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Inexpensive fiberglass T-tops


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2002
Rockingham County, NH
1979 L82, 1987 Buick Grand National
Does anyone have a good source for inexpensive fiberglass T-tops? I have glass tops, right now, but I'd like a 'spare' set of fiberglass tops, in case I ever take a long weekend and have luggage (I don't like the idea of my luggage bouncing around with my expensive glass tops). So, they need to be decent, but nothing too fancy - I mean, I don't want to subject expensive fiberglass tops to the same abuse, either.

No hurry, since it's winter - so if anyone is thinking about buying glass tops, and doesn't want to keep their fiberglass ones, drop me a line.

I would go with the ASTRO tops as as my "other tops". If you have a black car like I do- they look like they are opaque and thus keep the theme of being black. They run about $400 or so but they are really worth it! Just don't beat them up because they DO SCRATCH!
That definitely might be an option. My car is light (either 'classic white' or 'light beige' - I haven't seen paint chips), so the contrast with the black top might work well. I think I may email them and ask if they have a picture of the black top on a light car.

Astro Top

No need to ask for a picture, look at my avartar.
I have a Astro Top, and use it for the long hauls.
Be warned though, they do leak, and also don't really hold down the wind noise. The Astro Top is what it is, a cheap ($350.00) aftermarket top for Corvettes.
Don't get me wrong, it's O.K., but the rear mounts on this thing are the cheeseist design I've ever seen, and couldn't keep someone out of the car if it wanted too. The fit is poor, and the stripping is even worse. Enough bashing though, because of the one piece design, they are a good alturnative to the T's, and do provide some additional head room, but I'd look to buy a used one if you can find one, don't pay over 150.00.
On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd give the Astro Top about 5.

You might want to check out the Vette suppliers and look at the RAIN COAT TOP (249.00)
I have one of these too, it's a very heavy canvas top that mounts right to the t-top fasteners and velcro. Believe it or not, I like this much better. It rolls up for quick storage in the back, and seems to me much more secure. The down side of this top is it requires you to stick velcro on both the front upper pillar and behind.
On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd give this a 8.

To hide the velcro, I also have the WINDJAMMER (139.00) VISOR, which IMHO adds a VERY COOL overall look to the Vette.
On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd it a 10.

Keep in mind though before you spend any money on aftermarket stuff, there's nothing like a FACTORY FIT, and depending on what you want vs. cost and options, maybe the fiberglass tops are exactly what you need and should continue to look for.
I haven't looked in months ... but f'glast t-tops used to be ebaymotors ... routinely 3 or 4 pairs ... often a pair with bad paint & bad/no headliners would go for $40-$75 there. Go there & seach for "t-top"

This is the "Cheesy" one peice. Yes, I looked at it too and said "Uhhh.... NO!!!!".

This one is made from ORIGINAL 78-82 GLASS TOP FRAMES. Here, the expensive glass has been replaced with Acrylic. They don't leak any more than any other tops- for me that's never in 5 years!

I would stay away from anything 1 piece just as a rule. Because the design was for two tops that were "mirror images" of eachother, you can't expect a 1 peice job to actually fit right.
Lot's of ideas to consider.

I like the idea of having a canvas top that I could keep in the back, in case I got caught by a rainstorm without my regular tops. Not much of an anti-theft deterrant, though.

I'm going to have to think about this one a bit more, and keep an eye on the local classifieds for any tops for sale.

Try E-bay

i see a bunch of used tops in a variety of conditions for next to nothing.Good luck.

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