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removing clear coat


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2003
li ny
Let me throw this out there.Would like to remove clear coat on wheels. Acetone did not do anything. Very fine steel wool takes awhile.Did this on my bike and steel wool cut threw alot faster ...guess the coating is not as thick. I`ll sit back now and wait for all the replys to come rolling in .
I used airplane stripper...you can get it locally at places like Autozone follow the directions
...But don't use Peel-Away...I used that stuff once and it melted my wheel. ;LOL
thanks Jon will give it a shot ,never heard of the stuff ...what eles is it used for?
I see posts about stripping the aluminum wheels...

After stripping them, do you have to re-coat them?

Do they oxidize or pit if you don't?

Does it mean you have to spend more time on uncoated wheels to keep them bright?

Well Mark what I do is strip the clear coat,then polish the aluminum.Lot of work...but when done right they look like chrome. Guess you could clear them agan but won`t have any thing to polish next week.

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