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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

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Edmond said:

Have you read this? I think you should contact OHSA about this. Stewarts is obviously going to make things hard for you; you should do the same for them.
Edmond -

They have an online form to print and fax in. Done.

- Dave
trent81 said:
You stand to loose around $6000.00, the difference between what your car was worth before they dropped it and what it is worth now. You have said yourself that you could never sell the car to anyone without telling them about the repairs first. So even if you except the car back fixed, your own conscience will not let you resale it for what it would have been worth before the accident.

Spend the money on a lawyer and save yourself some money in the long run.

Not only will you save money but I am willing to bet that you end up with a new car.

trent81 -- I have another appraisal going, and it might turn out that I stand to lose $13,000 of the resale. That makes it worthwhile to get an attorney.

- Dave
Something is bothering here since your car wasn`t involved in an accident. They mishandled it. Why should you take any loss? The way I see it, there are 3 parties involved. The dealership, the dealership insurance, and the lift manufacture.
Another point is, what is the actual book value of the car shoul you actually total the car vs what it would sell for. I don`t understand where the dealership is coming up with the number $17,600.
Out of 62,000 people out there who read this thread, are there any lawyers out there willing to make a stab at this. At least open up and give us little people a hint as to how to rememdy this. "PLEASE????"
MarkDM53 said:
Something is bothering here since your car wasn`t involved in an accident. They mishandled it. Why should you take any loss? The way I see it, there are 3 parties involved. The dealership, the dealership insurance, and the lift manufacture.
Another point is, what is the actual book value of the car shoul you actually total the car vs what it would sell for. I don`t understand where the dealership is coming up with the number $17,600.
Out of 62,000 people out there who read this thread, are there any lawyers out there willing to make a stab at this. At least open up and give us little people a hint as to how to rememdy this. "PLEASE????"
MarkDM53 -- I had the glass roof, premier sound, CD player, and dual power seats. With only 40,222 miles, the resale was listed between $26,000 and $28,000 depending on source. The dealership is offering me a retail price. I think that is way too low if the car hadn't been dropped 6 feet, but since it has, that may be close to the actual value, after the accident.

Of course, I didn't drop the car off the lift, they did. Neither GM nor the dealership accepts any responsbility for this. Seems a little shabby to me...

- Dave
Another thing. How did the adjuster come up with $10,000 or so to fix the dam thing?. Unless he had it put up on a lift and able to access the damage under the car, it would seem he just low balled the estimate. I would want the rear,trans,torque tube, and engine checked for cracks,especialy the torque tube. Also to make sure the frame is straght with no hairline cracks. The fact that the windshield cracked shows how much torge the frame took when it fell.

The car should be "totaled so it would have to have a slavage title put on it so this bastard can`t sell it to some poor sucker looking for his first vette.
I`ve seen far less damage on vettes that were totaled. i`ll garantee the shop the dealership took it too will do a bangup job of fixing it and run like hell.
What an absolute travesty. I'm constantly appalled at the lack of professionalism running rampant through dealerships these days. Here's to hoping you get this sorted out correctly - and swiftly. :beer
Morrissey said:
What an absolute travesty. I'm constantly appalled at the lack of professionalism running rampant through dealerships these days. Here's to hoping you get this sorted out correctly - and swiftly. :beer
Many thanks, Morrissey! I'll knock back a Guiness or two to that! :beer

- Dave
MarkDM53 said:
Something is bothering here since your car wasn`t involved in an accident. They mishandled it. Why should you take any loss? The way I see it, there are 3 parties involved. The dealership, the dealership insurance, and the lift manufacture.
As far as Dave is concerned, the dealership, its insurance provider, and Dave's insurance provider are the only parties involved. It will be up to Stewart to sue the lift manufacturer at a later date if Dave sues Stewart and wins. Dave should have no dealings with the lift manufacturer unless subpoenaed to appear in a later trial between Stewart and the lift manufacturer, however unlikely.
MarkDM53 said:
Another thing. How did the adjuster come up with $10,000 or so to fix the dam thing?. Unless he had it put up on a lift and able to access the damage under the car, it would seem he just low balled the estimate. I would want the rear,trans,torque tube, and engine checked for cracks,especialy the torque tube. Also to make sure the frame is straght with no hairline cracks. The fact that the windshield cracked shows how much torge the frame took when it fell.

The car should be "totaled so it would have to have a slavage title put on it so this bastard can`t sell it to some poor sucker looking for his first vette.
I`ve seen far less damage on vettes that were totaled. i`ll garantee the shop the dealership took it too will do a bangup job of fixing it and run like hell.
I had the body shop fax the results of the Genesis frame alignment test to an independent appraiser today. I should have a report tomorrow, I think.

