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I Miss (Driving) My C5

RAP said:
No snow on the ground here but the roads are still a mess. I'm waiting for a few days of rain to wash them off so I can uncover Annie and go for a long deserved drive.

If I don't drive mine everyday I start waving at everything that moves from any car I'm driving..........

It's kind of a cold snap today.......down to mid seventies.....:beer:w:w
Remo: Have to agree, this New England winter has been a bear. But maybe...maybe... I got an even sadder story. I put away the C5 in December, having ordered a Z51 C6 in early October. I was told it wouldn't come in until mid-March. It came in January!

Other than driving it home and four brief excursions when it was dry (and washing it afterward) I have had to walk by it every day for weeks at a time. It justs sits there tempting me.....but I can't take a chance with the ice and snow situation that seems to be an every day event this winter...
Guy said:

I went to pick up my new vanity plates for the Vette today, they came in as "Camper" plates and had to be sent back!


So, your FRC is now a camper, huh?!! Guess you can camp all the way to BG and also to Carlisle. To hell with the high cost of hotels!!!:L


Just waiting for all the salt to be washed away by a couple of good rains. Can't wait to drive my Corvette again. Save the Wave.>George
There was a little frost on my windshield this morning, Rain-ex took care of that but I did have to turn on my heater for a few minutes. The C5 has an excellent heater too bad few people use them.

Too bad you guys are getting so much snow, you must have gotten some of ours we haven't had all that much.;LOL
Well Remo, your getting much slack that's for sure. 48 Maine winters was all that I could stand.

The weather for Bowling Green Tuesday is partly sunny 52 degrees........:lou

It's a take your corvette to work day.
Wisconsin is a tease.

At the end of February and beginning of March we had a couple of beautiful weekends - dry and sunny and 50-60 degrees. Just toying with us :mad. This state is a swarthy taskmaster! Give me San Diego or give me death...

Mylocat, where in Madison are you, I grew up in madison. there are not many corvettes there, what made you decide on one.
Remo said:
Another outrageous winter storm this weekend in New England followed by hours of snow removal. The C5 remains in it's winter quarters and I haven't driven it since mid October. Snowbanks along my driveway are close to shoulder high and we are expecting more snow in a few days. At this rate the Vette will be in winter storage for another two months. I will continue to take medication.

Remo Ive felt your pain, Do what I did. I bought an older c4, this way I have a winter beater, Ha Ha its actually in really nice cond though. This way my real baby gets to rest through this crappy weather. I'am actually ready to sell her for cheap $$$ to some lucky person...95 white coupe.
I figure mabye next month after the sand is gone too,only a couple more weeks.
I just think about how much a new paint job would be.
No More Cabin Fever

I, like, DDLS1 lived in Maine most of my life, and as I got older found the winters unbearable. Once the snow is gone, then the pot holes and frost heaves appear; no one lowers their Corvette in Maine. Sometimes we would get snow in April, prolonging the time when the Vette could come out of hibernation. I have always maintained that no one should have to live up north if they choose not to. Of course, there are those who would argue that winter is a great time to enjoy the out of doors, and they wouldn't give it up for year round fun in the sun. I, too, enjoy returning to Maine and enjoying the two days of summer - July 4th and 5th! Ayuh!

Hello JoeMackin!
Grew up in Fort Atkinson and moved to Madison after getting out of the Navy. We lived on the west side near Middleton for a long time on Longmeadow Road, but now live in the burbs in Oregon. I like driving pony cars and always kept a Camaro, Trans Ams, or Mustang Cobra :eyerole in the barn, all the while lusting after a vette. It's the classic American sports car!! When finally able to afford one there wasn't a moment of doubt.

Where in Madison did you live? How do you like the Chicago area?

Ron, my fellow Mainiac, well put.......my Grandfather always told me that Maine had but 2 seasons Winter and the Fourth of July ;LOL (and he was pretty darn close) We had some frost heaves so large one year that children riding the school bus were often thrown from their seats. What fond memories..:eyerole Remo I promise, it will stop snowing.......now take your meds.
Remo, it is pretty obvious to me that you, and your fellow Northeasterners (by virtue of guilt by association), are being punished because you have steadfastly refused to come to Cruisefest.

Just go ahead and make your reservations, and stop putting your fellow vette enthusiasts through all this.

MsSchroder said:
Remo, it is pretty obvious to me that you, and your fellow Northeasterners (by virtue of guilt by association), are being punished because you have steadfastly refused to come to Cruisefest.

Just go ahead and make your reservations, and stop putting your fellow vette enthusiasts through all this.


I think you have a point there Tammy, notice how the weather was so bad there while Rowdy was in Daytona ;LOL
MsSchroder said:
Remo, it is pretty obvious to me that you, and your fellow Northeasterners (by virtue of guilt by association), are being punished because you have steadfastly refused to come to Cruisefest.

Just go ahead and make your reservations, and stop putting your fellow vette enthusiasts through all this.


Too much pressure combined with too much winter. I'm doubling up on my meds.

gmjunkie said:
Can I and my Bitter Half come too? Do you allow Hillbilly's? With White Lightning ? If so We will come, If some one up North will give CoolHandLuke a Ride!! I will even bring my Getfiddel and amp., Edmond should bring His!!:drink :drink :Silly ;LOL ;LOL :crazy :dance :Twist :dance gmjunkie!!

I'll bring my bass guitar. Now all we need is a drummer ;LOL

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