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[Video] Lotus Elise vs. C5 Corvette


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
This video actually get interesting half way through. The Elise ends up giving the Vette a run for its money, but it also seems like the Vette backed off a little too. Interesting...
I think the Corvette toyed with him. Any time he wanted he left Elise in his wake.
Awesome Video...

The Corvette only slowed down for the golf and the continued ability of the Lotus to film the corvette..IMHO..

Great video and the Lotus is an excellent sports car..

Out classed by the Vette in my opinion but a great car all the same..


It looks obvious that the vette was toying with him. I loved it when the vette had enough, and pulled away again. You never saw the vette on screen again.

From what I've read, the elise is more looks than performance.
Wow. I'd love to do that.

Secondly, I'd love to know more about that vette. It did not have a rear spoiler like the ALMS vettes, so I wonder if that was a stock vette. In addition, it did not have the rear vent for the rear brakes so I wonder if it was even a Z06.

The Elise is a nice car but the rattles, and other sounds were quite familar. But I wonder how long would it last. In that last straightaway the vette was gone. Plus, did anyone else wonder about his hand position. Why did he not reposition his hands in the turns.

Finally, he needs to take cough medicine.
I would love to see this video but I'm logging on from work (no computer at home) and the "Big Brother System" is preventing me from going to the site. If someone has the time (and doesn't mind) could you email this mpeg to me?

Thanks in advance,
Kenny, sorry, I tried to email it to you, but my server wont let me. It says the files too big. Anyone else?

I just sent you an email. I almost killed my system doing so. This is a 40 Meg file. The email is titled vette v elise from Stephen


Sorry....I just got an email saying that the file was too large for you to receive.
Only real option is for someone to download it, burn it to CD and mail it to him USPS.

Cool video Rob. Not sure if this was taped at one of those come and drive 'one of our sports cars' events. Or a 'bring your own' no matter your driving ability events. I think the Elise had a gov or rev limiter on it (never drove one, seemed like it needed 2 more plugs or another gear). IMO... always like to see lap times with the SAME driver... could have been a novice versus pro (in either car).

I got to drive a Winston Cup car at Texas Motor Speedway... problem is they had it set to stay under 175 mph. Still was a lot of fun though.

This reminds me... gotta go home and play 'Need for Speed' on the PlayStation later!
Great video! The Corvette is something in those straightaways! Sounded like the Lotus could have used an extra gear.

Thanks for the effort, guys. I really appreciate it. I'll have access to an outside computer tomorrow. I'll check it out then.

Thanks again,

Let me know if you are still unable to get the video. I can try putting it on a different webserver than it's on and you might be able to get it that way...

Thanks, Fred! The thing is, I don't know how the "Big Brother" system filters websites so I wouldn't want you to go out of your way to place it somewhere and I still not be able to access it.

I'm going to visit my folks tomorrow so I'm sure I'll be able to view it there. If not, I'll probably have to take you up on your offer because I badly want to see this vid'!!!!

Thanks again,

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