Ok today I had a day off, big truck's in the shop so I had a few hours to start cleaning up the engine.
What a mess. LOL
Geez I cant wait to start using
Ok ok I'm allright. couples of weeks and I'll be there.
The thing I forgot is to use a degreaser and the pressure washer when we lifted the body, that way the worse grease and grime would've been off and since the plugs, carb and stuff were still on the engine I wouldn't be affraid to spray water inside the engine.
Oh well got to do it the hard way I suppose.
I took the oil out of it and since the plug is not magnetised I used a heavy magnet on a strainer to catch some metal particles and didn't find any.
For what it's worth it looks good.
Last night I started to weld some gussets on the frame. Well actualy I cut some triangles and tack them in place. Ill leave the real welding for my welder friend.
Ok here's some pics
That's what I started with,
then I took the carb, water pump, gas pump, manifolds, oil gage line, alternator(generator) motor mounts off.
ended up with this.
Everything went pretty easy. I broke only 2 bolts out of the motor mount and one of the manifold had a broken corner.
So after the scraping and a first clean up with some degreasser this what it looked like.
Not perfect but a bit better.
Next, I'll finish the clean up then I'll take it to the engine builder where it will be dismantled and tank washed.
He will check for cracks in the block and I,ll decide then what to do with it as far as HP's and stuff.