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I guess my back is against the wall....

Vettefan87 said:
I'm not trying getting into a ****ing match with anybody...

That's half the fun!:L

Anyway, Mad Mic would take both you guys! :L:L:L
I was thinkin the same thing, and while they fued , it gives me more time to get mine ready. LOOK OUT BOYS!!!:D
MoeJr said:
And while you guys argue over whose Vette is faster I'll be blowing you both outta the water!:lou
Jeez, everyone wants a piece. I didn't know a new motor would create this much trouble.
Dont worry Craig, I kinda have an attachment to your car. I wont let them bully ya. We'll stay ahead of the gave.;)
Sounds good buddy :beer
Craig , since i have my new exhaust. Would you be interested in my flowmasters I took off. They are like new. 2 1/2 in and out I believe. The Y pipe was stock and is shot. You can have than for FREE. I can either ship them or we can install them at my shop. You can give me a call if you want to talk, My new number is 517-819-9990.

It might be time to rename your thread now that things are on the upswing. Maybe , "Off the Wall" :L
If he wants I can do that...or what he should do is make a new thread on exactly what was done to his motor, since it seems to run fairly well, and I can make it a sticky or something like that. Then when people ask then we have a format for a good turn key car, that has more power.
Vettefan87 said:
If he wants I can do that...or what he should do is make a new thread on exactly what was done to his motor, since it seems to run fairly well, and I can make it a sticky or something like that. Then when people ask then we have a format for a good turn key car, that has more power.

I think he should just write an article and you should put it as a technical article or something like that. It should be something like "Craig's 383 buildup" or something like that.
Edmond said:
I think he should just write an article and you should put it as a technical article or something like that. It should be something like "Craig's 383 buildup" or something like that.

That sounds like a good idea. Would you guys want me to make it a sticky thread and close it perhaps so it doesn't get cluttered with replies?;shrug It would be a nice thing to have for reference.
Well guys, lets not forget that the motor only has about 300 miles on it. I admit is something was wrong, it could've showed itself already. However I am not out of the woods yet.
maxrevs85 said:
If you didnt install a 52MM TB, you should, with the headers. All in good time I'm sure.

Not to be contrarian here, but I've read a lot of discussion on this issue. I don't claim to even understand the hoses and the pumps and all that stuff, but I do un derstand results, and there are many many cars running 22-24 # injectors running 10's and 11's with 48MM TB's in 350's and 383's.

The fast guys say that you don't really need a bigger TB and injectors until you get into the bigger bore SB engines. It's overkill and money uneccesarily spent. Even setups like yours and mine with ported this and that just can't move that much air. It will produce quicker throttle response from idle, but this is not translated into increased HP and does not increase performance according to the vast majority of fast car owners.

That said, I have a 58MM LPE TB and 30# injectors, but only because they came with my motor. Craig, happy to see you are back on the road and :D
Be careful, you probably haven't really put it to the test yet, and the open road is not really the best place to do it. These things are scary poweful and can get away from ya before you no it. I know it's tempting and we all do it from time to time, but think about how it would feel to hit someone that appeared unexpectedly at 110+. There's not much time to react at those speeds. So be safe, take it to the track and impress us, and youself with some good #'s :beer
From what I've read, the 48mm TB can support well more than 450 HP. Don't know how true that is but that seems to be brought up quite a bit.
I guess there is only one way to find out.
vetteboy86 said:
I guess there is only one way to find out.

For $300, I would just keep the 48.
I was hoping someone would donate theirs for a weekend, so I could find out.;)
I tried it . With the 48mm the bottom end was very strong but the mid and top end sucked. It pulled to about 4500 and then was soft after that with nothing at 5000. And with each gear change you lost . With the 58mm the bottom end was nt as strong but hooked up better and mid and top was strong to 5500. The car wanted to go sideways with every gear change. I could do 120mph in the same distance that I did 105 with the 48mm. Thats my experience with the two TB's.

I need to add that the rpm's might be a little off with the 58mm .The digital tach wont keep up with the actual accelleration:)
Awesome explanation, Dave, I am going to have to make a decision. Kind of torn between which way to go. I am going to save money for the car fund, over the off season.
vetteboy86 said:
Awesome explanation, Dave, I am going to have to make a decision. Kind of torn between which way to go. I am going to save money for the car fund, over the off season.

Or just hit up your brother for the $$$. :L

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