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Winter's Coming! Tips to Properly Store Your Corvette for Winter


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<a href="tech/care/storage.html"><img src="/images/design/front/snowvette.jpg" width="225" align="right" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="C5 in Winter" /></a>Once again, that time of the year has come when the temperatures dip below the freezing point for many of us and "Old Man Winter" comes howling in with a vengeance.

Trying to find out the best way to properly store your Corvette for the winter? Luckily, we've got you covered! Check out our <a href="/tech/care/storage.html">Long Term / Winter Corvette Storage</a> article with a handy, printable check list and don't get caught out in the cold!
Winter storm brings snow to Colorado mountains

Monday, October 10, 2005; Posted: 1:35 p.m. EDT (17:35 GMT)

DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- A powerful snowstorm that dropped up to 20 inches of snow in parts of Colorado knocked out power Monday to thousands of people, closed an 80-mile stretch of a major highway and triggered rock slides in the foothills.

Thanks for the reminder that my car isn't "long for the world"... :eyerole

Seriously though. Excellent article and I agree with everything *except* (of course you KNEW that was coming I suppose) in the exhaust section they recommend putting a cloth over the exhaust tips and securing with rubber bands to keep mice out.

Now, I don't know about the mice in anyone elses area, but a cloth isn't gonna do much to the mice around here except p**s 'em off!

I take aluminum foil and form a ball of it into a shape that I can just get into the tips and close it off. Then I cover with cloth and secure with a rubber band. May be unnecessary but I feel better that way and have never had a problem.

Well... 'cept for that one year that I forgot to take 'em out before firing that sucker up in the spring. Shot 'em about 20 feet across the yard! :D

Corvette and store should never be used in the same sentence.

Corvette and drive should always be one thought, goal, and/or activity.

I see all of these low mileage Corvettes that someone never got the full enjoyment out of and wonder what they think the Corvette was made for, a garage stuffer? Surly it can’t be something you lift the cover on, point at and say, “see my Corvette, it only has 200 fun filled miles on it.” You don't have to get stupid and take it out during a thaw created by 60 tons of salt but it can and should be driven when it is reasonable, and you are fit and able. What a waste to be tied in your wheel chair with drool running off your lower lip after your stroke and think (if you can) “Boy I wish I could drive my Corvette one more time”.

Maybe it’s because I grew up driving them from the C1 to the C6 and enjoying ever mile, wash job, tune up, drag race, road course, upgrade, date, vacation, Sunday drive, business trip, ticket?, parade, bringing your new son home, working on it with him, and now letting him drive it to work when I visit the family in South Carolina. Then again at my age “Use it or lose it”, has a more immediate meaning.

Either way enjoy your Corvette whether you’re pointing at it or pointing it down life’s highway and keep the peddle to the metal/fiberglass/balsa wood.

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