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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheBlueVette
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I have a question?
Have you talked to your insurance company and asked them how they would react to insuring a "good-as-new" car?

I've been lurking in on this thread the entire time, but I guess I've just been to disgusted to even post a reply. I just wanted to let you know that there's yet another person thinking about your situation and wishing you a satisfactory outcome. It's a real shame that dealers treat their customers this way, but I still hold out hope for you that they come to their senses (one way or another) and offer you a corvette of equal or greater "pre-dropped" value in compensation.

Best wishes and good luck!

Piet said:
I have a question?
Have you talked to your insurance company and asked them how they would react to insuring a "good-as-new" car?
Piet -

Yeah. The offical answer is "no problem" since that is exactly what they would do, is to repair damages only. California law allows insurance comapnies to exclude loss of resale value, and AAA in California does.

However, I found a friendly adjuster, who said it would be a bad idea. Even though they fully guaranteed the repairs that are made, any "new" problem that came up after the repairs are done would, in fact, be treated as a "new" problem with no relation to the lift dropping activities.

sleepyhead said:

I've been lurking in on this thread the entire time, but I guess I've just been to disgusted to even post a reply. I just wanted to let you know that there's yet another person thinking about your situation and wishing you a satisfactory outcome. It's a real shame that dealers treat their customers this way, but I still hold out hope for you that they come to their senses (one way or another) and offer you a corvette of equal or greater "pre-dropped" value in compensation.

Best wishes and good luck!

Wow! Thanks J for popping in and commenting. I appreciate your support!

- Dave
I just spoke to another adjuster (not my insurance compnay) who was of the opinion that I am entitled to the difference in price between renting a Corvette and the cost of the rental for Stewart's. He said I didn't cause the accident, and should not be penalized for it. I am entitled to rent a Corvette, and Stewart's should be paying for it.

I like the way this guy thinks!

- Dave
It is great that you are contacting all the media outlets, but I think you missed one part of the process. When I had a problem with my insurance company after an accident in my C2, I was very patient like Dave for a long time. I finally gave up and did the following.

I wrote a very detailed fact filled letter about the issue and (this was pre mass Internet) sent it to the CEO of the insurance company. I cc:'ed each level below him down to the local office, the local print media, the national print media, magazines, and of course TV. This was a public cc: list so that everyone along the chain saw the exposure it was going to get.

In two days I had the local office manager asking "how can we take care of this?" I had my check to repair the car in less than a week and everything was taken care of after that. It is great to contact everyone, but unless the manager, owner, GM area rep, GM corporate (Corvette Brand Manager, Chevrolet Brand Manager, etc. all the way to Wagoner) all know about this, you will have no leverage unless you actually get the media coverage. I got it all taken care of without dragging anyone through the mud or negative press for anyone. I was happy, and they ended up spending less money (yes, this was an odd decision on their part).
bcwaller said:
... It is great to contact everyone, but unless the manager, owner, GM area rep, GM corporate (Corvette Brand Manager, Chevrolet Brand Manager, etc. all the way to Wagoner) all know about this, you will have no leverage unless you actually get the media coverage. I got it all taken care of without dragging anyone through the mud or negative press for anyone. I was happy, and they ended up spending less money (yes, this was an odd decision on their part).
bc- I haven't been able to get good contacts at GM. I tried the Customer Relations, and they just sent me back to the dealer. I would send letters all the way up the chain, if I knew how to reach them.

This could be a win-win, if I could reach the right people. They could easily make me happy, and get some good publicity and customer loyalty. I just want a repalcement, I'm not asking for a new car. But both the dealer and GM seem to be pursuing a lose-lose. They lose business, get a bad reputation, and I take a huge loss on my C5. Go figure.

