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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

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me again

ok I put a link to this thread on 3rdgen.org as well. its in the lounge so alot of people will see it. thanks for the welcome by the way.
welcome wishihadavette..........I was once like you.....lol....I owned a beautiful 1997 trans-am GTA....I was king of the world BUT it wasn't a vette.I never thought I could afford one but once the GTA got stolen right from under my eyes I decided that theives could not determine whether I should own a sports car or not.They had tried twice before until they finally did steal it.I was never going to buy another sports car when BANG I saw my '92 in the showroom...I had to have it....God willing I got it,and darn it when I think that a dealer could do something like that to my vette it and believe that it's just a car it makes me wanna :r those darn suits at GM.I know they can do "the right thing".......In reality there isn't that much of a dollar difference to them.I hope you get a vette too.....and stay away from the dealer ;)
hello, it will be years before I can afford a vette (actually I'm planning on buying one for my midlife crisis in about 25years :D ) seriously though, when I have alot more money then I do now, I'm thinking about having an LS1 put into my bird with a T-56 tranny.
right now my car dosen't see mechanics unless absolutely nessacary, there is very little on that car that I don't feel confident doing myself. I tried to post a pic of my car but the file its too big and I don't know how to shrink it down.
Hold the bus! Since it's your car you can have it fixed anywhere you want. That way you can get another estimate that would possibly total the car. I'd be taking it somewhere that wasn't so close to Stewart's Chevrolet. I've had good luck with Crown Chevrolet in Dublin for bodywork, or there is always Toy Werks in Concord. It's your car you can get it fixed anywhere you want get more esitmates, ask a shop to total it or something.
CobraKiller, WishIHadaVette, welcome to the CAC and thanks for your support.
WishIHada: here's a link to a sweet and tight little photo utility that does nice resizing, among other things. Free and a small download file. I've used it for years.

Anyway, it seems like this story has reached some critical point and taken a life of its own. I am amazed at the number of people who found out about this incident from other forums. :cool
I'm not sure if Cali law is like Iowa, but if a car here has more than a certain ammount of accumulated damage (ammount stated on titles varies by the year title was issued older ones were $3000 newer are $5000) you must sign an affidavit to that effect. These damages show up on maintenance searches also if they get reported to any insurance company or body shop that subscribes to them (Carfax etc.). I would really go after replacement and damages if it were mine. And don't go back to them in the future.
MS...thanks for the link but its just a matter of finding the program I know how to use and see if I can make it work. my computer went screwy a few weeks ago and I lost some programs. this does seem like "its taken on a life of its own" but I would be that for every one perso that sees it they pass it on to some one and it just goes exponentially (spelling?)

First of all let me tell you I really hope you'll wake up from this nightmare with an equal or better Vette than the one that had " fell after 29 years" from 6 feet and the Dealer it's trying to give you back "as good as new".

This thread is so big now that everything has been said,and I'm proud to be a Vette lover like every body else here in CAC. We all share the same feelings about your misfortune and the way the Dealer want to "fix" your Case. I still hope your Dealer will come down to sense and show he cares. But ¿what if he does not?


¿Where is General Motors?
¿Do they care?
¿Will they do something about it?
¿Will they just wash their hands?
¿Will they let 11,427 CAC Corvette Lover-Owners think they don't care?

I still believe they can do something abut it and hope they'll do it.

Best Regards,

Support from Australia

Dear Dave,

Very sorry to hear of you predicament but please don’t give up on People Power and more importantly The Corvette Lovers People Power of the World. I believe that the majority of readers are all intently reading this post and wishing a positive outcome for you. Remember Dave People Power has pulled down walls and changed Governments so the repercussions of this decision will be felt worldwide.

Once again All the Best and a positive outcome.

SAVETTE Down under.
savette68/63 said:
Dear Dave,

Very sorry to hear of you predicament but please don’t give up on People Power and more importantly The Corvette Lovers People Power of the World. I believe that the majority of readers are all intently reading this post and wishing a positive outcome for you. Remember Dave People Power has pulled down walls and changed Governments so the repercussions of this decision will be felt worldwide.

Once again All the Best and a positive outcome.

SAVETTE Down under.
That is a great point. Let’s set aside a time that every person reading this thread will stop what they are doing and concentrate on a happy outcome for Dave and his Vette.
TBV is just the man to spear point this. The time should be during Stewart’s business hours but convert it to GMT so that all of us around the world will be in tune. We will need a mantra to place in our sub conscious thought, then at the same time every day we will all think good thoughts for a solution. Go with this TBV, I will bring the Navy base at Rota on board; just let me know the time.

Has anyone suggested writing to the Corvette/Chevy magazines:

Corvette Fever
Chevy High Performance

How about:

Road & Track
Car & Driver

:mad :mad :cry :cry :cry oh my god!!! You know that is my biggest fear when ever I see my Vette or any car up on a lift. My condolences!!! I would own that dealership!!!
wishIhadavette said:
hello all, as you can see on my profile I don't have a vette, I wish I did. anyway thats unbeliveable that you are getting the run around like that. just so you know I put a link to this thread on thirdgen.org; hopefully people there will notice it and offer thier support as well. I hope things work out for you, good luck.
Thanks, Adam! I hope you end up with a 'vette someday. There is nothing like 'em. If you're lucky, you'll get a surprise like I did:

My wife decided that I was overdue for my mid-life crisis, and went car shopping. She did her research, and it didn't take long to discover that a Corvette not only gives you more car for your money than anything else, but they are also just outright beautiful to look at.

