Since reading the thread about programming the 95 I become curious. I know we have a member that can program the prom chips in the OBD I cars. Which I will probably be contacting sooner or later. However where would somebody go to get both the software and the loader to do the chips? I thought it would be neat to have one. I have the computer knowledge, probably just the lack of funds to purchase it. Oh yeah anybody got a price?
Data Master (TTS) is another but their help line sucks.
You have an 86 it uses a chip and the 95 has a programable computer the driver can change.
I use data master to moniter the engine and tuner cats or lt1 edit to program the car.
Just make sure you down load your data before you change any of it.
To just see what the engine is doing about $300.00 or so
So then there is software I can plug into the diagnostic center and monitor engine characteristics. If I want to change I have to pull the chip and re-program that. Ideally I would like to have it computer tuned on a dyno, but I dont know what kind of process that would be with the old style computer.
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