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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

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barnetdh said:
Tom -

The entire body wasn't damaged. There's a big scrape on the rear panel, the front wheel wells and panels are completely shattered, the hood has delaminated and can't be closed, the windshield is cracked, and one of the rear tires looks out of true.

- Dave

Is there any damage to anything in the engine compartment or transmission?

Where is the car now?
powderski13 said:
Who is the dealer that did this ? Do you have any pics of the damage? How did it fall of the lift?
Stewart Automotive in Colma, near San Francisco. I took pictures, and am having my insurance send an adjustor out tomorrow, after the holiday weekend.
Edmond said:
Is there any damage to anything in the engine compartment or transmission?

Where is the car now?
Edmond --

The windshield washer reservoir and tubing popped out. I didn't see any damage to the engine, and haven't looked underneath. I don't what it looks like -- the dealer said there as a drum underneath that it hit (oil waste I expect). The dealer took it down to the collision shop before I got there.

- Dave
barnetdh said:
I had my '97 in for 40,000 mile maintenance, and the dealer dumped it off the lift while changing the oil. They are not being very cooperative in making this right. My car must have fallen 6 feet -- they want to replace the body and paint it, and give it back in 3 weeks "as good as new" Anyone have any ideas on how to get them to make this right? Is there a district manager for California dealerships?
At present, the shop is responsible for what is a major goof up. If I were to settle w/ shop I would demand a letter where shop accepts entire responsibility AND all repairs completed to my satisfaction AND all potential damages and repairs be backed by a transferable long-term warranty AND shop cuts a check for 25% of pre-accident retail value AND shop provides like (or better) transportation until acceptance of shop's remedy. If shop refused any of the terms, I would ensure shop would own a much larger problem. I suggest car not leave that shop's premises unless & until you've either been fully compensated OR your attorney has opportunity to investigate & advise. Sorry for your misfortune.
Jack said:
At present, the shop is responsible for what is a major goof up. If I were to settle w/ shop I would demand a letter where shop accepts entire responsibility AND all repairs completed to my satisfaction AND all potential damages and repairs be backed by a transferable long-term warranty AND shop cuts a check for 25% of pre-accident retail value AND shop provides like (or better) transportation until acceptance of shop's remedy. If shop refused any of the terms, I would ensure shop would own a much larger problem. I suggest car not leave that shop's premises unless & until you've either been fully compensated OR your attorney has opportunity to investigate & advise. Sorry for your misfortune.
Thanks, Jack. I figured this place would be a problem when they swore that the only car they had to loan was a 2002 Malibu. This is a major Chevy-Cadillac-Infiniti dealership, with 3 lots full of new and used cars, and they didn't have anything to loan me except the Malibu -much less one of the dozens of C5s. It's lawyer time, I think.

powderski13 said:
Who is the dealer that did this ? Do you have any pics of the damage? How did it fall of the lift?
Stewart Automotive in Colma, CA. They said one of the arms on the lift didn't lock, and it fell off while they were working on it. Luckily the two guys under the car were able to get out. I haven't developed the pictures yet... It doesn't look like my C5 anymore.
pvtpilot said:
Someone already wondered how they could drop a car off a lift (completely) and I do also. Must have been a frame lift with pads that extend out to the sides ??? Did the car fall on its side 6 feet to the floor? Did the lift fail? I can see a pad slipping but can't see how the car could fall completely off. Anyhow, I am having trouble visualizing the scenario. I am just curious how this could happen so that I may avoid the same fate in the future.
Best luck, Glenn
Glenn -

One of the lift arms wasn't locked, and it slipped off. It looks like the well wheels caught on the extenders somehow - the front panels are falling off in chunks. I should have taken my clue when I brought my car in for new run-flats. They couldn't find the lug key (it was in the standard storage space for it), so they sawed the lugs off.
barnetdh said:
They couldn't find the lug key (it was in the standard storage space for it), so they sawed the lugs off.
This story gets crazier by the minute. :crazy
It sounds like the entire structure must have flexed severely upon impact. I doubt that you will ever get done finding more damage, cracks and structure seperations no matter how long you have this car or how many repairs are done. My opinion is that the only acceptable way out of this is that they now own this car.

They would be wise to offer you a C5 from their inventory that is approximate to yours in value. Even a little better would be smart just to keep the lawyers out of a deal they cant win.

Tom Bryant said:
They would be wise to offer you a C5 from their inventory that is approximate to yours in value. Even a little better would be smart just to keep the lawyers out of a deal they cant win.

