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  1. J

    throwout bearing?

    Got an 81 4 speed. When I press in the clutch there is a constant clicking. Sounds like the throwout bearing needs to be replaced. Anyone have any experience with replacing this without taking it to the shop. I know it has to be a hassle, dropping the transmission and removing the clutch. I...
  2. J

    brake problem

    Got a brake problem I hope someone can help me with. When I push on the brakes, I get a bad pull to the right. I replaced both calipers, (one was leaking), pads and turned the rotors. After a quick check, drive around, it was still pulling and the drivers side wheel was "really hot". Seems...
  3. J

    No electrical power

    '81;Got a problem. Changed the starter several weeks ago with no problem. Went cruising, no problem. Went to back it out of the garage the next day and the starter tried to engage, then lost all power. Checked the battery and cable, seem to be ok. messed with the starter and ground, still no...
  4. J

    No electrical power

    Got a problem. Changed the starter several weeks ago with no problem. Went cruising, no problem. Went to back it out of the garage the next day and the starter tried to engage, then lost all power. Checked the battery and cable, seem to be ok. messed with the starter and ground, still no...
  5. J


    Vette is running a little sluggish. I reset the time to 8 deg BTDC. In all the books, it refers to the VECI under the hood. What should the timing be set at for an 81? I don't have the emission control BS on the car anymore, have headers etc. It was running really bad, probably >20 deg...
  6. J

    Clutch stud/engine

    Where can I buy a clutch stud shaft(screws into engine) for my 1981? It appears that my stud has broken off in the engine. I looked at Ecklers and they have it listed as discontinued. What is the best way to extract the remaining threads that are broken off? Thanks
  7. J

    speedometer squeek

    Got this annoying squeek in the speedometer. Took the cable off the speedometer and the squeek appears to be at the end of the cable. Tried to put some graphite on, but still squeeks. It appears that there is a small gasket or something and when it turns it is rubbing. Should I spray...
  8. J

    radio static

    Anyone know if you can put a filter on the alternator and get rid of the static on the radio. I got a couple of cheap ones and put on the power to the radio, but still static. Is the ground bad or what?
  9. J

    2002 Z06 Fest

    Going back to BG for Sept 25th Z06 Fest. Best part of BG is meeting up with good friends and new friends. Any host hotel we can meet up at?? JB
  10. J

    pulls to right

    I recently had my 81 aligned and the car still pulls to the right. The shop had it in several days and I supervised for some time. Overall, the shop did a great job and appeared to know what they were doing. I didn't specifically ask for any specs, the machine pretty much had it programed in...
  11. J

    R134 retrofit

    I ordered a conversion kit from Ecklers. In the kit I received a rebuilt compresser, a drier, an evaporator orifice and oil, seals, fittings, adapters. My quesion is, where do I start? I know my old compresser was bad and there is no freon or pressure in the system. Do I just remove the...
  12. J

    What's the "L"?

    I have been wondering, what is the "L" stand for in all the engine references? Jeff
  13. J

    Seal replacement

    I want to replace front and rear seals and gaskets. Any advice, especially on front and rear seals. I am looking for the most painless way. Thanks Jeff
  14. J

    Wheel alignment?

    OK, it has been awhile, but I am resurrecting this topic again. I am still trying to get this thing from pulling to the right. The most recent alignment yoko couldn't get it either! (The right tire is 1/2" towards the rear of the car as compared to the left side. Also, there are no shims in...
  15. J

    Rear drum vibration

    When I am in reverse and put on the brakes, the rear drums vibrate/or make a terrible noise. I took the tire off and it appears that the drum is loose against the disk. Is there anyway to tighten this up? I had to remove the passanger side parking brake pads because a local shop bent them and...
  16. J

    alignment, pulling

    I am sure this has been discussed many times, but I will bring it up again because I can't find the answer. 1981 obvioiusly I need to find someone locally that has expertise in Corvettes, but, I didn't. The guy at Goodyear seemed to know what he was doing. The car was pulling to the right...
  17. J

    aluminum polish/care

    What is the best to clean aluminum wheels. I have used Mothers polish and it works good, but it is much more work than I like. If I polish them up, can I coat them with something that will keep them from oxidizing? I am looking for a little less maint. JCB
  18. J

    AC compresser

    When the air is on the compresser cycles pretty often. When it cycles, the clutch makes are good racket. I have checked the belt and it is loose, so I tried to tighten it. When I pulled back on the compressor to tighten it, it turned toward the firewall. This misaligned the pulley. Do I...
  19. J

    Paint scheme

    I am looking to repaint. I talked with a bodyshop, and he thinks that the pinstriping on the car is not right. The car is a 1981, Silver/Blue two tone. The code on the door is right 33/38, but there is a double light blue pin stripe between the colors. How can I find the correct color...
  20. J

    1981 Aluminum wheels

    I have custom wheels that have to use a spacer. I bought the car like this. I am getting POed at these wheels, lugs backing off etc. Does anyone have any used wheels for this 1981 at a reasonable price. Look forward to hearing from you. This forum has been very helpful on all my previous...
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