I have to disagree on the Premium not changing the millage. On my 90 I have kept track of it since I bought it three yrs ago.
If I burn premium for 3 to 5 tanks full and check my millage it will be in the 22 to 24 mpg all around driving.
When I put in regular for that amount of miles I drop to 20 to 22 mpg with the same driving. I can tell seat of the pants diff. between the two.
Ethanol won't even touch my Vette. I had an 89 Riv 3800 V6 , I put in ethanol a couple times and both times my wife back from driving it and asked what was wrong with the car, it didn't run right. When a women notices it you KNOW there is a diff. She also notices the diff from premium to reg on the vette. I get the same question. Whats wrong with the vette.
I do agree with Junk on the ECM setting the timing for the fuel, that is a fact. But if and engine is optimized for a higher grade of fuel with more advance you will not get as good efficiency when it backs off the timing.
You have to do like John Robinson did and figure the cost. I find that for me the cost is about the same, so I use premium most of the time.