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Why do C1 and C2 have to "share"?


It's actually my wife's (yeah, right) and here's a photo of it...
(That's NOT my wife in the photo - just a passerby...!)
I have to agree with keeping them together. The C1's may span 10 years, but there was just not that many built. The C2 lasted only 5 years. Not only did production (sales) increase, but the C3's production went for 15 years, alot more of them around!
I have nothing against the later C4 and C5's owners, they just speak a different language.
I go to a local corvette meeting and they look at me like we are from another planet. I showed pictures of the body lift, frame work etc., they thought I was crazy for working on it myself. I asked to see under the hood of one of their C5's, he said he would show me, but didn't know how to open the hood. Said only the dealership had done that on his car????????
I enjoy the little community we have together here!

1960 fi vette
Since I have both a C1 and a C2, sharing seems natural. I also have a C5 like a lot of other C1 and C2 owners. Maybe we could make a C1-C2-C5 section. Seriously, I don't think the C2's drown out the C1's.
My 2 cents...

I guess most of us are either looking for parts or information. A separate forum sounds great for people looking for parts as c2 parts may be boring to us c1 owners. My personal experience has been that most of the great info and advice I receive for my c1 is from c2 owners and I'll take good info from any place I can get it. So I guess it's a mixed bag.
Grandpa get's nor respect, just the hot babes!

I like the C1/C2 combination. Those of us restoring the true classics need the shoulder of sympathetic listeners. I'm torn between the Split and my 61 coupe. Two of the most classic, classics IMHO. We old guys just need to recruit more contributors.
As a former C3 owner and a new C1 owner, I have used this site quite a bit to pick up some info about my new ride. There does seem to be more C2 traffic on it, but I've learned a lot just picking through the threads. I've used the "search" ability to narrow down things a bit at times. It would be nice to have a separate forum, a C1 registry, etc. but if the traffic is slow, I can understand the desire to combine them. Could it be that the "population" of C1s out there is getting to a mostly restored state overall, so there's less people looking for help on repairs, etc.?

If you do choose to separate the forums, can the thread "history" be separated, too? Probably not.

In the time since I created the 1959 Corvette Registry to today, I've found that alot of the C1 owners are of the "maturer" community (making no jabs here), and don't frequent the internet as much as those of the "less mature" status (take that however you will). Thus, there is less input on the C1 side. However, I do enjoy the C1 section having its own presence..


'59 #5366
1959 Corvette Registry, Webmaster
I was for combining the 2 forums because there was so little traffic on the C1 only section.

Maybe a split is needed and we are losing C1 folks because they think we have few C1 owners?

My backround I am a C5 owner ( hardley ever stop in on the C5 boards as some one said a different language)

A C2 owner who is trying to restore my car to factory correct for future flight judging.

And hopefully a C1 owner in the near future.that will not be even close to factory correct

Anyways me personally I would think the merged forum are perfect! and should not be changed
I have to preface this as I'm a midyear owner, I like the two together.. I think someone else already posted this but here it is again.... There aren't that many straight axles... two the majority of the owners don't ever log onto the net (age), three most of em never see the light of day... I don't see as many midyears on the road as sharks.. I wonder why.. It's the same reason you see even less straight axles on the road....

I can't remember the last time that I saw a straight axle on the road during normal travels. ( I drive 60k a year for work over three states, if they were out there I'd see em). I think the last time I saw a straight axle on the road (not on the way to a show) was TWO YEARS AGO... The last time I saw another midyear on the road was two days ago (it was on a trailer though).. I saw about 10 sharks today alone... It is purely a numbers issue.. Sure split em.. Doesn't matter to me.. However I think that you will see a dead forum..

Look how many posts are here in the combined forum... Then take a look on average the number of posts in the Shark forum... This combined forum can go hours with no action... What do you think will happen if you split them? JMHO... Dave...
I don't forsee any changes to the C1 and C2 forum in the near future. We have some real enthusiastic C1 owners here but not a large enough amount total to keep a seperate forum lively. So many topics are shared by both groups that it really is best to share the forum.

BTW Dawn. I was out to the Tuscon area and Phoenix last Janurary visiting family and looked at a lot of C1 and C2s for sale. I'm sure you have room for just one more Corvette that needs a good home. :D

Tom Bryant said:
BTW Dawn. I was out to the Tuscon area and Phoenix last Janurary visiting family and looked at a lot of C1 and C2s for sale. I'm sure you have room for just one more Corvette that needs a good home. :D

I KNOW! But I'm trying to curb my addiction..... not feed it!:crazy :J
Rare81 said:
Hears an idea.. What about having the C1 become a sub forum like the LT-1 and L81VetteRegistry are in the C3 forums section..

