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What happened to our oil filters?


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2001
2003 Z06
I was at Pep Boys today looking for an oil filter.

I noticed that Mobil recently discontinued our M1-202 filter for a smaller filter.

I looked at the Purolator Pure One filter and it was noticeably shorter than the filter that we usually use. The current Purolator was 20049.

What's going on here?

I just didn't feel confident about using a shorter oil filter with noticeably less filtering area.

I'm taking a trip to Murrays to see if they still carry the K&N in the "right" size.
Dunno, but did you know that the ACDelco oil filter part number for a big block LS-4 is "PF454"??? :D
74bigblock said:
Dunno, but did you know that the ACDelco oil filter part number for a big block LS-4 is "PF454"??? :D

When I looked up the Delco filter, it said that my filter # was PF454. :ugh I swear it either used to be PF52 or PF54.
I do know that my LS1 Delco filter number changed recently also... It used to be PF44, and now it's something else... donno what it changed to... last oil change was done with camshaft install... that was the 1st oil change i did not do on that car!
AC Delco discontinued the PF25 for the L98 motors and the three makers of all the aftermarket filters did the same thing. The new smaller filters for the L98 are probably something that is already used on other GM motors and when you think about it, the L98 is going to be 14 years old in '05!

There are some replacement filters that were used on GM pickups that will work on the L98 motor and are actually larger than the PF25 and do not extend below the oil pan. Don't have a number at hand but it should be from late 70-early 80's GM 1500's with a 350.
I bought an oil filter at Autozone.
I was looking for a Mobile 1-202. But their computer said the correct filter was M1-111.
I didn't change my oil yet, but the top ring measures the same, 3 1/2 ".
I've been using K&N, and this M1-111 is shorter.
c4cruiser said:
There are some replacement filters that were used on GM pickups that will work on the L98 motor and are actually larger than the PF25 and do not extend below the oil pan. Don't have a number at hand but it should be from late 70-early 80's GM 1500's with a 350.
AC PF 35 is has the same threads and outside diameter as the PF 25 but is longer. Make sure you have enough clearance below filter before installing.
Wayne88 said:
I bought an oil filter at Autozone.
I was looking for a Mobile 1-202. But their computer said the correct filter was M1-111.
I didn't change my oil yet, but the top ring measures the same, 3 1/2 ".
I've been using K&N, and this M1-111 is shorter.

Yep, that's what I saw for the Mobil 1. I just didn't feel good about a filter that is so much shorter! :ugh
I bought about 35 PF25's for a buck per :eek

My wife said for me to leave some on the shelf in case someone else wanted them too - Yeah;LOL

If PF35's would work, I would run that in all but my one car that needs the (size) 25 - Any other Delco filters work??
PF1218 is a filter for the later pickups. is long like the 35 but has an antidrainback valve in it . What the chevy parts man told me. On my 90 I mesured it and it don't extend below the cat. It is about an inch longer than the PF25. I still like using the AC Delco filters. Anyone notice they are not on the shelves at any of the discount stores ? Did AC Delco cut them off ?
No AC spark plugs either .
I dont understand this either ! Why would they discontinue a filter that fits one of the most common aplications ever? By the way what are the cross reference #s? I have to use the short pf25 style due the fact my header tube is close the filter the way it is ,and a PF35 wont fit.
The PF25 was replaced by the PF454 and the PF35 was replaced by the PF1218. The PF44 has been replaced by the PF46.
Does anyone have the K&N number for the L98? Their web site says HP2002, just want to confirm that had not changed.
c4cruiser said:
AC Delco discontinued the PF25 for the L98 motors and the three makers of all the aftermarket filters did the same thing. The new smaller filters for the L98 are probably something that is already used on other GM motors and when you think about it, the L98 is going to be 14 years old in '05!

There are some replacement filters that were used on GM pickups that will work on the L98 motor and are actually larger than the PF25 and do not extend below the oil pan. Don't have a number at hand but it should be from late 70-early 80's GM 1500's with a 350.
I think the L98 is going to be at least 25 years old in '05. I have an '85 which has the L98. When you really think about it, it's going to be 50 years old based on the small block from '55. I think that was the 283 cid?
The AC PF1218 is the filter I use on my 2000 dually with 454. There is also another AC filter used on early '70s trucks that is longer like the PF1218, but can't remember the #.
I've been using the Fram TG-30 which is the same part# for my '82 and '86.
I was always told that Fram had a good filter. But I didn't see any mention of it in the threads. Is this true, or should I be using a different brand?
oil filters have come a long way in the last 20 years... I am sure that is why they are moving towards smaller filters. my guess is they are even more effective than a filter from the days when the L98 was new, and are smaller and cheaper to make.

Anyone that has gone from a L98 to LT1/4 can tell you the filter is much smaller on the LT1/4. I don't think chevy would change to a sub-standard filter... just found a better filter in a smaller package.
Chickenjerk said:
I've been using the Fram TG-30 which is the same part# for my '82 and '86.
I was always told that Fram had a good filter. But I didn't see any mention of it in the threads. Is this true, or should I be using a different brand?

You don't see mentions of FRAM's on the forum because for the majority, we stay away from FRAM. Those filters are no good. :( There was a study done by someone (his name escapes me) where he cut open some filters and did studies on the inner filtering area and the filtering material. FRAM did not score very high. I don't like the weak case strength on their filters, either.

Even the Toyota guys on www.toyotanation.com say stay away from FRAM filters.
nmacdonald said:
Does anyone have the K&N number for the L98? Their web site says HP2002, just want to confirm that had not changed.

I just ordered one from the parts store and it will be here tomorrow. I hope that it hasn't changed because I've been using them for the past couple of years and I really like that 1" hex on the bottom of the filter.

I'll post an update when I pick it up tomorrow and let you know.
96corvetteLT4 said:
The AC PF1218 is the filter I use on my 2000 dually with 454. There is also another AC filter used on early '70s trucks that is longer like the PF1218, but can't remember the #.
ACD has a medium-duty truck filter that fits the same filter pad as do PF25/35/454/1218. It's the PF932. While it fits the filter pad and priovides outstanding filtering with very low restriction, this filter is quite long (about 12-in as I recall) so it's usually unacceptable for use on passenger cars due to ground clearance issues. I have used it with good results on engines with remote filters.

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