- Dave
barnetdh said:
bc- I haven't been able to get good contacts at GM. - Dave

This should get you started:

General Motors Corporation
300 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48265-3000

Phone: 313-556-5000
Fax: 248-696-7300

Chairman and CEO G. Richard (Rick) Wagoner Jr.
Vice Chairman and CFO John M. Devine
VP, Communications Thomas Kowaleski
VP, Corporate Responsibility and Diversity Roderick D. Gillum
Group VP, North American Vehicle Sales, Service, and Marketing
John F. Smith Jr.
VP, GM North America and General Manager Sales, Service, and Parts
Peter R. Gerosa
VP, GM North America; General Manager, Service and Parts Operations
Douglas J. Herberger
EVP Law and Public Policy Thomas A. Gottschalk
Group VP; President, GM North America Gary L. Cowger
VP and CFO, GM North America Mary Boland
General Manager, Northeast Region James Bunnell
Vice Chairman Product Development; Chairman, GM North America
Robert A. Lutz

I think this story would be geat in Reader Digest for thier "that outrageous" coulum. Just imagine, if RD decided to print that story then people will see it worldwide. just a thought, and if I had readers digest's address handy I would post it but I don't.
Hi Dave,

I've been following this Post daily since it was originally posted. First let me say I feel for you man !! I now own a C-2, my third Corvette, and so far I have been able to do all the work on them without taking one in to a shop.

It appears you have a personality that allows you to be calm and collective in situations like this...... a character trait many of us might not be able to maintain in a situation such as this. This will help you prevail in all of this.

What impresses me the most about you is that you are keeping up with all these posts and responding to them...

First, on the OSHA issue, some have the opinion that contacting them will not accomplish anything. I disagree. If nothing else, it may help ensure Stewart Chevrolet gets their act together with respect to the safety of their employees. We have to think of the Mechanic involved in this as well.... he was one lucky man. If for nothing else, reporting their short comings with respect to their lift inspection and maintenance procedures may prevent another incident such as this, and possibly prevent someone from getting hurt, and that would be worth it.... for the employees and their families !!!

As a Health and Safety Professional, I know all too well the consequenses of an anonymous report to OSHA. I recently had a disgruntled employee, whom I had terminated for poor performance, decide to write a letter to OSHA and make some (false) accusations. Well let me tell you, that caused me to have one heck of a bad week..... I had to get our corporate legal folks involved, we got an attorney who specialized in OSHA Law and citations involved ( BIG $$$$s) all to be able to respond to OSHAs inquiry.... they have to check into all reports of workplace hazards such as this to protect the employees.

I say its time for the average person to prevail over Corporate Big Business !!

Dave, open up a PayPal account, I, and I'm sure there are others, would be willing to chip in to support any legal fees to stand your ground with Stewart Chevrolet. GOOD LUCK !!!!!
wishIhadavette said:
I think this story would be geat in Reader Digest for thier "that outrageous" coulum. Just imagine, if RD decided to print that story then people will see it worldwide. just a thought, and if I had readers digest's address handy I would post it but I don't.
Actually, this could be a new Reality TV show. Somebody brings their vette in, the dealer tells them it's been totaled, but they have a nice little Malibu to drive around while they are salvaging the car. First person we can try it on is theblackvette, who we all know doesn't get excited about anything, ever.:L

- Dave
barnetdh said:
I've discussed this with a few lawyers, but most want the $$$$, which would eat into my down payment for my next vette. If this were a case in which there was an injury or significant punitive damages, I couls arrange a contingency fee, and not be out of pocket. I would be very interested in an attorney with a passion for C5's, if I could find one.

- Dave
I am alittle confused. A lawyer might cost you a couple thousand dollars to fire off a few letters and make a few threats.

You stand to loose around $6000.00, the difference between what your car was worth before they dropped it and what it is worth now. You have said yourself that you could never sell the car to anyone without telling them about the repairs first. So even if you except the car back fixed, your own conscience will not let you resale it for what it would have been worth before the accident.

Spend the money on a lawyer and save yourself some money in the long run.

Not only will you save money but I am willing to bet that you end up with a new car.