Together with a hell of a warranty!

Good luck!
KOPBET said:
I've gotta see pictures to believe this. :crazy
After I read this post I put my Vette up on our Snap-On 2 post lift and tried to visualize what happened. Outside of a catastrophic failure I just can’t see it. Maybe if one of the pads was too far out the car would fall over sideways, break the post off and fall to the floor, but this would happen long before the car was 6´ high and 2 Mechs were under it. I really want to see the photos.

Regardless of what happened they F´uped your Vette. Try to find a lawyer who has specialized in ¨insurance defense¨, they know how dirty the bastards are and will be able to find a ¨soft spot¨ to attack.
barnetdh said:
Edmond --

The windshield washer reservoir and tubing popped out. I didn't see any damage to the engine, and haven't looked underneath. I don't what it looks like -- the dealer said there as a drum underneath that it hit (oil waste I expect). The dealer took it down to the collision shop before I got there.

- Dave

The dealer taking the car down to the collision shop before you got there would raise a red flag with me. I would believe that they're trying to hide something. I would've figured that standard operating procedure would be to call you down to the shop to see everything through.
Edmond said:
The dealer taking the car down to the collision shop before you got there would raise a red flag with me. I would believe that they're trying to hide something. I would've figured that standard operating procedure would be to call you down to the shop to see everything through.
The real red flag for me was when Roy, the shop manager, said not to call my insurance company. The dealership would take care of the whole thing, and if I called my insurance it would list an accident on the vehicle history, and my rates would go up. If they took care of it, the record would be clean. I called my insurance company (CSAA).

barnetdh said:
The real red flag for me was when Roy, the shop manager, said not to call my insurance company. The dealership would take care of the whole thing, and if I called my insurance it would list an accident on the vehicle history, and my rates would go up. If they took care of it, the record would be clean. I called my insurance company (CSAA).


That's a pretty blatant attempt to cover the whole thing up. The only record and insurance rates they're worried about going up are theirs. I hope you have a good attorney who will get you a brand spanking new C6. ;)
Don't get an attorney, yet. Unless you have one on retainer, you can count on one of two things; steep hourly fees or the more common 1/3 to 40% contract where this is the attorney's fee as a percentage of any recovery he gets you.

You need to figure out what you want here. Your car repaired or a replacement and let them deal with the mess that they created.

You need to do two things, and it appears that you have done both. Notify your insurance company and start a discussion with the GM of the facility. I would have all of my discussions in front of the rest of the customers coming in for repairs and the worse the situation, the louder I would get. Remember, they make more money off of service than they do off of sales.

If things don't go your way, take a couple of days off work and sit on the public property in front of the entrance to the service department with a big sign that says see me before you get any service here. Call the local TV studios, the newspaper. Make sure any discussion is the facts and no conjecture. You don't want to get sued for libel or slander. They won't like this one bit and as long as you sit on the public right of way there is not a darn thing they can do about it.
After I read this post I put my Vette up on our Snap-On 2 post lift and tried to visualize what happened. Outside of a catastrophic failure I just can’t see it. Maybe if one of the pads was too far out the car would fall over sideways, break the post off and fall to the floor, but this would happen long before the car was 6´ high and 2 Mechs were under it. I really want to see the photos.

Regardless of what happened they F´uped your Vette. Try to find a lawyer who has specialized in ¨insurance defense¨, they know how dirty the bastards are and will be able to find a ¨soft spot¨ to attack.
I'm having a hard time figuring out what happened, too. All I have is what they told me. The car was already at the body shop when I got there. The damage looks something like they tried to jack the car up by putting something in the front wheel wells above the tires, and tried to lift the car by it.
A while back some guy bought a evo from a mitts dealer, but they refused to give it to him because they "sold it at a higher price" and "forgot to end the auction" not the same thing but after they :
1 made tshirts that made the dealer look really bad
2 had local radio stations talking about it
3 spread the negative word about the dealership across hundreds of forums
4 got TV stations notified
5 stood out from telling everyone what happened

Sooner or later that man recieved an Evo, for the price he won the auction. And the dealer probably still has a lower profit to this date.

Moral: If they wont give you what you want (you should want one of compariable value or new) then ruin their reputation. At some point they will do their best to salavge their reputation and that would invlove giving you a new ride.

Sorry this happened, it sucks! (we definately need some pictures)
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