I realize it wouldn't be a major title heading for C1 but it would give the C1 a seperate posting spot ;)

Thoughts?? :r

Nice idea Bud, but what would you call the section? 63-67 Vette owners can`t even decide what to call those 5 years. Low production numbers, the fact that the first Corvettes are over 40 years old, been wrecked, and even stolen Vettes have also cut into the low number of remaining cars. Also, considered cheap when new by todays standards but compaired to the current prices of restoration parts for those old dinosaurs it`s more practical to buy a new Vette. I paid or actually my dad did for me, around $4300.00 for my totally RPO optioned FI 62 Vette. Todays prices would only buy the hardtop. :L To place the first Vettes into a single catigory is a nice thought, but probably not practical. No one would ever be home. :upthumbs Father time is working against us.
what confuses me is how all the C1's are grouped together.
This may get to be a longer explanation of what i'm trying to mean than I want but please bear with me.
I'll work backwards as it's a bit easier for me to explain my point.

C5's: all C5 bodies are basically the same design (not allowing for differences with vert's etc) from '97 to '04. Yes, as with any car as the years progressed there may be minor modifications and upgrades and improvements but I'm hard pressed to tell the differece between a any year C5.

C4: same as C5's. Basically the body design stayed the same. There was an upgrade in '91 to round off some of the corners of the car but no one is going to mistake it for anything other than a C4.

C3: The Shark body again stayed as basically the same car. Oh, they removed the chrome bumpers after a while (damn government!) and even eventually added the rear hatch glass window and added spoilers but it was a shark body.

C2: All midyears are the same. sure, they changed the grills behind the front wheels a bit, took the split out of the '63 coupe rear window but really the body stayed basically unchanged.

C1: now we get to what I find is more confusing as having all the cars from '53 to '62 grouped together as one "generation" of cars. The '53-'55 is one distinct style. In '56 and '57 they made what I would refer to as more than just minor changes in the body. To me, except for the front grill it's almost a completely different body altogether. From '58 to '60 they jazzed it up a bit but it's basically the same as the '56/'57 design. in '61 and '62 they again had what I consider a change that is more than just minor - they changed the entire rear end of the car significantly to what is almost identical to a "Midyear" rearend. Based on this, at least in my opinion, say there were actually at least 3 different and distinct body styles in what is all grouped together in what is now commonly referred to as a C1 car.
I realize a lot of this has to do with the fact that all these cars are solid axel cars but if we group cars together based on the axel/suspension/frame, etc specs than why not group the C2 and C3's all together also?

I'm aware this C1 question or issue is pretty much irelevent to anything, but talk of a seperate C1 forum (which BTW i understand the C1 owners wish for "independence" and their own identity from other generations as all the other owners have) makes me wonder about this and how all '53's -'62's ended up getting thrown together.
BarryK said:
what confuses me is how all the C1's are grouped together.
This may get to be a longer explanation of what i'm trying to mean than I want but please bear with me.
I'll work backwards as it's a bit easier for me to explain my point.

C5's: all C5 bodies are basically the same design (not allowing for differences with vert's etc) from '97 to '04. Yes, as with any car as the years progressed there may be minor modifications and upgrades and improvements but I'm hard pressed to tell the differece between a any year C5.

C4: same as C5's. Basically the body design stayed the same. There was an upgrade in '91 to round off some of the corners of the car but no one is going to mistake it for anything other than a C4.

C3: The Shark body again stayed as basically the same car. Oh, they removed the chrome bumpers after a while (damn government!) and even eventually added the rear hatch glass window and added spoilers but it was a shark body.

C2: All midyears are the same. sure, they changed the grills behind the front wheels a bit, took the split out of the '63 coupe rear window but really the body stayed basically unchanged.

C1: now we get to what I find is more confusing as having all the cars from '53 to '62 grouped together as one "generation" of cars. The '53-'55 is one distinct style. In '56 and '57 they made what I would refer to as more than just minor changes in the body. To me, except for the front grill it's almost a completely different body altogether. From '58 to '60 they jazzed it up a bit but it's basically the same as the '56/'57 design. in '61 and '62 they again had what I consider a change that is more than just minor - they changed the entire rear end of the car significantly to what is almost identical to a "Midyear" rearend. Based on this, at least in my opinion, say there were actually at least 3 different and distinct body styles in what is all grouped together in what is now commonly referred to as a C1 car.
I realize a lot of this has to do with the fact that all these cars are solid axel cars but if we group cars together based on the axel/suspension/frame, etc specs than why not group the C2 and C3's all together also?

I'm aware this C1 question or issue is pretty much irelevent to anything, but talk of a seperate C1 forum (which BTW i understand the C1 owners wish for "independence" and their own identity from other generations as all the other owners have) makes me wonder about this and how all '53's -'62's ended up getting thrown together.

Okay, then our midyears are really C5's and the 2005 Corvette is really a C9. Time to make some changes in the forum sections. :crazy
C1 are my favorites. I have a 59 and they will always be in the minority but they should combined because we do like one another. I have owned several vettes which included C1, C2 ,C3 and C4. Leave them as they are.


Thanks for the input. I don't see any changes coming to the C1/C2 Forum.

Is your '59 registered with the 1959 Registry?

When Rob combined the 2 forums he made his decision based on member input at that time and the infrequent posts on the C1 Forum. We have a lot more C1 members now with more joining all the time. Seperating the 2 forums may need to be looked at again. What we don't want is a dead forum.

as much as I hate to say it, the C1 and C2 section is close to that now......

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