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Corvette Action Center Welcomes DeWitts Reproductions as a Sponsor


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
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The Corvette Action Center would like to welcome DeWitts Reproductions as our latest Site Sponsor.

From the DeWitts web site:

"DeWitts is the only company that specializes in Corvette aluminum radiators. Now offering "Direct Fit" high performance aluminum radiators for C1-C5 Corvetttes. Correct "Restoration Radiators" and surge tanks for 1960-72 models are reproduced from original tooling and licensed by General Motors. Stocking distributor for Spal Fans and Combinations. The only U.S. manufacturer of C3 assembled rear storage compartment units and components. Buy direct from the manufacturer and save!"

That's good news. I am already a DeWitts customer. Welcome aboard Tom.
Tom was very helpful when I purchased a new radiator ... Excellent company!
Rob said:
The only U.S. manufacturer of C3 assembled rear storage compartment units and components. Buy direct from the manufacturer and save!"
Ooh...I like the sound of that! I'm gonna be needing to replace mine. To say mine are "shot" is being considerate.
Evolution1980 said:
Ooh...I like the sound of that! I'm gonna be needing to replace mine. To say mine are "shot" is being considerate.
While you're at it, don't forget to check those brakes and that transmission linkage. Don't forget about what happened on that last blender run! :L

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