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85mph to 140mph SPEEDO UPGRADE

  • Thread starter Thread starter Corvette Craig
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<seriously blushing>
Thanks man...I really appreciate it.

...Your words help me justify the cost..hahahah :L

BTW...did the pic above come out, or is it just a Red X ?

EDIT: I put the small pic in just in case that larger one gets flakey...the small one should stay put...

it came out the first time, but now I get a red x, wassup?
140 mph speedo club.

Sign me up guys.I pulled my speedo today and made the call to John at Redline.I should have it in hand by Wed or Thurs.
Thanks guys!!!

Redline Speedo Upgrade


I wanted to share with all that the speedo upgrade deal is real. I spoke with John at Redline, and he was very helpful and informative. He even helped me fix the 5 miles offset I created in my speedo when I changed to 3.31 gears.

He had me pace a car with a known good speedometer and factory equipped (my wife in the Diamante), and he told me that the GM test points on speedometers are 30, 60, 90, and so on, so he suggested that I try the bottom two test points. At first, I thought that there was something wrong with my speedo (something worse that is), for I got a reading of 35 MPH at 30 and 70 MPH at 60; however, it all made sense to him because it faithfully doubled when the test point speed doubled.

He sent it to me two-day shipping, and all for the $57 dollar price, but when I got it and tried to install it, I noticed that my speedo had a sensor attached to the back of the speedo gauge gear. Are the L81's supposed to have this sensor? :confused

Anyway, I contacted him, and he'll send me another one with the sensor provision. He told me that normally, 1982 Vette's have the sensor. That he had heard that some 81's had them, but mine was the first one he ever encountered. Can anyone shed light into this currious claim? ;help

He seems like a nice vendor that invests the time that customers need. And if you think about doing the switch, then take my bit of advice and partake in such a good deal. :D
140 mph Speedo........

Hi all,

WOW. I've read all six (6) pages of posts on this subject and I have to say, I think I'm hooked. I also get the people that look at my 81 and the first thing they want to look at is the speedo. Of course I try and justify why it only reads 85, but even being the good B.S.'r that I am, it's hard to pull that one off.

Anyway, what's the phone #, point of contact (POC) or URL for REDLINE? Consider myself a member of the 140mph Speedo club.

Thanks goes out to everyone who's posted here on this subject. It was definately a deciding factor for me. I'll order the "$57.00" speedo and post before and after pics once installed. I still can't believe it's only $57.00!?!?!? WOW.


L81 speedo sensor

GerryLP said:
I noticed that my speedo had a sensor attached to the back of the speedo gauge gear. Are the L81's supposed to have this sensor? :confused ...had heard that some 81's had them, but mine was the first one he ever encountered. Can anyone shed light into this currious claim? ;help

I can just about guarantee that if you pop into the L81 forum here at CAC (if you haven't already), Yoda, Blackdog, or any of the guys will be able to get you as close to a positive answer as you'll get.
81 automatics have a speed sensor,manual trans 81's do not.

asby69- BTW RedLine is located in your fine state of Tennessee.

I have it!

New 140mph speedo came today.2 day service by FEDEX. I have a new cable also. I will install on Saturday and let everyone know how it goes.

Welcome, ALL 140 mph'ers

I can't believe this post is still ongoning.
It makes me feel good knowing I finally contributed something worth while than just my stupid opinion sometimes.
For everyone here whose ordered the speedo, CONGRATS!!!


P.S. I should have worked out some sort of commission from Redline. :L :L :L
Craig-This may go down as the best advice ever given here!!!

We all thank you for this excellent lead.
I ordered mine yesterday. Really enjoyed talking to John at Redline. He apparently enjoys what he does and it shows in his comunication with his customers. I enjoy sending my business to a person like this . It makes the hobby so much more enjoyable than having to fuss with someone that doesn't seem to know which end the gas goes in.

I just finished installing my new speedo and cable. Took it out for a good test drive. The speedo is very smooth and accurate upto 55 mph,but from there its off 10- 15 mph. When I am doing well over 80 it is barely reading 70. I will call John at RedLine in the am and see what he thinks. BTW I have installed a new gear and new cable,so I would asssume I have a faulty speedo head. Any other ideas? Boy,this kind of bums me out.

mine's in

out and in about 20 min. Right on so far up to 65, not sure how I will test beyond that point.
Hey Dave! How did you make out with your problem? Hope you get it resolved quickly.

Steve- I spoke with John at RedLine on Saturday. He said he had one other speedo with the same problem as mine some time ago. He sent another one out today and said he would reimburse me for shipping! I told him that it was not necessary but he insisted . This guy is real genuine. Anyway I will let you know how things go when I put in on Saturday. Glad to hear you got yours in and everything is fine.

2nd RedLine Speedo is off too.

I installed my 2nd speedo from RedLine yesterday and had my buddy check my calibration. This one is 5mph off at all speeds. The previous one John had sent me was at least 10mph off. Rather than get another speedo,I am going to put in another driven gear with one less tooth. This should compensate for the 5 mph difference. I can't remeber the tooth count I have on the driven gear now. I think it is 19. I am pretty sure an 18 is available or I am SOL! I would like to at least get the reading as accurate as possible.

Seems kinda strange that you'd get two speedos that were both off. I'd start to think that it may not be the speedos but something else gone awry when you pulled the old on out. Or maybe the old one was incorrect in the first place, and someone had already made changes to accomdate that irregularity...hmmmm :confused
Definately Impressed

It looks great!!! Cant wait to install it once i get my motor rebuild done. The only thing that gets me, is the "corvette" lettering is the 70's style, I have an 82 so the tach and speedo font wont match. :hb But thats ok, who can be picky when you can tell how fast youre going over 85?? Im also setting a TPI system with a hi perf. rebulilt 355 motor, so the 140 will definately come in handy. :_rock I owe it to this post to finding it, thanks guys.
Here's the link to the site for redline since i havent noticed it on here.... http://www.redlineg.com

Thanks for finding their the WEBSITE.
When I first found this place (June) and talked with John, he told me they didn't have a website yet.
It's great they finally got one, this way more "Vetters" will find them, and use them.
Good Job, and ENJOY!!!!

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