She called all the dealerships, checked maintenance histories, and shopped around until she found a primo '97 coupe. She had some money set aside for new furniture, and used it for a down payment.

I was at work, and she called me on her cell phone, and told me to come outside. There she was, grinning ear to ear, standing next to this awesome looking car. "What's this?"

She told me just to get in. Okay, not a problem. We took it to the freeway, and she said "punch it!" I did, and oh man, I felt like that scene in the first Star Wars movie when Han Solo did the warp speed thing.

I was never much into cars before this. A Corvette will make a believer out of you. What a car! This was a very special gift from a very special woman. I hope you get a surprise like I did some day.

- Dave
Edmond said:

Has anyone suggested writing to the Corvette/Chevy magazines:

Corvette Fever
Chevy High Performance
Anyone have the addresses of where to send a story to for these magazines?

- Dave
My wife and I visited some friends last night, who also have a C5 (original owner red '97 coupe that only comes out for special occasions -- it's never been rained on since he bought it). He went ballistic all over again (he was one of the first people I told about Stewarts dropping my C5), and was going to call the dealer and tell them what he thought of them.

We were talking about how tight Corvette owners are. We talked about theblackvette, and what a friend he is, even though we've never met face-to-face. The support I've been given by TBV and this forum are incredible. Thanks, again everyone!

Last night, when we were driving back home, we saw a mag red convertible, a white convertible, and several black C5's. I kept wanting to wave, even though it was night and I was in a Buick.

If you see someone waving from a silver Buick, it's just me wishing I was back in a 'vette.

- Dave
Corvette Enthusist Magazine et al

** 6/14 - email address now corrected. (T)

Dave –

I left town Thursday night thinking I’d come home today and read that Stewart had had an epiphany. If it’s any consolation, neither did I win the FL lottery this weekend! :cry - for me --- :cry :cry for you!

Seriously though, I am shocked that you’ve had no other contact with GM nor reported any action with local media or the consumer support groups you mentioned earlier in the post. I really believe this is a story that should be out – well beyond the internet.

Curt Patterson is General Manager for Corvette Enthusiast. Mustang Enthusiast, Pontiac Enthusiast, Muscle Car Enthusiast, and Cars + Parts.

His email address is cpatterson@amosaumotive.com If he hasn’t already heard about this (or from us….he should.)

His Snail Mail address is:

Curt Patterson
General Manager
AMOSAumotive Publishing
4265 New Tampa Highway
Suite 3,
Lakeland,FL 33815

Phone number is 863-688-2887
Fax: 863-688-2882

Send letters, pictures, links, kitchen sink if you think it will help.

Hang in there Dave, I'm sure you'll be back in the saddle again soon. Personally, I would LOVE to see this story in one of the vette magazines. :CAC
MM-C5 said:
Dave –

I left town Thursday night thinking I’d come home today and read that Stewart had had an epiphany. If it’s any consolation, neither did I win the FL lottery this weekend! :cry - for me --- :cry :cry for you!

Seriously though, I am shocked that you’ve had no other contact with GM nor reported any action with local media or the consumer support groups you mentioned earlier in the post. I really believe this is a story that should be out – well beyond the internet.

Thanks for the pointer to Curt Patterson, Tom. I'll contact him. the SF Bay Area 7 on Your Side is supposed to call me in the next couple of days. I'll keep you informed.

I haven't heard back from Kron 4 or the other news stations yet. I'm afraid a lot of them may not get it. You know, the "car is just a car" thinking. "What's the big deal? A dealer had an accident and is reparing the car -- what's the story?"

Maybe the story isn't so much about the car as about the people and the passion that has been touched. As of this morning, the thread had been viewed over 62,000 times.

When I last spoke to GM Customer Relations, they were under the impression that Stewart's was looking for a replacement for my car. (They said they spoke to the manager of Stewart's). I got the feeling that as far they were concerned, this was a closed issue.

- Dave
barnetdh said:
Maybe the story isn't so much about the car as about the people and the passion that has been touched. As of this morning, the thread had been viewed over 62,000 times.

When I last spoke to GM Customer Relations, they were under the impression that Stewart's was looking for a replacement for my car. (They said they spoke to the manager of Stewart's). I got the feeling that as far they were concerned, this was a closed issue.

- Dave


I can assure that this thread has seen much more than 62,000 times with all the other threads in other online forums.

Is there a possibility that Stewart could be lying to GM about the status and their resolution to this problem?
barnetdh said:
My wife decided that I was overdue for my mid-life crisis, and went car shopping. She did her research, and it didn't take long to discover that a Corvette not only gives you more car for your money than anything else, but they are also just outright beautiful to look at.

She called all the dealerships, checked maintenance histories, and shopped around until she found a primo '97 coupe. She had some money set aside for new furniture, and used it for a down payment.

That makes all of this that much more insulting. How many guys could get their wife to get into the Corvette thing? :(
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