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All right, I'm sick of this... Let's have it: ZR-1 VS. LT-4

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brett
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bbw said:
When questions arise, I'll ask them. Thanks.

And, by the way, others might mention their ZR1s for reasons similar to your explanation of why you contradict your claim of humility.

About the location field, your explanation supports why it's a field, not necessarily why it's a *required* field.

Ok...I'll play, even though you prefer to remain anonymous here....

Where am I contradicting my claim of humility? I didn't have ZR-1 listed in my profile for quite some time. Ask the other moderators the reason why and why I chose to put it back in.

The location field is a required field, because I MADE it required, just like I chose to complete your registration here because I found it rather ironic that you registered here and immediately zeroed in on this thread...
Since the topic of this thread has gone off course, I'm also choosing to close it.

BBW, if you have any other issues you care to address with me - you're welcome to send me a private email.
This thread is reopened upon request of the thread starter...
Nice to see the heat elsewhere...

It is refreshing to see the heat taken off the ZR1:bash CALLAWAY debates from the past ;)

I think Steve (aka CKA Racing) brought up a cost perspective between the ZR1 and the LT4 which quickly escalated to a:argue

If it were my dollars, I would buy a GS for the "flash" or a 96 LT4 Convertible for the 'top down style".
...why not a ZR1??? I have always admired the ZR1 for what they are but dollar for dollar, an LT4 beats it hands down in value, parts availability and torque (where 99% of drivers, spend their time).

Rob too, I have often wondered why some drivers feel so "above" another when it comes to ones choice of Vettes:eyerole (heck, over on "the other forum" they "let" us post on their site - It was so refreshing when I asked you for an individual forum, and you thought it was w/in bounds - granted in 30 seconds :D (looks like you did the same for the LT4 guys as well)

Anyways, Don't forget to wave :Twist
I read over the weight link you sent me Rob, and at the end nobody could come up with an definite answer, haha.

Have you had anymore luck with it since that time?

ZR1.net posts some weight numbers, but they looked just as unrealiable as what you guys came up with.

Very interesting for sure. The LT4 engine doesn't look like it should weigh all that much, and most numbers post it as being the heaviest of the crew.

I always thought vehicle weight would be a well documented statistic. However you guys were talking about engine weight only, which I guess could be more obscure. But my original question was, what are the overall car weights of the ZR-1 and LT4?

In fact, here are ZR1.net's numbers, I directly copied them:

ANS: The LT5 engines weighs 741 lbs. including shipping crate.

Here are some other weights:
L98 - Auto 431 lbs, Manual 592.2 lbs
LT1 - 452 lbs
LT4 - 1003.5 lbs
LS1 - Auto 457.6 lbs, Manual 497.2 lbs
LS6 - 497.2 lbs


As far as overall car weights, the only thing that you can go on are the weights published in magazines which we have here in the Model Centers.

Other than that, you would need to conduct some research and query ZR-1 and LT4-Corvette owners to see what their cars weigh on a scale.
ZR-1 or LT4

Both of these cars are great corvettes to own, for that matter any corvette is great to own.

I never understood the argument "The LT4 is the torque monster" because the LT5 is no slouch. It makes 300+ft/lbs from 1500 rpm all the way to the top. There is power at any speed you desire. In pretty much every performance category the LT5 comes out on top. It should, its rated with more power and more torque. Basically a no brainer. The faster you go the more the ZR-1's advantages become clear. The ZR-1 has a few other neat things to boot, a wider body, tires, and the sound at redline, dear god... music to the ears. I hate to have to shift sometimes.

A 1996 LT4 is not without it's advantages. It's the best C4 year in terms of build quality and realiability (although the LT5 has proven to be extremely reliable). Engine parts for the LT4 are more availiable and generally cheaper. The LT4 is NOT a performance slouch, it's a great driver and offers most owners as much power as they need. And if you have the $$$ you can pick up one of those really cool looking Grand Sports.

Power in a Corvette is a good thing. If you are after a daily driver that can offer the best in overall quality and reliability (beyond just the engine) then the LT4 may fit you perfect. If you want a little more (i.e. steaming locomotive at 120mph) in your corvette and you can sacrifice things like a few squeeks and less overall reliability (again the LT5 reliability is not an issue) then maybe the ZR-1 is for you.

ZR-1's tend to hold a special meaning for their owners. I lusted for 12 years before I got one. I always knew I'd have one, it was just a matter of time. I'd like to get a 89 L98 someday too, I love the Atari dash, the off the line torque is fun too. Having owned a ZR-1 for a slim 9 months, I don't think I would give it up for ANY other corvette out there.

