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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheBlueVette
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67HEAVEN said:
Excellent observation, cruzer82.

What we need here are some entrepreneurial business people (Stewart's take note) who can see beyond "this week's" bottom line to the bigger picture.

Hmmmmmmm......how about this for a slogan?

XYZ Chevrolet --The dealership that "caught" the falling Corvette!
I would go WAY out of my way to take my car to someone I trusted. ...and tell all my friends about them, too.
It seems obvious to me that some people have taken my posts today out of context and/or maybe I didn't explain myself clearly or thoroughly.

While some of you have made some good points since my post, a couple of you really could have replied with a little less sarcasm.

When I commented that I'm trying to pull people back into a little bit of reality, what I really should have said, was, I'd like some of you to look at the situation through my eyes and from my point of view. Hopefully, I will explain myself here more clearly so that you will have a little bit of a better understanding.
My biggest concern with this thread is legal ramifications. Not hardware issues. I'm not well versed on internet law so I don't know if or what kind of recourse this dealership could have against us if they chose to do so.

On the one hand, I totally undestand the feelings and emotions that revolve around this thread and the desire to help and rectify the situation....and to see justice served.

However, above and beyond all else, I have a responsibility to insure that the Corvette Action Center keep its head above water and not get sucked into a massive legal battle. I cannot afford the time or the finances to undertake something like that, so my primary focus and concern is the health and well being of the Corvette Action Center. I don't want to see it, and me get pulled into court, fined and shutdown.

That is my biggest concern and that is the source of my growing discomfort with this thread. For the most part, I was fine until everyone started suggesting that we take this national, hit the air waves with it, and make this dealership a public example for all. Maybe if it was my Vette, I'd feel a little differently, but the fact is, I'm not in Dave's situation. However, the situation that I am in is again, to insure that the CAC lives on and prospers.

Maybe I'm being oversensitive and maybe I don't have anything to worry about it, at all. However, the source of my unknowing, and lack of knowledge of internet law is the source of my fear and desire for overprotection of the CAC.

THAT is where I am coming from with my posts.
And NO, I'm not going to close the thread. So you can all stop emailing me. :)
Rob said:
My biggest concern with this thread is legal ramifications. Not hardware issues. I'm not well versed on internet law so I don't know if or what kind of recourse this dealership could have against us if they chose to do so.

I understand where you're coming from, Rob.

From a legal perspective I don't think Stewart's has a leg to stand on if everyone posting here recognizes that speculation and hearsay aren't facts and illegal suggestions are a bad idea.

With regards to going national, that might bring more exposure to the CAC, but it won't give Stewart's any additional standing.

You should protect your baby, the CAC, with every resource at your disposal and I won't say that there's no risk at all since any idiot can sue any other for any reason.

Winning, on the other hand, is another story altogether.

Of course, you can win a lawsuit and still loose. . . I'm no lawyer and even I know that! :D
JFYI-The usual suspect!

I will reply using the same reply in another thread with one exception. Remove the word stupid. Thanks! :L

Thanks for the clarification, Rob.

I take it the day has gotten a little better??????

the blackvette

Rob said:
And NO, I'm not going to close the thread. So you can all stop emailing me. :)
I was out in my 1990 today--with the top down of course, and drove by this car just a few miles form my house. I might even be interested in a road trip to CA to help Stewarts save a delivery charge.

Silver 1997 Corvette 20,167 miles
born2saw said:
I was out in my 1990 today--with the top down of course, and drove by this car just a few miles form my house. I might even be interested in a road trip to CA to help Stewarts save a delivery charge.

Silver 1997 Corvette 20,167 miles
Nice ride, born2saw! Shoot, I'd come out and pick it up!

- Dave
I suggest a Google/Yahoo SEO "bombing" campaign!

If people would be interested in starting/participating in a Search Engine "bombing" campaign with a choice word (e.g., dirtbag, unscrupulous, amoral, or other single-negative-but-not-filthy word or even a short phrase) to make some (negative) Google and Yahoo publicity for that dealer, drop me a line offline (we
ll, via email or PM and not publicly in this thread) and I can make my web sites available for participation in the campaign. My corporate and personal web sites are deep-crawled several times weekly by both Google and Yahoo, and all it takes is ~30 or so web sites to achieve the goal. Anyone interested in participating? If you're a web novice but have a web site and know the basics of a web/HTML editor I can provide both the guidance and the code to optimize the "bombing" campaign once a word or phrase is decided upon.
Thank you but I already have taken up

those words!

Enter those words and you will find me, the blackvette! I have been described as this in the past and they apply to me. They don't apply to anyone else! Thanks for your idea, but I don't think those services will be needed.
Welcome to the CAC! :w

TheOriginalKimVette said:
If people would be interested in starting/participating in a Search Engine "bombing" campaign with a choice word (e.g., dirtbag, unscrupulous, amoral, or other single-negative-but-not-filthy word or even a short phrase) to make some Google and Yahoo publicity for that dealer, drop me a line offline and I can make my web sites available for participation in the campaign. My corporate and personal web sites are deep-crawled several times weekly by both Google and Yahoo, and all it takes is ~30 or so web sites to achieve the goal. Anyone interested in participating? If you're a web novice but have a web site and know the basics of a web/HTML editor I can provide both the guidance and the code to optimize the "bombing" campaign once a word or phrase is decided upon.
TheOriginalKimVette said:
If people would be interested in starting/participating in a Search Engine "bombing" campaign with a choice word (e.g., dirtbag, unscrupulous, amoral, or other single-negative-but-not-filthy word or even a short phrase) to make some Google and Yahoo publicity for that dealer, drop me a line offline and I can make my web sites available for participation in the campaign. My corporate and personal web sites are deep-crawled several times weekly by both Google and Yahoo, and all it takes is ~30 or so web sites to achieve the goal. Anyone interested in participating? If you're a web novice but have a web site and know the basics of a web/HTML editor I can provide both the guidance and the code to optimize the "bombing" campaign once a word or phrase is decided upon.
Although well-intentioned, this is the kind of thing that could negatively impact this forum. CAC does not encourage nor condone "bombing" campaigns against any business, person or website.

