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LED Tail Lights?

  • Thread starter Thread starter dave7822
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Even though i dont own a C5, i'd like to say thanks for the LAPD site link....i was wondering where to pick up some export lamps, or was tryin to compare prices between Ecklers/MA and other places. Btw, whats your opinion on export lamps?
Hey Dave,
They get about $530 for these things, and I think that's a lot. As LED's become more and more available that price will drop, hang in there.
LED Tail Lights

This is an old thread, but I see where the LED tail lights are coming down in price. Does anyone have them on their C5? What should a person look for when shopping for them? Are they easy to install?

This is an old thread, but I see where the LED tail lights are coming down in price. Does anyone have them on their C5? What should a person look for when shopping for them? Are they easy to install?

I bought the LED tail lights from Mid America Motorworks for 350$ last year.They look awesome,I have gotten numerous comments on them.I've had people pull up beside me on the interstate at night and then back off behind me to get a good look at them.The installation is a cinch,it took me about 20 minutes to do.You just take the two screws out of the tail light,unplug it,plug the new one in and re-install the light.Just keep in mind that the lights are labeled to the different positions(i.e. Left Rear outside,Left rear inside) you'll see it ,it isn't hard to figure out.It changes the whole look of the car,especially at night! They are very bright,I like them a lot more than the stock tail lights.
Got mine on the big auction sight. Halo LED's are great. Have had them for 2 years with no problems.
Got mine from Corvette Enhancements. He has them for $324 bucks right now and Richard stands behind his products.

I finally bit the bullet and got a set from Zip Products because I had a nice free gift certificate to use up. They do look awesome, however the right side directionals flash at twice the speed of the stock tail lights and the left side flash at 3 times the speed of the stock ones. I noticed that they were labeled Right and Left, but I didn't see anything that said Outside or Inside. Maybe if I switch the two left ones this will correct the difference in flash speed between the two sets. I have contacted Zip Technical Support but they haven't gotten back to me (seems odd since it's been 2 days already). Anybody out there experience a flash speed problem with their LED's?
I suppose an LED system is less likely to go out on you. Cops like to pull people over for having a non-working tail light so reducing the possibility of a burnt out bulb wrecking havoc on your life is a good thing.

Or is the "bling" going to entice the cops?

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