brake cleaner inside. After it dries, should be good to go.
I'll do it. Ought to save me money that I spend elsewhere on the car. Thanks a bunch.
Ken Anderson said:
Take it out and squirt some brake cleaner inside. After it dries, should be good to go.
Well, for those beginners like me, the stop light switch proved to be worn out. I tinkered with it for about an hour. Brake lights worked fine for a while, then only one light would work. I called the local auto parts place and picked up a replacement for less than $3.00. Installed it and all is fine again. Thanks to a harley rider for informing me of the problem initially. And thanks to CAC members for pointing me to the probable cause. Good cruisin -- Bill

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