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Question: Will the Edelbrock Pro Fo XT fit under an 84 Hood?

Update: Reply from FAST

Hi Guys,

Got a reply from the tech at FAST...

Confirmed that the green tach wire coming from the FAST E6 Ignition Box is the driver wire for the dash tach. I am going to run it through a Dakota Digital Tach Module to ensure the reading is correct.

Confirmed that I can run an oil pressure switch, it looks like I should use the oil pressure switch to move to a closed circuit once the oil cranking pressure reaches the magic spot, this will allow the fuel pump to come on...any other thoughts?

Confirmed that the A/C trigger wire on the FAST ECU harness just needs to be connected to the 12v side of the A/C relay so it sees when the A/C is turned on. It will then engage the fan (if not already on) and bump the idle up a little...very cool.

I am thinking that I may run an additional pusher fan infront like the later model C4's.
I have a second hand one at home. The FAST ECU has two fan controls, will see if they are just temp related though.

...and the tidy up and planning on the wiring harness continues...

Hi Everyone,

Well the work on the wiring continues, with the new fuse panel installed (with additional wire from a donor harness), I have now moved to removing the insulation tape that the previous guys used to wrap the dash harness...this makes a sticky mess.

I have found a few dodgy repairs, especially the yellow ignition circuit, so I cut out the patch job and used some of the wire from the donor harness to repair it.

I have bit the bullet and removed the 84 ECM...like having a Commodore 64 installed anyway, but since I did the room behind the centre dash console is great, I have used some velcro to hold the relays and modules up (hey if it is good enough for the space program then its good enough to hold relays and modules up in the Vette).

I am still working on the harness when I get a chance, but when i'm not in the shed, I am planning for the additional wiring.

So far:
  1. The old 84 ECM has been removed, so I will isolate (heat shrink) all the power and trigger sources that once ran the ECM that are not required.
  2. In the fuse panel (START & RUN) there is a feed that controls the ECM, Inj 1 and Inj 2. These will be used as the triggers for the FAST ECU (old ECM trigger), the FAST E6 Ignition Module (old Inj 1) and the Dakota Digital Modules for the Tremec TKO 600 Speedo converter and the Tach Signal both require a trigger (START & RUN), so they will share the old Inj 2 fuse.
  3. The cooling fan fuse trigger will be connected to a N/O Relay (terminal T86) and the FAST harness supplies T85. Battery feed to T30 and then fan feed from T87, through the factory harness.
  4. The fuel pump will be set up similar, but I have thought about removing the oil pressure cut off...
  5. The next problem is the A/C feed. The FAST ECU if signalled that the A/C has been engaged, will turn on the fan if not already done and bump up the idle. I am still trying to work this one out.

I have noticed that the battery feed fusible links have been removed from my main feeds, so I will be re-installing these to help save an electrical harness fire from occuring...last thing I want to do is see all this work go up in flames!

I will post some photos when I get a chance.

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... last thing I want to do is see all this work go up in flames!

I will post some photos when I get a chance.


Yeah, no kidding... Safety first when it comes to 'lectrics!!

Looking forward to the pics.

...some happy snaps

More pics since the last post.

Some of the chassis rail bracket I made for the fuel filter and FAST Fuel Pressure Sensor Block.

Also the ignition wire repair I had to fix.

The velcro install to the aluminium brace after the factory ECM was removed.


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Fusible Link Wire and other pigtails and connectors

Hi Guys,

Just a heads up, I ended up getting the fusible link wire from White Products (Weather Pack | Metri-Pack | Fusible Link Wire | White Products Cleveland Ohio | Terminals Seals Connectors | Automotive Electrical Terminals Seals)
I was looking at Waytek, but they wanted a $35 USD surcharge for international orders and thats $50 AUD out of my car build budget...:mad

They also have the weatherpack connectors and pack-con terminals for the fuse box.
That bundle of wires reminded me of when I restored a Jeep CJ7 but used a modern 4.0l fuel injected engine. Process of elimination, indeed. :thumb

Finished disassembly on Blue's Engine

Finished disassembly on Blue's Engine.

Going in soon for chemical clean and sonic testing to see if its up to accepting a SCAT stroker assembly.

Check out this video I posted, this is the timing chain slop...it is the original baker-light gear and single chain set up.

Sloppy C4 Corvette Timing Chain - YouTube
Update: Blower Housing Install

Hi Everyone,

I re-installed the blower housing after its new coat of paint...5 coats of colour and 10 coats of clear...Getting better at spraying 2 pack paint.

I played around with the engine bay wiring harnesses over the weekend and tested the blower motor, the window washer pump, the fuel pump in the tank and the Spal fan from DeWitts Radiators.

The blower motor and window washer pumps work with direct feed, so I know that if they don't work after the rest of the re-wire, I have an issue.
I ran a direct battery feed to pin L in the rear harness connector to see if the fuel pump would work and at first I couldn't hear it...I turned down the workshop radio, then I had another listen out. Yep all good.
Remembr I have installed an 85 to 87 fuel pump as they run TPI pressures and volumes. I am thinking that it should also run the multi point EFI on the Pro Flo XT.

The Spal fan is the upgrade kit from DeWitts Radiators, it runs around 2200 rpm which is a bit more than the factory 1700 rpm.
It is a great fan, man if you want to upgrade your single fan, this is the fan to have.

Check out the video update:

Aussie 84 Corvette - Video 3 - YouTube
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It's coming along great!!

Do you have the part number for fan, and is it a direct bolt on to fan should?

Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk
DeWitts Fan Kit

Do you have the part number for fan, and is it a direct bolt on to fan should?

Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk

[FONT=&quot]Now you can upgrade the factory 1700 cfm with our SP464 fan kit. The kit includes a SPAL high performance (2360 cfm) fan and Direct Fit adapter plate, ready to bolt on and the best part is, no cutting or splicing wires.

[FONT=&quot]I don't have the SPAL part number as DeWitts actually make a bolt on kit with the SPAL fan and a mounting plate, but the DeWitt's part number is SP464.

Check their website:
I love the videos!! :thumb

Wow- what a build!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looking good.

Hi Tony,

I am curious if you got the edelbrock pro-flo xt under the hood yet? Love what youre doing, keep us posted.


Its here...after nearly two weeks on a slow trip from Jegs, the Edelbrock Pro Flo XT, fuel rails and 90mm throttle body have arrived.
The reason it took two weeks is I purchased it from Jegs through their eBay store and used the Pitney Bowes Global Shipping Program...this program it's slow.

Check out the height compared to the 88 Corvette TPI unit.

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