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I guess my back is against the wall....

Well that is what I thought also. I really would rather be safe then sorry, I am sure you all can understand that. I think I might recommend this to the engine builder. Heck I will change the oil, and purchase the oil.

Oh still waiting on those pics.
vetteboy86 said:
Oh still waiting on those pics.

Well those pictures are one somebody's computer, who has a password on the windows user name...

It is funny how I have to post these pictures, but yet I am getting minimal help with putting my laptop together....Oh wait I forgot you soldered that plug in there for me.... :L
Here are some pics.
Well it looks like the guy never started building my motor. Got behind on another vehicle and couldn't get around to it. I have been patient so far, but I am going to tell him that I need the car back. If he doesn't get at least the motor built by next friday I will for sure have some words with him.

Am I wrong for thinking this way? Yes I know he has a buisiness to run, but he is the one he %&U$&* up my motor. He should have time to get my vehicle out of the way. I know everything takes time, especially the machine work. So if he originally told me this friday, and he is 4 days behind schedule, then it should be done by next week.
vetteboy86 said:
Well it looks like the guy never started building my motor. Got behind on another vehicle and couldn't get around to it. I have been patient so far, but I am going to tell him that I need the car back. If he doesn't get at least the motor built by next friday I will for sure have some words with him.

Am I wrong for thinking this way? Yes I know he has a buisiness to run, but he is the one he %&U$&* up my motor. He should have time to get my vehicle out of the way. I know everything takes time, especially the machine work. So if he originally told me this friday, and he is 4 days behind schedule, then it should be done by next week.

No, you are not wrong to think this way and be upset. In several other postings I got into a debate with someone who owned a shop about this very sort of thing. What I basically said is that many auto repair or restoration operations feel it is o.k. to keep your car as long as they chose, regardless of what they have told you. Frequently you will be told, or lead to believe, that the car will be ready by a certain time, then when you arrive to collect it you will find that very little to nothing has been done and the car has been sitting there since you dropped it off. Here, he hadn't even started putting it back together! You get no prior calls to alert you, no apologies, no explanations etc., and they will lead you to believe that YOU are the problem, not them. In addition, this seems to occur most frequently in the fancier, so-called "specialist" facilities for our cars. I think what is going on is that they suspect that we are worried that if we get angry, or try to hold them to what they said, that they will take it out some way on the car. Or, since they know they have a mechanic's lien and can keep the car if we don't pay for repairs, this causes them to stiff us in this way.

Most of us work at jobs where we face deadlines, pressures etc. Sometimes things do come up, yet I am sure that we try and keep to the deadlines and, if problems come up, at least make an effort to let people know in advance. Why the auto repair industry feels it is exempt from this common courtesy is one of the great mysteries--it's almost like they are in some sort of a "parallel universe" from a science fiction show (you know, where things like up is down, and down is up).

Folks, please chime in, here, as I am sure that we all have a similar story or stories to relate and advice to give.

/s/ Chris Kennedy
This is some of the best advice I think I have seen in awhile. The small block has been built so many ways and with such an array of HP ranges for what ever you intend to do with your car and all the really good engine builders recomend most of the stock diminsions are great just get the rough edges off and smoothe out the heads get a little better cam and watch the rubber fly....
Well while I was there the builder was working with a guy repairing the oil pickup tube on a drag car. This car had 14.5:1 compression ratio. When it started, it was almost better then......well you know.;)

The guy can build motors, after seeing this thing, I was totally sold. I think I will eventually have him do the motor on my trans am.
vetteboy86 said:
Well while I was there the builder was working with a guy repairing the oil pickup tube on a drag car. This car had 14.5:1 compression ratio. When it started, it was almost better then......well you know.;)

The guy can build motors, after seeing this thing, I was totally sold. I think I will eventually have him do the motor on my trans am.

This guy is really playing you like a fiddle....first, he messes up your engine, then he's a good guy for saying he's going to rebuild it and only charge for parts, then he gets you to spend all sorts of money on upgrades (probably skimming something from the upgrades to help him cover the labor costs he claims to be eating),then he hasn't even stated rebuilding the engine and you are all upset, now some other engine he's fixing sounds great and you are going to have him rebuild the engine on one of your other cars as you are totally "sold" on him----all this, even though the only thing you KNOW for sure about him is that he ruined your engine and hasn't even started putting that engine back together as he promised. As people say, HELLO!!

/s/ Chris Kennedy
Read what Cris Kennedy said, several times. How much abuse are you going to take from this person. I would'nt let him fix a little red wagon, much less do another engine for you. Where is your mind!!
Larry's Yellow Rdstr said:
Where is your mind!!

