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Help Please Damn Car

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For some resin I am having the worst luck with my charging system in my 76 corvette. Just got the motor rebuilt and had 3 bad alternators and my neutral safety switch went out got that replaced. The car was fine for about 4 or 5 weeks one day I got in went out to dinner ate came out tried to start my car and nothing. So I try to wiggle the shifter and still nothing so I jump it and it starts up. I drive it around and in hopes to charge it back up some also my turn signals don’t work. Than I park it at a friends house for about an hour go to get back in it won’t start to my dismay. So it is jumped again starts up and still no turn signals. But for the past 4 days I have been starting it up and it starts fine. But the turn signals still wont work. What would cause these problems? Any info is greatly appreciated.

Turn signals could be a lot of things including the ground. When you say not work, do you mean the lights come up but no flash or no lights.

On the other problem, if it were me I would take it in to have a charging system check done.
Things to think about ......
1. Bad alternators can kill batteries.
2. Both battery cables ( I know the positve one is a pain to change I did it! )
3. the neutal saftey switch if defective OR not properly adjusted should still start in neutral.
4. with the key on. does it start and run if you, using a screwdriver jump the starter ? ( key switch bad ?? )
5. is the alternator charging ? should see 14 VDC or so at the output of the alt. also a screwdriver held at the back while running should have a magnetic effect on the screwdriver if its working properly.

The biggest thing to start with is the battery then the cables ( are they clean and shiney ? ) the white build up can zap alot of power when trying to start.

The turn signals are ( most probably ) unrelated and a hole nother issue.

Lastly remember since I am MILES away its hard to troubleshoot someones problems. these are where I would start if I was standing there. free advise is worth every penney you pay for it ! good luck and keep us posted.
dmrodco has a darn good list ;)

The signal lights:
  • Check the fuse
  • check for bad grounds in the light circuit (open ... no return to path to the battery)
  • Check for short in the steering column (esp. if the fuse blows when turning on the signal)
  • continuity check the wires from the fuse panel to the turn signals (look for grounds in the hot leg)

Do you have tail lights?
Do you have park lights?
Do you have clearance lights?

It may also be incorrect bulbs.. Good luck!!

Correct tool bigger hammer not always :bang

I replaced the fuse and it worked for a little while and the fuse blows. So I don’t know what exactly it is, not every time I put in a fuse does it blow but after a few uses. Help and please in detail thanks a lot.

I had a short on my 72 in the turn signals and I traced it to the grommet in the back storage compartment where the rear wiring goes out to the back lights. I found a bare spot on an orange wire but I didnt find out what it was shorting out to but I pulled it inside a few inches and just taped it and it hasnt returned. The way mine was acting was the left turn signal would short out and when you pushed on the brake pedal it also shorted out. It burned out the turn signal flasher also so you might check that on yours too, maybe if the flasher is fried thats why you arent getting any turn signals? Hope this helps, mine was an intermitant problem in that it only shorted out when you were away from home and couldnt really check it out, then when you get home it always worked...grrrr. But after a year I finally found it.
Good luck,

One method to isolate electrical probs is to start popping out fuses and then trying to run whatever is causing the prob. The last fuse that you remove when the prob goes away MIGHT be the prob. More info from you would be helpful.

Good luck

I've had this same problem with the charging system for about two years. I had the system completely reworked, checked the alternator, everything. Every once in a while, I will go out to start my car and, "click, click, click." Other times, nothing. Usually, it starts right up. I have never been able to find the source of the dead short, so if you find an answer, let me know!
Thanks for all the help

I don’t exactly know what or where the grommet resides. I need to go out and check if it has anything to do with the breaks and the left signal that may be what is causing it but I am not familiar with the wiring and location of wiring in my vette.

I know it is blowing the turn signal fuse, but are you saying I need to pop other fuses in the panel. Also what info do you need I would really like to get this all straightened out.

Last Ride
For sure if I figure out what is causing my headache I will let you know. Now I have to worry about every time I get into my vette looking cool and it won’t start so I end up looking like a tool trying to find someone to jump me. It just sucks. Don’t take this the wrong way but I am glad to find someone with a similar problem, finicky @$$ car.

Red76Vette said:
Thanks for all the help

Last Ride
For sure if I figure out what is causing my headache I will let you know. Now I have to worry about every time I get into my vette looking cool and it won’t start so I end up looking like a tool trying to find someone to jump me. It just sucks. Don’t take this the wrong way but I am glad to find someone with a similar problem, finicky @$$ car.


Yeah, been there, done that, got the t-shirt. The past year, the car has been sitting in the garage when it happens. Come to think of it, it has only happened two or three times in the past year. That makes me think it's definitely a short somewhere I haven't checked yet. As for your last comment, no offense taken. I only named her, "Last Ride" because "Money-Grubbing B!+c#" wouldn't fit on the license plate! Keep the shiny side up.

I need to find the short what do you think it could be. Also I think this should be moved to the C3 Tech forum. If a mod sees this will they please move it.


Okay today I did some more checking and it doesn’t pop when I use my break ether signal left or right tried that. Drove it around couldn’t get it to pop it just happens when I am not expecting it or don’t have time to figure it out. But that is how it always works out right? Also my flashers work with the fuse blown and the turn signals work fine till the fuse blows again. I need to track down the cause of this problem. Thanks in advance.

Check the wire harness around or near where the engine was pulled and replaced? Maybe, just maybe there is a pinched harness wire when the engine was reinstalled? I'd also check the ground strap used to ground the engine to the frame? Clean and reinstall both ends for better contact. If you don't have a ground strap, install one. It wouldn't hurt.
I don’t know a lot like what and where the wire harness or ground strap is located if you could describe or show photos of what I might be looking for that would help a lot.

Usually a ground strap looks like a flat braded (1.5'' wide approx.) metal flexable strap. It does not look like a cable like a battery cable. You might look under the car and follow the engine block's sides, or sometimes they are at the rear of the engine block. I do not know if your car even had one for that year? Maybe somone might post if there was ever one for the car, or my tell you exactly where it is?
Remeber, it won't hurt to have one installed on the car if you don't see one.
My try

This is what I would do take out one side bulb at a time , first left front and try it of course with a good fuse and so on this will let you know which side and front or back and you can troubleshoot only that side,which make the fuse blows..

Just my way
Layback Lenny
Once I isolate what exactly causes the problem ill just go ahead and do that ill buy a box of fuses and figure out what light is causing it thanks for that suggestion that might just work but that is only half the battle.

try this

This item is in the JC Whitney cataloge and you can find it online. Search the sku#14zx93740 or just put in short locator and it should come up. I have never used it but if I ever have a short like you have on my 75 I think the 30 bucks would be well spent.


Locates shorts in all 12-volt automotive electrical circuits.

$29.99 (1 item)
Skeptical on how well this product will work for my application. Have any other members used this product if so please let me know. Also I found it cheaper for you crause at harbor freight http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=33779 check it out if your interested they only want 21.99 and 3.95 to ship as apposed to 29.99 and 7.95 from JC Whitney. Any info on this product will be greatly appreciated.


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