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What's your daily driver?

It depends on the day

My daily driver is one of these... (terrible picture quality)

On the left is my '05 Saturn VUE (my beater), on the right is my '99 Saturn SC2 with over 102,000 miles and still looking/running like new. (It even has completely original brakes :D)
Mostly the C5 but I do drive any of the below...
A 2007 Jeep Compass Sport. With a 458 Watt 9 speaker sound system too! FWD and a CVT transmission.

A '98 torch red convertible. :D

Ask me again next month though - weatherman reports it's snowing at South Lake Tahoe this morning!

Well My 87 Vette is my daily driver but I know this winter will be interesting and I mint have others driver as much as possible
Daily driver?

2006 Corvette Sunset Orange Coupe - of course!
Daily driver used to be a E250 Super Cargo Van. Now it's a 2006BMW X3,I also drive my daughters 2006 Jetta now that she's attending College. I drive the Vette sparingly. When the weather gets nasty I'll drive it on nice weekends to air out her legs.
Daily Drivers....
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday we drive the 2005 Dodge Magnum RT, yes the one with the HEMI. Fast, fun, practical for the family and projects but only 14 MPG.
Tuesday, Thursday and Weekends are reserved for the 2001 Mag Red Convertible. Fast, fun, not practible for family or projects and averages 20 MPG.
Happy Motoring~
Weather dependent...

Good weather (anything but snow) - 1988 Camaro IROC-Z convertible.

Bad weather (snow) - 1971 Chevrolet Nova 350/350 with studded snows all the way around.

Really bad weather - 1980 Chevrolet G20 Conversion Van (I can camp in it).

I roll the Dice!!:D
Daily driver is a 2000 Trail Blazer...old body style with 142,000 miles.
Weekends...if weather is nice lol 2004 Commemorative Conv....could you guess by the name?
it has 10,000 miles

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