At his wallet...I suggest if you just looked at the newest post you go back and read this whole thread before you comment on why my brother decided to have him rebuild his motor... Everybody makes mistakes, he admitted that he was in the wrong, and we moved on... After I seen that drag car in there, and hearing it has made 140 passes, and is still running strong I am a firm believer that this guy knows what he is doing.
Look chris, **** happens. HE screwed up my motor he knows that. He was trying to make the best out of a bad situation as possible. I have checked what he charged for parts, and they are as cheap as I could have gotten them myself, so what do I care if he makes 50 here or there on the parts. I honestly dont think he is getting rich on my motor. I have talked to many people who have done motors for them, and they all have good things to say, and that he stands behind his work.

As far as that other motor, it was pretty decent. The guy says he has 140 passes on it, and the motor still runs strong. If anything goes wrong with it like the oil pick up tube, Jim is quick to fix it.

I understand him getting behind, he is self employed. I know that things happen unexpectantly for me at work that puts me behind. Bottom line is sure I am put out, but I will be dammed if I go in there all ****y because he is a week behind. I would rather wait an additional week and have the car good to go.

I have switched my way of thinking about this, I am still upset, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I would've eventually modded the motor this way, and it would have costed me several thousand more. Yes sure I am not financially well off, but at least know I know it is out of the way.

I do appreciate your concern but dont appreciate you calling me a fool. If all goes well with my motor, why not have him do another. I give the guy credit for fixing the problem he created. I know personally of another builder that really screwed us over with my brothers motor. They rebuilt it twice, not covering any charges. Needles to say it went bad a third time,and we had to foot the entire bill to another place just to get it fixed.

Most people dont see the whole picture here. I know you are making judgements about what you read, but if I posted every detail about this relationship with him, everyone would get bored of reading.

Once again I appreciate everyone's concern, and opinions. But if you want to call me a fool, please dont post.

Larry, Justin is right, read what he posted several times, and go through the thread. I know it is long, but just go back 20 or so. It has been a long uphill road.


I'm more than a little gun shy on having engines rebuilt. Your situation reminds me of the time I had a 383 stroker built for my El Camino. I used the very best parts, had a recommended machine shop build the short block, used two good tuners, spent over $6100.00 on the engine and it turned out to be the biggest POS you ever saw. That was over a year ago and I'm still mad.
I didn't mean to come off so judgmental of your builder, and I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone on this board.
My brother-in-law owns several parts stores so the $6100.00 was wholesale pricing. Walk-in customers would have spent 10,000 +.

Best of luck with your new engine.


No offense taken, I understand we all here look out for one another. Seems like everyone at one point or another will get screwed. They guy is giving me a warranty on his work, so I doubt that he would do something that would jepordize the car coming back.

Thanks for the best wishes on the motor,

Well I stopped and took pics of my motor in pieces. He did have the crank in, and the cam in, however the crank was hitting the block because the counter balances were bigger on this crank. He said that is no problem to take care off. He told me he would work on it all weekend, and try to get it done, that way next week all he has to do is put it in, and fire it up.

Well maybe I will try to post some pics.

Well there is a good chance that the motor will actually come alive tomorrow. Unfortunately I wont be able to be there, school and work have occupied all of my time. I'll let everyone know what happens.
IT RUNS, I picked it up last night, and am going to drive it all weekend. It feels strong, not as fast as I wanted, but is it ever. Needless to say the torque is amazing, and it pulls much harder up top.

Glad to hear the news! How long is the break in period?

I'm curious as to what you did with the intake. Is it still TPI?
vetteboy86 said:
IT RUNS, I picked it up last night, and am going to drive it all weekend. It feels strong, not as fast as I wanted, but is it ever. Needless to say the torque is amazing, and it pulls much harder up top.

Congratulations! I'm sure it will pick-up the additional power as it breaks in. Does it feel pretty well sorted out? That's often the most difficult thing to get squared away when modifying and rebuilding a motor.

/s/ Chris Kennedy
You know guys other then turning over a few more times since the cold start injector was deleted, everything feels very well. Yes I kept the TPI with large runners, and ported intake, and a TPIS big mouth manifold. I will show some pics of the porting.

It took a little longer then atcipated, but most times when you do not go totally stock this could happen. As far as break in, he didn't really say, just said to go out and have fun. I asked him what I should do, and how I should drive it. He said just drive it like you normally would. He figures that everyone that says wait 500 miles before you get on it, just doens't have confidence in their work, and doesn't want to see that person again any time soon.

I do have to take it back to him on wednesday, where he is going to change the oil, and just check things. He also told me that the extra torque this thing produces is fun as hell. He also did say that if I want to free up another 40 rear wheel horses, with the setup I am running, I should do headers as soon as possible. The only reason I didn't is because of money. Soon though.
Happy to see your satisfied with the work and the components, Craig. Like he said , headers will really compliment the new breathing capabilities. If you didnt install a 52MM TB, you should, with the headers. All in good time I'm sure.
Oh yea , I whooped a Rustang with the ole Chevelle a couple days ago , no contest!!:D :lou

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