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New Member, C-5 still stalls

You still need to Disassemble,Clean and Inspect the rest of the grounds,It's cheap insurance!!:thumb

grounds,Grounds,GROUNDS........High-Resistance or Non-Existent Grounds Make Electronics do Weird Sh*t!



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More grounds

You still need to Disassemble,Clean and Inspect the rest of the grounds,It's cheap insurance!!:thumb

grounds,Grounds,GROUNDS........High-Resistance or Non-Existent Grounds Make Electronics do Weird Sh*t!


gmjunkie, I'll take a closer look at all my grounds tomorrow. You know, this almost falls into a annual preventive maintenance category. It's surprising how such a little bit of corrosion can create such havoc with todays sensitive automobiles, well with corvettes anyway. Time will tell if this will put a stop to my other problems. I've been keeping a close watch on my voltage today. We've been out today, starting, stopping, restarting. So far things are looking better.
Great to hear. Let us know how things go. We'll work with you on codes and any issues that come back.

B1001 is an airbag related issue. It is a mismatch of Identification ID between the BCM and the Airbag Module (SDM). It should cause the airbag light to come on and disable any airbag deployments. It can be fixed by just programming a match. Normally the result of some component replacement. Since it was H it was probably an anomaly I we'll just have to wait and see if it comes back. Unless you have an airbag light ON, you should be fine.
Outstanding. . . . . . .

Good news, hope this solves your problems. Really :cool!: seeing people work together and solve a problem, that's what it's all about folks, :beer. I wish for you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY, HEALTHY, NEW YEAR FILLED WITH JOY with many more to come :happyanim:


P.S. On all the ground points I've never checked them all and I'm not having any problems but thought this winter while in storage I would check them all just to make sure they are clean. I did have somewhere and maybe it's in the service manual too a detailed diagram of these round points; little more details than the one you showed her Junk. I thought there was one labeled as to what each was, be kind of nice to know.

P.S. ................ I did have somewhere and maybe it's in the service manual too a detailed diagram of these round points; little more details than the one you showed her Junk. I thought there was one labeled as to what each was, be kind of nice to know.

Probly in the paper manual Bill,the photo is off of the electronic version.
I do see a problem with it though,They forgot to show the ground pack back side of the A pillar under the kick panel on the passenger side striate across from #5! #5 is on the backside of the A pillar under the kick panel too, #1 and #4 are behind seats inside the car under the rear trim and could be a high up as under the halo trim on some models!:thumb
#6 it's easier to remove the lower wheel house panel to get to it to clean it!:thumb
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Probly in the paper manual Bill,the photo is off of the electronic version.
I do see a problem with it though,They forgot to show the ground pack back side of the A pillar under the kick panel on the passenger side striate across from #5! #5 is on the backside of the A pillar under the kick panel too, #1 and #4 are behind seats inside the car under the rear trim and could be a high up as under the halo trim on some models!:thumb
#6 it's easier to remove the lower wheel house panel to get to it to clean it!:thumb

Curiously I found nothing connected to the #2 ground post and see no dangling wires in the vicinity. I must say it's best to be very cautious with these interior pieces, as age has made some of these pieces brittle and weak.
I've had another successful day of running errands, stopping, starting with no signs of low voltage and even the drivers seat remembers where it was programmed to move to.

Great to hear. Let us know how things go. We'll work with you on codes and any issues that come back.

B1001 is an airbag related issue. It is a mismatch of Identification ID between the BCM and the Airbag Module (SDM). It should cause the airbag light to come on and disable any airbag deployments. It can be fixed by just programming a match. Normally the result of some component replacement. Since it was H it was probably an anomaly I we'll just have to wait and see if it comes back. Unless you have an airbag light ON, you should be fine.

Never seen the air bag light on. I'll keep checking the DTC's randomly and keep you posted one way or another.
Since it was an H I would assume it was a random event probably due to low voltage.
Hey Junk. . . . . . . What ya think?

Thanks, got a few other projects to do then I thought I would check all the grounds one by one, never have yet. Do you recommend spraying them or coating them with something after cleaning?
Thanks, got a few other projects to do then I thought I would check all the grounds one by one, never have yet. Do you recommend spraying them or coating them with something after cleaning?
Bill,I use BoeShield T-9 after reassembly,have for 30 years and it's the best I've found!:thumb

Boeshield T-9, 12 oz. Aerosol
Thanks Junk, I assume I can get this at any parts store!
I've never seen it in a auto parts store Bill,I buy mine by the case (6/12oz Aerosol ) at a Electrical supply house in Ft Pierce FL. Some Sears Stores carry it in the tool department,Woodworking Supply Stores,Motor Home and RV Dealers, High end bike shops and allot of Marinas carry it in their parts department! I use it on anything that I don't want to oxidize!:thumb

It was developed by Boeing about 40 years ago for Aircraft Electronics and Corrosion Protection!:thumb
You da Man!!!

Thanks again Junk, will check a few places around here if I can not find it I will order on-line.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my man. . . . . . . . . with many more to come.

3 codes

Great to hear. Let us know how things go. We'll work with you on codes and any issues that come back.