Another thing you could do would be to write to your local politicians. What can they do? I don't know, but I have a tendency to complain a lot and to a lot of people. They are there to "serve the people" and writing a quick letter to them couldn't hurt.

I think someone mentioned the Better Business Bureau?

You could also write to the Ford, Mopar and Import magazines with your story. I'm sure GM reads those magazines to find out what the latest crazes and fads are in their competitors markets. I would think that those publications would be more than happy to print a letter that criticizes their competition.
MarkDM53 said:
Something is bothering here since your car wasn`t involved in an accident. They mishandled it. Why should you take any loss? The way I see it, there are 3 parties involved. The dealership, the dealership insurance, and the lift manufacture.
Another point is, what is the actual book value of the car shoul you actually total the car vs what it would sell for. I don`t understand where the dealership is coming up with the number $17,600.
Out of 62,000 people out there who read this thread, are there any lawyers out there willing to make a stab at this. At least open up and give us little people a hint as to how to rememdy this. "PLEASE????"
I was just wondering that myself. 62,000 people and not one of them is a lawyer who will take a shot at this pro bono?
I just had an idea, why don't we all go down to Steward Chev and take advantage of the 24 hour test drive offered by GM on any GM car with no obligation and then explain that the reason we can't buy from them is that we just heard about the "droped a car" on the internet????

Just a thought.............:D
cruzer82 said:
I just had an idea, why don't we all go down to Steward Chev and take advantage of the 24 hour test drive offered by GM on any GM car with no obligation and then explain that the reason we can't buy from them is that we just heard about the "droped a car" on the internet????

Just a thought.............:D
.........That would be fantastic.Make them waste their time,feel abused and ridiculed,aggravate them and their employees so much that they complain to their bosses.I love the idea.Too bad I live a billion miles away.
cruzer82 said:
I just had an idea, why don't we all go down to Steward Chev and take advantage of the 24 hour test drive offered by GM on any GM car with no obligation and then explain that the reason we can't buy from them is that we just heard about the "droped a car" on the internet????

Just a thought.............:D
Aha! Very devious, cruzer82!

- Dave
Edmond said:

I think someone mentioned the Better Business Bureau?

You could also write to the Ford, Mopar and Import magazines with your story. I'm sure GM reads those magazines to find out what the latest crazes and fads are in their competitors markets. I would think that those publications would be more than happy to print a letter that criticizes their competition.
Edmond -

No one had mentioned the Better Business Bureau. I hadn't thought of that.
Better Business Bureau
510 Broadway, Suite 200
Millbrae, CA 94030-1966
Phone: (650) 552-9222
Fax: (650) 652-1748

I can certainly let them know how unhappy I am with Stewart Automotive Group in Colma.

I have to share this morbid gem I ran across in looking for the Better Business Bureau. It used to be illegal to bury people in San Francisco, so Colma was used as the official site. About 75% of Colma is cemetaries. The official motto of the town: "It's great to be alive in Colma"

Let's bury Stewart's :D

Anyone have e-mail addresses of GM competitor magazines? I'd be glad to fire off a complaint about GM's outstanding customer service.
- Dave

Over 60 thousand views and 10´s of thousands of words are wonderful but not enough. Let´s all send Dave $10. to use in anyway he sees fit. I do not care it goes for legal defense, to offset the difference between his settlement and the price of his next Vette, or to buy a good stiff drink in which to drown some sorrows.

There is no way to repay the kindnesses that we receive throughout life, the only thing that we can do is to pass them on. NOW is the time to STOP talking and START acting.

Remember this could happen to any of us!

It is easy to do, just go to www.paypal.com, log in and click on send money. Here is a copy of the receipt from paypal, I deleted the first of the email address because I do not have permission from Dave to publish it.

To: speedkarts@terra.es

Subject: Receipt for your Payment

This email confirms that you sent $10.00 USD to (get the address from dave)@sbcglobal.net.


Payment Details


Amount: $10.00 USD

Transaction ID: 1PE52031TF270481M

Subject: It could have happened to any of us!


It is time for us to put our money where our mouth is.

View the details of this transaction online at:


Thank you for using PayPal!

The PayPal Team

Ok, Dave gave me permission to post their email it is: d_barnett@sbcglobal.net.

Now there is no excuse.

If you are truly outraged by Stewart’s actions.
If you truly love Corvettes.
If being a member of the ¨Corvette Brotherhood¨ means more to you than an occasional wave.
If anybody has ever helped you when you needed it.
If your body temperature is still over 90º.
Go to www.paypal.com log in or open an account, click on send money, enter d_barnett@sbcglobal.net. and send Dave $10 or what ever makes you comfortable.
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