What he said ^^^^^^ Get the lawyer.I'd like to see the Stewart Auto representative in front of a judge....."I'm sorry sir","your client did What to this poor gentleman's car?".....If you stand to lose that much as of right now might as well get the lawyer and maybe THEN the dealer might wanna re-evaluate his business' situation.Stewart Auto is missing out on a great chance to make you happy AND get great publicity at the same time. I wish you well and I hope everything works out to your satisfaction.
barnetdh said:
bc- I haven't been able to get good contacts at GM. I tried the Customer Relations, and they just sent me back to the dealer. I would send letters all the way up the chain, if I knew how to reach them.
- Dave
Here are some places to start:
GM Executives

Principal Office

General Motors Corporation
300 Renaissance Center
P.O. Box 300
Detroit, MI 48265-3000

You could try calling here and asking for the mail stop information for the names you are trying to contact.

Are you a GM stockholder?
GM Stockholder Services
General Motors Corporation
Mail Code 482-C38-B71
300 Renaissance Center
P.O. Box 300
Detroit, MI 48265-3000

Perhaps someone at the NCM can help out with mailing addresses?
TLeBlanc said:
Hi Dave,

First, on the OSHA issue, some have the opinion that contacting them will not accomplish anything. I disagree. If nothing else, it may help ensure Stewart Chevrolet gets their act together with respect to the safety of their employees. We have to think of the Mechanic involved in this as well.... he was one lucky man. If for nothing else, reporting their short comings with respect to their lift inspection and maintenance procedures may prevent another incident such as this, and possibly prevent someone from getting hurt, and that would be worth it.... for the employees and their families !!!
TLeBlanc -

You're right. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. That mechanic could have been killed, and this doesn't appear to be through anything he did or didn't do.

- Dave

TLeBlanc said:
I say its time for the average person to prevail over Corporate Big Business !!

Dave, open up a PayPal account, I, and I'm sure there are others, would be willing to chip in to support any legal fees to stand your ground with Stewart Chevrolet. GOOD LUCK !!!!!
Get out! You kidding me? Wow! Nice offer, TLeBlanc! I'm overwhelmed, literally. I just had to call my wife to tell her about it.

I'm conflicted - I don't want to take anyone's money for my problems, but my wife pointed out that if we can back the dealer down, we all win. As theblackvette pointed out, this could have happened to anyone (#63), and it would be good to know that the collective power of this forum can actually prevail. I really feel kind of funny about this though. Suppose I don't need to get an attorney? If the news channels pick it up, that might do it.

- Dave
(This message is in reply to your post and an IM that I received.)
That is not true. They may have declined, but thousands of unsafe incidents have been investigated by OSHA. I will give one huge example. Procter & Gamble boiler room explosion, no one hurt, but OSHA recorded it as a fatality in the books and P&G was fined big time. So you are half right, they did not investigate, and it does not require an injury for them to do so. Not my $00.02 but fact. Look it up, it is in the books. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your reply, and I want nothing best the best to come out of this for our fellow CAC member. slong
Edmond said:

That issue was brought up but because no one was killed or injured; OHSa won't really look much into it. :(
MM-C5 said:
This should get you started:

General Motors Corporation
300 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48265-3000

Phone: 313-556-5000
Fax: 248-696-7300

Great! Thanks, Tom. Got some letter writing to do...

- Dave
slong said:
(This message is in reply to your post and an IM that I received.)
That is not true. They may have declined, but thousands of unsafe incidents have been investigated by OSHA. I will give one huge example. Procter & Gamble boiler room explosion, no one hurt, but OSHA recorded it as a fatality in the books and P&G was fined big time. So you are half right, they did not investigate, and it does not require an injury for them to do so. Not my $00.02 but fact. Look it up, it is in the books. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your reply, and I want nothing best the best to come out of this for our fellow CAC member. slong


Have you read this? I think you should contact OHSA about this. Stewarts is obviously going to make things hard for you; you should do the same for them.
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