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85mph to 140mph SPEEDO UPGRADE

  • Thread starter Thread starter Corvette Craig
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It depends what year the car is. For mine its easy. My cruise control dont work so i have a single cable. Cruise cars have two cables upper and lower.
I disconect the cable at the tranny. Then move the grommet in the engine compartment. Its the cable next to the brake booster.
- speedo cluster glass has 6 srcrews on top and 1 one each side.
- Black finished cluster plate has 8 allen wrench headed screws.
- Speedo itself has three screws. After these screws give the speedo a tug. Then reach behind it and lift the tap that holds the cable and pull on the cable.
- Swap the cable with a new one.
I have the 700r4 tranny and the cable barely fits because the tranny is longer. Any suggestions?
mmvette80 said:
I have the 700r4 tranny and the cable barely fits because the tranny is longer. Any suggestions?

Get the 70" cable???
Corvette Central sells it. There is the two piece cable, then there is a 62" and 72". The 72" goes with manual transmission.

78-82 Speedo cable, w/o Cruise 4 Speed 72"
P/N: 213065
Price: $19.95
Sounds good. Im actaully tired of getting under the car. I guess one more time wont hurt.
MMVETTE & EV......

Hey guys, I've been SWAMPED at work, and haven't had much time to go on line. But today, I'd thought I'd give up a update. Last time I posted, my speedo had stopped working.
I ordered a new cable, waited 10 days for delivery, worked a little, played a little, ya-da, ya-da, ya-da. You know how it goes.

Well, Just two weeks ago, I was off for the day (Whew!) and now was the time to tear apart the dash, once again.
I got everything "out" and disconnected and was getting ready for the new cable installation. A buddy was to come over that day and give me (knowledge) a hand. Well, he never showed up.
Frustrated and HOT (100 plus that day) I covered the car as is.
Dash out, parts all over. Went swimming instead.

That following weekend the wife wanted to go cruising.
So, there I was rushing to "Slap everything back together" and content to wait for more time to install the cable.

We later both hopped in, a started our drive. After cruising for about ten miles, I had noticed in the corner of my eye, a little "WHITE" movement, it was the speedo.
I was so exicted, I damn near wrecked the Vette.

Since then, absolutly - NO PROBLEMS

The cable had just worked itself loose, which I tried to fix twice after the first install. It must have been the way I "SLAPPED"
everything together when I was in a hurry.
Funny how life works.
After reading this post about the upgradeable speedo, I called my mom to ask her if she had already purchased my b'day present. Normally I never ask for a particular present from anyone but I had to make an exception for a new speedo. So my mom is calling Red Line this week to order my speedo. I'm SO excited. I can't hit 140mhp, but having a speedo that looks like I can makes the vette that much more attractive to me plus others will see the 140mph speedo and think I can go that fast. Anything is better than the 85mph speedo!

CorvetteCraig where did you order that it took 10 days. Im guessing Corvette Central. They always take ten years to deliver.

I placed the order for the longer cable. The stock cable just isn't cutting it. When I go around a turn it will kick in and out.

I got it from Corvette Central,

Part # 213075, 77-82 Lower Speedo Cable w/Cruise, $ 19.95

As I stated, I never got around to installing it, but I have to be honest - looking at it, I don't think it would haved worked,
Too Short
My cruise control dont work so I have just one cable. With cruise there are two cables upper and lower. They both screw into the cruise control under the brake master cylinder.
Hey Everyone

Just checking in. How's the Speedo's.
Mine hasn't missed a beat after everything has worked itself out.
Are your's working properly?
If not, what problems?....

All I know is, I've had my Vette for 8 years now, and THIS has been my best (and one of the cheapest) investments ever.

I personally would recommend Red Line to anyone looking for a new Speedo, would you?

I put the longer cable in. So far so good. After a few months I still stare at the speedo while im driving. In the 7 yrs ive owned my vette I think the poly front bushings was the best investment. I still feel the difference after 3 yrs.
No problems with my speedo either.

Best investment under $1000? Jacobs Digital Ignition System (beside new engine)

Best (cheapest)? The Speedo...definitely!
Redline's Speedo

They set the mileage on mine before sending it to me. That was nice...



When asked: "What would you like your mileage set too...."

I said, " ahhhhhh, :eyerole 00001"

Well, at least I wanted to. :SLAP

:L :L :L :L :L
A little off topic but,

Evolution, everytime I see your car I stare at it for a while. That has to be the best looking paint job I've ever seen on a C3 (aside from the sweet American Flag paint job).


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