Okay, I think I understand better now Gerry, thanks. We know that the EGR was bad, so at least I didn't waste time/money on something that wasn't broken. I will still say, just to be clear, it is not the RPM change that bothers me, but rather the engine vibration when the idle drops. Regardless, a consumption test is indeed next.
And as for if it passed the dwell test... I dunno! :L This is what I do know: After going for a drive (so it is sufficiently warmed up), there is a constant 2.9 degrees dwell. Then, every minute or two, the rpm drops slightly and the engine vibrates, and THAT'S when I get the dwell "flux" between ~27-37 degrees. So, the dwell appears to be changing with the engine vibration I'm chasing my tail over. This happens every time I've checked it. Engine smooth = 2.9 degrees. Engine rough = normal "flux."
Consumption test is next. I promise
I am willing to bet that if you followed fig. 6E1-17-Chart 1 (page 6E1-12), you'll find that the left side of the chart will reveal the problem. A steady dwell of 10 deg or less can be isolated with this chart. By the way, when it says to,"choke engine", what it means is that you cup your hands over the carburetor Venturi to physically reduce the air flow.
I am also thinking the possibility of hose routing causing a problem, but it seems less likely.

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