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Corvette Forum Posts Deleted????

53 Blue Flame

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2007
Pendleton, IN
In a CF Thread titled Busy Winter Ahead 53-54, I was just asked if I was restoring the "real" 1953 #029 by "Gscott".

My answer was simply put;
"Nope, 1953 #029 is being restored by a reputable shop in FL".

My posted reply was deleted twice......WHY? :confused The thread wasn't even about 1953 #029. Ridiculous, to say the least. Don't you think it would be logical that the mods would at least inform you as to WHY a post was deleted?

At this point, the saga of the two 1953 #029's issue has been aired and we all know who, what, when, where and why.
I saw that...:ohnoes
:L They need to stand in line and take a number.
Mine is only a joke. I do not have any problems with CF. I prefer to CF over NCRS. I wish this site would be more active same goes for all of the other forums.

Lots of good information! I could not have restored my car without everyone's help.
Jim, your 62 is coming along nicely. Love the Honduras Maroon. My dad had a 61 that color back in 1964.
When I posted this Thread this morning, I really didn't have the intent to just bash the CF mods. Seems I hit a nerve with a few of us, huh????

I've never done much of that, being an NCRS member since 1995 but I do read the bashing and sometimes agree with some of it, from time to time.

Every organization seems to have a few guys or policies that are easy targets, I suppose. Just like the mods on some of the websites. Oh well.

Hats off to Rob and Tom here!!!!!
Ok, I'm lost. What's so special about #29?? Can someone clue me in.
There is a 6 page thread on this site about it. Ops I mean 10

There is a 6 page thread on this site about it. Ops I mean 10


Thanks, just read it and saw photos. What a terrific look car. I'll gladly trade my '03, '66, and a '94 Camry for it. :boogie

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