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Do C4's go in snow??

I have driven my '87 2 full winters here in MA. The only reason I'm not this winter is because the engine is apart at the moment. She has been great in the snow and as long as you respect the throttle, it will respect you back.

I have 0 rust on the bottom even after being caked with salt/sand mix. For peace of mind I would spray the undercarriage off once a week at the carwash. Those of you with 92-96 cars should be careful of your optispark if you decide to do this.

The big problem is ice.... wow do I hate ice.

I like the AC also, but this is the first sports car that I have had with "working air". I usually just chucked it before, since it just ate power and added weight.. I suppost on this car there is enough power and weight that it is not such a big drag on the system. But I had a ball with the other cars, I only occasionally noticed the lack of AC..
Brave Vette Drivers

I sure am impressed with how many "brave" driven in the snow vette pilots we have on this thread. Especially you 94 SixSpeed. You are the bravest of them all. Spinning, sliding, drifting and loving it.

Just an observation - you only "think" you're in control. From a practical stand point, keep it off snow covered streets. Have some respect for the car, the lives of others and even your own life.

Regards - Remo
It is 55 degree's today here in Chicago and I even drove with the windows down! Ooohhhh, the sweet rumble of Flowmasters!:D
Gotta drive

Hey this is my daily driver.. It drives as well as anything I have ever driven on the snow, except the jeep and 4wd truck I used to have... I don't see any reason not to use it. As long as the snow is not so deep that the car has to plow through it with the air dam, I am driving.. As for safety, I have a very good record.. I seldom spin, and if I do it's planned, or on the track. Have a nice day.
I had an '85 that I used as my winter beater. Biggest problem for me was ground clearance - I drive on a lot of unplowed back roads to get to work, and I continually broke off the chin spoiler.
Swamp Thang said:
I had an '85 that I used as my winter beater. .

A Vette as a winter beater :J

:L :L :L :L :L :L :L :L

No Problem!

I use mine for skiing 4 years...I like the "James Bond Lotus look " ;-) Even driven through storms in Canada no problem on stock gatorbacks years ago. When it gets over 5 inches I have traction cables that make it stop and go great (most snow 9 inches). Car is fine when driven sensibly...its the wackos in sportutes I worry about! Do I go outta my way to drive it in snow? Sometimes! Hey, Its a CAR........ its MEANT to be driven! Would I do this with something collectable like a GrandSport or ZR1 or if I spent $5000 on a paint job? No, But I'd be tempted!

Worried about corrosion? NOPE! Many people (especially my car inspection guy who is a used car dealer) are impressed how car is in great shape even before they know about the snow! I just maintain it well.
Hey man just my opinion... I wont ever take my vette in the snow... i already know how it handle in the rain and that is terrible, I have an 85 get a beater or consider mass transit like someone else mentioned earlier, Swamp Thang, How did the vette beater work out for you?

My car handles better in the rain than anything I have ever driven.. And I have driven a lot of diferent types of vehicles.. Maybe yours is broke?? You guys must think these things are rare, look around, there are bunches of vettes out there... Use them, that is what they are made for. If you just want to look at it, get a picture, it's a lot cheaper.
Re: Rain

"94 Sixspeed said:
You guys must think these things are rare, look around, there are bunches of vettes out there... Use them, that is what they are made for. If you just want to look at it, get a picture, it's a lot cheaper.

I have thought about this recently myself.
I have seen a couple of Vettes out still but not many 'round here.

Someone can look up all the numbers and correct me on this:
Most years there are about 30k Vettes made +/-
Lets assume 40k as a overall average.
40,000 x 50 years = 200,000 Vettes EVER made.
Now factor in the death rate for these cars over time,
Maybe 1/2 of them no longer exist??
This leaves us with say 100k - 150k still running
So 150k/50 states = 3000 cars per state avg
Don't forget that there are plenty ov Vettes exported to other countries.
Let's say 25% so that leaves around 2250 cars per state.
10% are garage queen show cars so they wont be on the road = 2000 cars/state

Now figure something like a Ford or Chevy truck.
They make something like 250k of them each every year.

Kinda makes seeing a Vette on the road a rare thing !

Use them, that is what they are made for. If you just want to look at it, get a picture, it's a lot cheaper.

;stupid :Steer
I have to agree to some point that it is a car and was made to be driven so have fun with them !
Just don't drive them in the snow and mess up my calculation above by wrecking another one

Well my two cents. For many years we only had one car, and spent many a snowy/icy day driving the '62 vette, and than '65 vette. Back in those days most cars were rear wheel drive, and you learned how to drive them.

While not always fun, it got us where we were going.

I have to believe the C4's, with traction control can do as well if not better.
Corvette Calculations


Wouldn't 40K Corvettes time 50 years be 2 million not 200,000 Corvettes?

Regards - Remo
I read something here on the CAC months ago that said almost 90% of Corvette's ever produced are still active.

Can someone correct me on that one?
Re: Corvette Calculations

Remo said:

Wouldn't 40K Corvettes time 50 years be 2 million not 200,000 Corvettes?

Regards - Remo

I just did the math with my Corvette Black Book,
Yes I was off by a decimal point !! Good catch. :hb

Anyway from what the good book says:
From 1953 to 2000 there were 1,195,751 Vettes made in 47 years.
This works out to an average of 25,442 per year.
It was more of a dig than much else.

i still find it a rare ocassion to see another Vette on the roads around here.
I'm sure in the south and western US states they are out all year and more people have them.

Edmond said:
I read something here on the CAC months ago that said almost 90% of Corvette's ever produced are still active.

Can someone correct me on that one?

This was purely a guess on my part, you may be correct ?
Just figured with how many were turned into race cars, crashed, left for dead in a barn it seemed there must be a lot of casualties.

I look for parts on eBay for mine and I see there are a lot of Corvette grave yard dealers out there.
They seem to specialize in Vettes so there must be a lot of wrecks out there?

Again just a guess and some fun numbers to toss around
Sure why not

At least the video that came with mine said that is what the traction control system was designed for and they even show a Vette doing just that.

They also show 2 Vettes on an iced track have a drag race. The one with the traction control on won by a long shot.

Here's mine in the snow :Steer

Re: Sure why not

Corvette-Pilot said:
At least the video that came with mine said that is what the traction control system was designed for and they even show a Vette doing just that.

They also show 2 Vettes on an iced track have a drag race. The one with the traction control on won by a long shot.

Here's mine in the snow :Steer

with the top off. wow.
Unfortunately, they go about the same as the C1, C2, C3, C5, C6.
Good luck!

Charles :)
Of all threads to come across on a first visit. But the one
on the snow wreck. I agree with that Doug. A corvette
is not a car to drive on anything but a perfect day. They
are just not designed to be driven in inclement weather
conditons. People can post till the sun burns out but
the cars are not safe. After joining a local club I can see
why law enforcement officials have an attitude toward
Corvette drivers, it is justified. Some the members wouldn't
be safe behind the wheel of a Town Car yet they buy this
corvette and think they can drive like a 20 year old again.
Since buying this car my view of the car and many of its owners
has really changed.

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