Please, let's use every positive means of encouraging the best possible outcome for Dave.
TheOriginalKimVette said:
If people would be interested in starting/participating in a Search Engine "bombing" campaign with a choice word (e.g., dirtbag, unscrupulous, amoral, or other single-negative-but-not-filthy word or even a short phrase) to make some (negative) Google and Yahoo publicity for that dealer, drop me a line offline (we
ll, via email or PM and not publicly in this thread) and I can make my web sites available for participation in the campaign. My corporate and personal web sites are deep-crawled several times weekly by both Google and Yahoo, and all it takes is ~30 or so web sites to achieve the goal. Anyone interested in participating? If you're a web novice but have a web site and know the basics of a web/HTML editor I can provide both the guidance and the code to optimize the "bombing" campaign once a word or phrase is decided upon.
Kim, I don't agree with this approach and I wish you would have contacted me privately and talked to me about it first before posting this. I'm sure you would have had a little more respect for Dave and the ZR-1 Net had this been posted there.
Sorry I meant no offense - and I just posted the same exact message up on the mailing list. My apologies.
No offense taken!

I get called those names everyday! Just don't rub it in!


TheOriginalKimVette said:
Sorry I meant no offense - and I just posted the same exact message up on the mailing list. My apologies.
TheOriginalKimVette said:
Sorry I meant no offense - and I just posted the same exact message up on the mailing list. My apologies.
No problem. Welcome to the Corvette Action Center.
67HEAVEN said:
Although well-intentioned, this is the kind of thing that could negatively impact this forum. CAC does not encourage nor condone "bombing" campaigns against any business, person or website.

Please, let's use every positive means of encouraging the best possible outcome for Dave.
Well come to think of it....there's a few people I could think of that I'd like to bomb. ;LOL ;LOL
Am I on your list?

Did I make the "Hit List?"

Top Ten?????? :D

Rob said:
Well come to think of it....there's a few people I could think of that I'd like to bomb. ;LOL ;LOL
Hello everyone,

I have been reading this thread since it began. First I would like to say that I am very sympathetic towards what has happened to Dave. I can only imagine the anger I would feel if a dealership dropped my Corvette off of a lift during routine service.

Having said that, I do have to agree with what Rob said in an earlier post about being realistic about your expectations.

1) Stewart obviously does not care about what is being posted in this thread because, honestly, it will not effect his sales at all. In his eyes only a very miniscule percentage of people that will shop at his dealership will know of this thread.

2) To say that Stewart is trying to lowball Dave on the trade in price of his Corvette is not correct either. Dealerships do not use the Blue Book value for trade ins, they use the Black Book value as a guide and can increase or decrease the value if they wish. Here is a link to get an idea of what the Black Book value is http://www.cudirect.com/bbframeset.asp .

3) It is a good idea to contact the local media hoping that they will take an interest in this but I doubt you will get a response. If Stewart refused to repair Dave's car or denied that the damage was their fault then they would have a story but Stewart did offer to repair it at no cost to Dave and did offer to take Black Book trade in value for the car. So the only thing Stewart is guilty of is being an A** Hole and not going out of their way or making an extra effort to make Dave happy.

It is a real shame that Stewart Chevrolet is acting this way. I would not conduct business this way but then again I would not let one of my mechanics work with worn out equipment either. The fact that Stewart does not keep their equipment in good working order is a sign that they are cheap and the only thing that matters to them is getting the most profit out of every situation.

It is always a good idea to walk through a repair shop before letting them work on your vehicle. The condition of the shop and it's equipment will give you an idea of what kind of work ethics they have. I know this advice comes a bit late but it is a good thing to keep in mind for future reference.

I know that this issue is a very emotional one for Dave and has effected a lot of people on this forum as well but you have to remember that Stewart Chevrolet has no emotions tied up in this at all and from their responses I doubt that they even have a heart. Emotions can run wild with issues like this but you have to try to remove yourself emotionally from this and try to look at it from someone else's perspective.

Dave, if I were in your situation I would take the trade in value offered by Stewart Chevrolet and purchase a 2004 C5 with as many options as I could afford and coupled with all of the available discounts and the Paypal money you have received you wouldn't have to finance that much. I wouldn't want to own a car after it was dropped off of a lift.

I hope I did not offend anyone with this post it was merely an attempt to keep everything in perspective.

Good luck Dave I hope everything works out for you in the end. God Bless.

Excellent post and well written! Thank you.
Yellow2K4 said:
Dave, if I were in your situation I would take the trade in value offered by Stewart Chevrolet and purchase a 2004 C5 with as many options as I could afford and coupled with all of the available discounts and the Paypal money you have received you wouldn't have to finance that much. I wouldn't want to own a car after it was dropped off of a lift.

I hope I did not offend anyone with this post it was merely an attempt to keep everything in perspective.

Good luck Dave I hope everything works out for you in the end. God Bless.
Can someone please explain the rational behind suggesting that he should take the tradein value for his car. I still do not get it! The man takes in a perfectly good C-5 for service, has it dropped off a lift, has thousands of dollars of damage thru no fault of his own and he is expected to take $10,000 less than what he could possibly get at private sale and be happy!

The car would probably be a total if it were damaged at any other place than this dealership.

I still don't get it!! I promise I have tried to see the rational but I just can't so will some one please explain it for me or better yet draw pictures.

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