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Bloomington Gold 1954 Motorama

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ashley
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First off they built 3 Corvairs, people will disagree. Here are facts about the car at Bloomington:

1. It does have a few parts from the original 3rd car that was a motorama car.
2. The top, trunk, doors, hood center console, rear deck lid, fenders were all modified to prints.
3. The car is an early 54 frame and body, there are two hood pulls.
4. For a power train it has a 53 motor, a real 066 head and a real 53 valve cover.
5. Many old timers in this hobby have helped with this project and it is not just one person, but you are more than welcome to trash them all if you like and I can give you all the names.
6. It was only taken to Bloomington so John Kennedy and Steve Newsom could see the car up close.

First of all, congrats on getting the car almost ready, looks brilliant!!! It looks just like I would have built mine, seafoam green looks also soooooo correct for that car. I wish I could have been there to see it myself, this is my dream car for sure! I hope to see many more pics of it during various build stages too. If I ever get the chance to build one myself I will also keep the Blue Flame six in there and install a McCulloch V57 supercharger to keep the period correct theme going.

As I'd consider myself somewhat a big fan of the Corvair prototype, I'm always trying to learn more about them and their history. I've tried to read every book and magazine about it and yet there are tons of gaps to fill. You say there were 3 made, 2 is pretty obvious since the two (one green one red) were on tour simultaneously during the motorama. What about the 3rd car? What color was it? On one of the motorama books, the author states that one of the Corvairs is located in Newport Beach along with the original Nomad, do you know anything about this rumor?

Once again, congrats on the beautiful ride! :beer
I agree, the hobby is suppose to be a good hobby. The car is a good car, and alot of good people have put alot of heart in sole in this car for history. One prime example are the doors which Dave Ferguson GAVE for this project. Dave has been a great asset to this project and to the hobby.

If you want more pictures or more information I will gladly provide them to you.

I want all the pictures and information, please! :beer:beer:beer That's been one helluwa project!
Thank you, the paint color was actually taken from company spec's. It is a unique color and goes well with the blue. Many long time NCRS judges and hobbyist have worked on this car to be in this condition. As far as the car in Newport Beach, I don't know, I just know about this one and alot of history of the Corvairs.

The engine wll be just as complete, with an original 066 head and original valve cover. It's a unique vehicle and has gotten alot of attention. John Kennedy is doing the interior and has already done the correct custom carpet.

Again thanks.

Can't wait to see the finished interior and engine bay! :beer What have you used for your research, I'd like to learn more about the Corvair Corvettes.
By the way the trunk opens backward with 1953-1955 hood hinges, the prints given for the project were a huge help in the design. :)

I've never seen trunk opened on a Corvair! Cool!!! :beer
Best wishes on keeping up the with the Corvair. That is quite a list of experts in the know.
John Kennedy did the interior on my 1954 Corvette several years ago.
Still looks perfect. :w
Very nice! It's easy to see a great deal of work went into this project. Congrats.
And thank you for sharing the photos.
:wJane Ann

Really nice piece. Thanks for sharing.
Very impressive. Congrats on getting the project to this state of completion. Was the bowtie mesh in the license area available someplace or was it laser or water jet cut? Nice stuff. Are those extra tail lights '50 Pontiac? How about the chrome molding around the opening? Is that something you are working on too? The devil is in the details. I hope you are able to make this car as totally accurate as possible.

It isn't uncommon for GM to use parts originally designed for one application on another, especially when building a prototype or show car. I will enjoy watching this car develop to the finished project.

1. It does have a few parts from the original 3rd car that was a motorama car.

Care to share what these few parts are and how did you come by those items? Very cool stuff! :beer
Richard York (GM engineer)
Mary York
Dave Ferguson
John Kennedy
Russ Uzes
Steve Newsom
Allen McCutchen
Billy Espich
Noland Adams
George Campbell
George Reel

Just to name a few.

Ashley I was at BLOOMINGTON. Where was this car? I never saw it. Many of the people above I know, and you have received help from these very knowledgeable people that are the best in the 53-55 hobby. Wish you great success with the car. Where are you and the car located? I hope to see it at a summer show soon.
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