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Recent content by WayneLBurnham

  1. W

    Help! RFI: I'm stupid - where's the headlight breaker/fuse on a '75?

    IT turns out I really *DID* blow all four headlights at once I posted RFI's nearly simultaneously at two 'vette sites, and CAC responded with the most detail, so I'll put the original here first. The wiring and switch are intact...after pulling and testing all four headlights, I really *did*...
  2. W

    Help! RFI: I'm stupid - where's the headlight breaker/fuse on a '75?

    After a series of alternator malfunctions on my highly modified - I only have the "no headlight option" still eneabled. I pulled the breaker on the panel and got a new one, only to find out "Acc" means "Power Windows". When my dysfunctional alternator hit 19V the other day it popped the...
  3. W

    Question: Electric Fuel Pump/Bypass Regulator Options

    Wow. It's been awhile since I was here much - but I started getting my beastie going in November to December, in what's been a $7-8K three season most-of-car repair or upgrade, instead of a $1750 month long install-the-new-motor project. One of the many things new to this edition of Burnham's...
  4. W

    parting out a 75 vette

    How about the window mech/motor, passenger side? I'd consider the whole door, possibly, but think my mech is a little bent up and the motor is definitely cooked (again!) This silly project thingy will have it's motor w/i the month, so I could kinda use the window to, like, move and stuff... :)...
  5. W

    HELP! Source for replacement Steering Column?

    *WOW! Do *NOT*, repeat *NOT* hit the spell check and agree to the download of the IE spell checker if you are working on a post! You lose the thing you are trying to spell check doing it! (This is a rewrite...)* I need a replacement column for my modified '75. I would be happy with the shorter...
  6. W

    Advice Req #2: Rear Wings for 82 Style Tail

    Hey again! While I am getting replies to my wheel request..... :) Planning on doing the tires/wheels, have the top put on I've waited forever until I scared myself silly I'd screw it up...:), swapping out a few of my digital gauge-o-rama so everything that isn't multicolored is red (& swap...
  7. W

    Advise Req: 18x9.5 or 18x8 Wheels on '75

    Hey all I know this has been covered a billion times (not even sure if it shouldn't be on C3 Reg. Forum): I finally re-engine my puppy this weekend and have the funds now to finish this project to a good medium stage - so, with the new OD and motor, I need better tires and the wheels to...
  8. W

    See if you guess what I find wrong tomorrow

    Sorry for the superdelayed reply.... Computer (and financial) problems went nuclear for most of the month....well, at least the computer is patched up now! 1)Yeah, the new fuel pump rod is bronze, but the old one was a lightened Moroso number that should never have harmed a cast iron (or...
  9. W

    See if you guess what I find wrong tomorrow

    Much, much worse than hoped for.... Sorry it took so long to get back - computer on fritz for a while (still sortof is)... Engine was trashed. Two spun main bearings, two rods....bores nuked Took it to the machine shop recommended by my vette shop - which oddly turned out to be the same...
  10. W

    Elusive engine miss revisited to New Motor

    Sorry to hear that guy....I had really good service out of the ultracheapy GoodWrench engine....unlike this POS I have now that we still haven't found the problem of.... The next few steps up one you're looking at seems to be a very good deal. If that thing of yours is down already.....and...
  11. W

    Mono leaf spring

    There is some "stock" thing....I didn't have it.... I used about 5 feet or so (really not sure) of some 2" header wrap I had laying around, some aluminum tape (just for positioning), some aluminum "flashing" (the construction thin al sheet), and a fist full of zip ties (hose clamps or those...
  12. W

    How long to wait; Dropping the Hammer after rear end rebuild.

    Spank it like it's been BAAAADDD!!!! NUKE IT TILL IT GLOWS!!!! :lou
  13. W

    Confirmation At LAST!

    Well now at least you can rip that Chevy junk out and plant in a nice HEMI!!! ;LOL Sorry for your (if it was...) loss....
  14. W

    Signal Flasher

    Not sure, except I found one sorta dangling....over under the passenger side near the heater works....have no idea if this was as it was supposed to be or not. There usually are two flashers. Another place to look is deep up under the passenger or center (do you have 2 or 3?) rear...
  15. W

    Hooker headers...

    You simply cannot imagine how much I HATE you sidepiped bastiddz!!!! :drool: :BOW :_rock I almost wish my current pipes didn't work so well.... $770? Really??? How much can the STS's be had for? (This coming from a guy with a disassyed engine, maxed CC's, a ripped top and "Paint...
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