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Why do C1 and C2 have to "share"?


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2003
Los Angeles
62 Maroon, 03 Anniversary Convertible
First let me qualify by saying I'm relatively new to this site and don't know the background. But here goes:

Why are there separate forums for C3, C4, C5, yet C1 and C2 have to share? With all respect to the C2 owners, I find myself (as a C1 owner) getting "bored" with all the C2 stuff in this shared forum. To the point of not bother to review.

One could argue that there is not much interest in C1s so the site decided to share C1 and C2. I would argue that C1 people get lost in this shared forum, so don't bother to post stuff.

Thoughts? Comments?


Toy4Hal said:
Why do C1 and C2 have to "share"?

Because we like each other so much. :D

P.S. Serious answers to follow.

P.P.S. Welcome aboard
Seems like we used to have separate sections. The C1 section rarely got any "action" so they were combined. :) Chuck
There was a separate C1 & C2 Forum and it was changed.:( As a C1 Owner, I would like to see it going back as I don't like sharing. Solid axles forever! ;worship
Its been so slow here lately you might go days without any action if they split......I like the C'1 and C2's together.
Also a closet C1 fan, and like reading about 'em.
Been looking for a beater (I mean project car)
56-7 for many moons.
Just my 2......
good Question

Why, indeed? I think its age discrimination. The corporate corner office Czars (just kidding Rob) discard, discount and in general distrust anyone over 30, so all of us "vintage" types get bundled and tossed into the same forgotten bin. Sob,Sob, whimper, cry. But someday, yes someday, as God is my witness, I will kick the crap out of Montana and make him spring for a new paint job so the world will love me again and think I'm pretty.

Montana's 65 Roadster
Re: Re: Why do C1 and C2 have to "share"?

67HEAVEN said:
Because we like each other so much. :D

This is just about the best answer there is. I personally fought the combining of the two for a long time but in the end it was obvious. C1 and C2 people are pretty much the same group and much of the discusion applies to both. I think it turned out to be a good decision in the long run.

If the C1 discusion ever gets so intensive that you have to search through it all to find C2 stuff then that will be a different situation.

Tom, your kinda making my point, except you need to reverse it. There is so much C2 stuff that I don't find C1 stuff. And then it's "chicken & egg". is there so few C1 entries becasue they get lost and c1 people have stopped looking or contributing, or is there just too little (or too few) C1 members that we we need not bother with them? If it's not obvious, I'm coming at this as a C1 member.

Thanks all for the comments.

Early on there were just a few of us solid axle guys here. There are more now than ever but we are destined to always be a minority just due to the small numbers that our cars were built in. (And you have to be a real special person to own a C1 :D ) Even when I scan the NCRS Tech Board I have to look for the good stuff and the C1's are what started that whole thing. We are just simply out numbered.

The C1 Forum was pretty slow when it was by it'self. Occasionally there would be a hot discusion that would carry on for some time but all too often it was days between posts. I used to post things to try and get some talk started. Now we get C2 guys commenting on our topics too and that helps a lot.

Tom, as a computer guy, I just don't know why it's any big deal to keep them separate. We can always cruise the C2 room if that's what we want. If the C1 room is quiet, so what? It's just another section. Heck, there are hundreds. I do feel "slighted".

Although I have never owned a c1, I try to offer help whenever I can, looking up part numbers, advice on carbs or distributors, sources for used parts.....

If the C1 guys really don't want the added help that the c2 people have to offer - hey - cut them loose.

I don't by any means want to sound like I don't want to talk to C2 owners, but since I'm building a C1, I like looking for items that are specific to my generation car- It would definitely make it easier for me to find info on my car if there were a separate C1 classification, rather than having to dig.. but, I'm not one to rock the boat. Heck, just getting replies from other CORVETTE owners works for me! Just my 2 cents 8^]

Hears an idea.. What about having the C1 become a sub forum like the LT-1 and L81VetteRegistry are in the C3 forums section..

I realize it wouldn't be a major title heading for C1 but it would give the C1 a seperate posting spot ;)

Thoughts?? :r

When Rob combined the 2 forums he made his decision based on member input at that time and the infrequent posts on the C1 Forum. We have a lot more C1 members now with more joining all the time. Seperating the 2 forums may need to be looked at again. What we don't want is a dead forum.

Although I have a C2 now, I've done body-off restorations on both (three C1's and three C2's), and have no problem dealing with both types in the same forum. I think there are others here who also have a "crossover" knowledge base, and we can all learn from each other. Tom has a good point - nothing's more depressing than a "dead" forum.
JohnZ hit the nail on the head. So many of us have more than one generation of interest and/or expertise so input and information can come from many directions on any given subject. I, for one, like it the way it is - one of the most active forums on the site...!
:bar :m :beer
Gotta agree with John about the "dead forum" thing. Personally, I like the combined forums because so many of the C2 guys are my friends, I'd need to check both anyway.

- Mike Greene

Maybe a marriage counselor...?

Looks like a good fit, no?


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