B1001 is an airbag related issue. It is a mismatch of Identification ID between the BCM and the Airbag Module (SDM). It should cause the airbag light to come on and disable any airbag deployments. It can be fixed by just programming a match. Normally the result of some component replacement. Since it was H it was probably an anomaly I we'll just have to wait and see if it comes back. Unless you have an airbag light ON, you should be fine.

My C-5 has been running fine the last few days. No signs of low voltage or stalling. Whew, glad of that. I have come up with three codes though. U1096H,U1064H and U1016H. All appear to be communication issues. I'll have to keep digging around under panels and carpets to get after possible loose connections. I'll tell you, the more I dig around this car the more seems like a real wiring nightmare.
My C-5 has been running fine the last few days. No signs of low voltage or stalling. Whew, glad of that. I have come up with three codes though. U1096H,U1064H and U1016H. All appear to be communication issues. I'll have to keep digging around under panels and carpets to get after possible loose connections. I'll tell you, the more I dig around this car the more seems like a real wiring nightmare.
Did you disconnect the battery before cleaning the R&L A pillar grounds?
If Not,Thats probly the reason!:thumb
Gnd 1&4

Did you disconnect the battery before cleaning the R&L A pillar grounds?
If Not,Thats probly the reason!:thumb


To be honest with you gmjunkie, I gave up trying to get to the grounds for #'s 1&4. I know, I know, I should check them all but I don't have a good enough excuse other than I'm not up to tearing out those vinyl pieces behind the seat and under the hatch at the moment. Especially with a bad back and extremity's then after taking out the door sill, bottom of the cluster panel searching hi and lo for what appears to be a non-existent #5 ground any where in that area. So I'm assuming there's only 5 grounds seeing as how #2 has nothing attached to it. I don't know, could be I've got an intermittent problem with communication between the BCM and components trying to communicate with it, for I hardly ever dis-connect the battery. I checked the connections as best I could today for the BCM. Wiggled them around a bit trying to create a code. Nothing happened. Sometimes it seems that my key fob doesn't communicate well. I've bought a brand new one from GM a month or so ago as my original ones, which one stopped working years ago and just recently the second one wasn't doing well. This got my curiosity up about those old key-fobs. Taking them apart I found what appears to be a small capacitor that appears to have been soldered to the circuit board at one time. I'll see what I can do about re-soldering them tomorrow. A bit late, but what the heck, maybe I'll end up with three key-fobs.

I know how important grounds are as you say. I've got an older (1940, dare I say ford? Pick-up) It's 6 volts with an original engine and running gear. There are grounds all over, and very accessible. Luckily it's a lot more forgiving than my C-5. I check them occasionally. Seems like if the battery is well charged and I have a decent ground it runs just fine. Gradually it begins to lose it's energy though if things aren't good. Nothing like this sensitive electronics we have today. I'll keep you up to date on any thing else I can think of. Thanks for your support on this.
Getting Back

Since it was an H I would assume it was a random event probably due to low voltage.

dadaroo, Thought I'd get back to you and those that were such a tremendous help to me. There's been no signs of any stalling or low voltage issues. The drivers seat now always goes to where it was programmed to and I would venture to say that there is a noticeable difference in the performance of my C-5 after doing all the things I did leading up to fixing the real culprit of my problems with the stalling issue (bad ground's). I do get a few codes though. U1096H, U1064H and U1016H. All appear to be communication issues. One thing I don't see in my service manual is "star connector terminals". What do they look like? I haven't seen anything that I would consider a star connector. Hmmmmm.

I have to extend my sincere thanks to all of you and wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas.
C-5 Ground locations. . . . . . . . and or issues.

Did you first look in the service manual for a easy to read location schematic of these grounds? I am getting ready to check all mine and wanted to know if there is anything I need to know to location them all. Junk brought a good point that I probably wouldn't have thought about one way or the other, disconnect the batter or it will record trouble codes I'm assuming. I have not yet looked in the service manual for these grounds, but thought since you're doing it now you may be able to give me some get started advice.

more grounds

Did you first look in the service manual for a easy to read location schematic of these grounds? I am getting ready to check all mine and wanted to know if there is anything I need to know to location them all. Junk brought a good point that I probably wouldn't have thought about one way or the other, disconnect the batter or it will record trouble codes I'm assuming. I have not yet looked in the service manual for these grounds, but thought since you're doing it now you may be able to give me some get started advice.


Bill, Page 8-374 in the service manual shows the grounds general location. The interior ones are buried and I gave up trying to find them. One thing I found is #3 & #4 have a little black box where a bunch of wires come together. Inside that box it's possible there are some bad connections being exposed to whatever goes on in the engine compartment. I'm going to check mine, as I still get a few random diagnostic codes relating to communication issues. I have to say that none of these grounds are easy to get to. I would check and log down your trouble codes before you start. You could go ahead and delete them after that. But that's up to you. I didn't notice anything one way or another by dis-connecting the battery. One thing I might mention is, if your C-5 ever had that leaking battery issue, it could have really created havoc on the ground and communication wires below it. I'd start checking the wires there first.

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