I was looking real hard for a ZR1 when I found the LT4. I wish I could have driven a ZR1 before I did purchase the LT4.

Thing is "it's your car, so it's the best" Granted I gave the wife the LT4, so I'm not biased in this forum.

Times creeping up to where I WILL smoke ANY LT4/ZR1 with my 30 year old car. (SHHHHH, I think I hear 69MYWAY..........)
Brett said:
I am new to this forum, and I have been reading through all of the ZR-1 vs. LT-4 threads on both this forum and the LT-4 forum. No one can seem to come up with a straight answer to what would appear to be a simple question.

I never thought these two vehicles were even comparable until I came to this forum. It seems to me like the ZR-1 should be miles ahead of the LT-4. And I'm talking stock---no "bang for the buck" crap.


I don't think you can get a straight unbiased answer to your question. The reason is there are so many numbers out there about both cars. Look at old magazine articles and the times are all different.

Sometimes on paper a car looks like it should have the definate advantage but the under dog ends up being the better performer for any combination of reasons more than just horsepower alone.

I think that these cars are matched close enough that it depends mainly on who is doing the driving and how they are willing to drive the car.

I have never driven a ZR1. But stock for stock, I wouldn't shy away from running my LT4 against one or a Z06. If I knew my car better than they did theirs I could win.

Basically both are fast cars. So when it comes to either one of them, "Fear None, Respect All"
This has been an interesting thread. The "LT4 is a torgue monster" bit got me going to my 95 owner's manual. In it are the power and torque curves for both engines. Granted, this is the newer LT5 with 405hp, but I can't see where the LT4 generates more torque than the LT5 considering the LT4's torque curve is similar to the LT1. Here are some scans.

I have not driven either car yet. I am still very impressed with my "puny" LT1. ;) But I would love to put a ZR1 next to my 95 vert. :D

I would like to know how long it takes the LT5 to get thru the RPMs. I know when I floor my LT4 from around 2000 or so, I better be ready to be shifting. It jumps to red line quick. Sometimes I catch myself with my head where the sun doesn't shine and floor it but hadn't really thought about it and don't have my hand on the shifter. Before I react the rev limiter has already kicked in. It's actually pretty embarrasing when you have someone in the car with you and that happens. The first time I did it I wasn't used to a car that accelerated the RPMs so fast. I hit the accelerator and got jerked back in the seat then next thing I knew the limiter hit and it scared the ....you know what out of me. Thought I had just screwed up the motor.
The ZR-1 has a higher red line the the LT4 so it will take a little longer to hit red then the LT4. But it doesn't take long. Also, the ZR-1 has an up shift light that is built in (I don't know if the LT4 has this), so smacking the red line in a ZR-1 is hard. I've never done it andd I don't drive my car all that easy.

As for the ZR-1 vs LT4 the choice for me is clear. I've seen and run a few LT4's and the ZR-1 has always been in front. Magazine tests don't mean anything to me, different cars, different tracks, different conditions, lets leave mags for what they are. I'll use real world tests.

At the gathering I have seen LT4 and ZR-1's run and it was close till about mid track and then its all ZR-1.

For my money ZR-1
Re: Re: Re: All right, I'm sick of this... Let's have it: ZR-1 VS. LT-4

I think your response to A26B was just a little harsh,Rob. If you don't agree,please remove me as a registered user,too.
Re: Re: Re: Re: All right, I'm sick of this... Let's have it: ZR-1 VS. LT-4

USA ZR1 said:
I think your response to A26B was just a little harsh,Rob. If you don't agree,please remove me as a registered user,too.

I don't agree. You have been removed Clint - remove me as a member of your LT5 Registry. :eyerole
Those LS1 and LS6 weights look high to me, and especially the LS6 being so much heavier than the LS1. They are basically the same engine design.
Additionally, the LS series engine should not out weigh the LT1 or LT4, the LS series blocks are shorter, made of aluminum, and are of a web casting design, meaning there is little wasted material.
I don't know the exact weights off hand, but I would guess that the LS series engines should be at least 70 Lbs lighter than the LT series.
Oh, one more thing.. since the LS series transmission is in the rear, (on Corvettes only) both automatic and manual engines should (I think) weigh the same plus or minus a very small amount.
I could understand the differance in the F bodys.
Does this sound logical to others?
LT4hitsthespot said:

Is there a full moon tonight?


Nope. And if there is, I could care less.:D

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