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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

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Story from work

Okay, Rob. we dont want to get you in trouble.
BlueVette2 said:
I understand Dave cannot talk about the car ordeal anylonger. He signed a stipulation. My name is not on that piece of paper. I was never asked to sign any document or affidavit. I will tell you about an incident that happened to me at work last week.

Our Seucirty Manager at the company I work for said to me last week, "Hey Demery, did you know that I called up the dealer in So. S.F. and asked them, is it true you dropped a corvette off a lift?" The woman who answered the phone said, "what sir? I'm unaware of anything like that happening." Kenji went on to say, "my friend at work told me that they took their car in for an oil change and the dealership dropped the car off the lift. " The women said, "wait and let me see if someone can help you.'" Just then a man came to the phone and said, "may I help you?" Kenji asked again, "is it true you dropped a corvette off a lift?" The man on the phone said, "If something like that had happened here I would know about it. No it's not true. Where did you hear that?" I cannot remember Kenji's exact words, but I will get him to write in tomorrow to the forum and give you the "real scoop." Interesting isn't it?

I'm not mentioning the dealers name in question, but you know who I am referring to.

I would like to ask that before you do that, you double check with your attorney and make sure that legally, the dealership cannot hold you, or the Corvette Action Center responsible even though Dave's name is on that piece of paper only.

I don't know what the legalities are, but I do NOT want to get pulled into court for any reason.
TheBlueVette changes oil

I took the new vette in for the first oil change....

Nothing happened.
TheBlueVette said:
I took the new vette in for the first oil change....

Nothing happened.
Usually that's not good news but in your case I know it is. Hope you're enjoying the new one. ;)
TheBlueVette said:
I took the new vette in for the first oil change....

Nothing happened.

C'mon Dave, start changin the oil yourself! ;LOL

Me change oil! geess, one more letter and it wound be a 4 letter word!
Ok, all kidding aside, if you need some help, legal or otherwise, please feel free to contact me.

TheBlueVette said:
I took the new vette in for the first oil change....

Nothing happened.

I’ll bet that the mechanics put on white gloves and double check everything twice when the BlueVette rolls through the door. GM probably installed a ¨law suit¨ sensor before delivering the car.:L

How is your Son doing? Is he still in the Middle East?:pat

All the best and have a great Sunday drive about.

:w Igeaux
Edmond said:
C'mon Dave, start changin the oil yourself! ;LOL
I still like the Jiffy-Lube idea -- the car never leaves the ground!

I’ll bet that the mechanics put on white gloves and double check everything twice when the BlueVette rolls through the door. GM probably installed a ¨law suit¨ sensor before delivering the car.:L
We put a LawJack in it. Anything happens to the new vette, it automatically files a law suit.

How is your Son doing? Is he still in the Middle East?:pat
He just back about 3 weeks ago. We flew down to San Diego to meet his ship when it came in. It was awesome -- they have the music playing over the ships speakers, and all the families wait on the dock as the ship comes around Coronado Island with the Sailors and Marines at parade rest facing outward all along the edge of the deck. Gives you goose bumps. :pat

All the best and have a great Sunday drive about.
Thanks, Igeaux! Good to hear from you again!

- Dave
law107 said:
Me change oil! geess, one more letter and it wound be a 4 letter word!
Ok, all kidding aside, if you need some help, legal or otherwise, please feel free to contact me.

Thanks, law! As long as I can take my car in for an oil change, and just get the oil changed, I'm good. What's the worst that could happen? :_rock
TheBlueVette said:
Thanks, law! As long as I can take my car in for an oil change, and just get the oil changed, I'm good. What's the worst that could happen? :_rock

Just go back to page one of this thread! :L
I am curious whether or not this thread had any effect on the dealer in question. I suspect not, but I would like to think so. Just as a leopard never changes his spots, some dealers never change their slime.
DRTH VTR said:
I am curious whether or not this thread had any effect on the dealer in question. I suspect not, but I would like to think so. Just as a leopard never changes his spots, some dealers never change their slime.
Trust me, they are in total denial. I was at a social event a couple of months ago, and I was introduced to a middle manager who works at the dealership in question. He first insisted it was an 'urban legend' that had proliferated on the Web, and it wasn't until I persisted with the facts that he admitted that there 'had been a little problem', but that it got 'blown way out of proportion'.
He proceed to rant about how 'the lawyers' really stuck it to the dealership over a little 'misunderstanding'.:(

I still haven't decided whether this was blind ignorance or unmitigated gall.
Probably a little bit of both.
Roadfrog said:
We really don't know if it hit ground as in free fall drop or something less than that. Best not to depend on strangers to tell you what to do in this case.

You can either go for the throat, go down the path they lead you on, or something in between. Sounds to me like they're optioning to take the least expensive way out for themselves first...only logical for the dealer.

Best case for you is the car is totaled...not likely to happen. Put your poker face on and start hard ball negotiating. Another free opinion. Best of luck with incompetent idiots.....:(
I agree here... Roadfrog makes a good point. Was the car on the lift and fell off where the entire weight of the car hit the ground? This would most certainly cause more problems than just body damage as has been previously metioned. On the other hand, was it on the lift and slide off the front or back where part of the car's weight was still supported on the lift and only back end or front end hit the ground? Again, it would still be feasible that more than just the body is damaged, but it may not be so severe as to total the car. In any case, I do think that there are going to be some hidden problems that you will no doubt encounter down the road after it is "as good as new". My 2 cents, take the middle road between what the dealership wants to do and the hardline lawyer who will take them to the cleaners. If it had happened to me, I would request the car body be replaced (as the dealer has already intened) and while the car is apart, my personal mechanic would join me for a thorough inspection with everything damaged, or questionable being replaced by the dealer. Once the car is back together, an extended bumper to bumper warranty from the dealer (hey, it's "as good as new" right!?) to cover the unforseen damages, and possibly a chunk of change in my pocket for depreciation (be honest here though, I would only push for compensation for depreciation if I know I am going to be selling or trading the car in during the next 12 months or so. If you intended on keeping the car forever, I wouldn't bother with this aspect). If they don't like this "middle of the road" agreement, they would be keeping the car and paying me current NADA value for the car... might even convince them to give high retail while working out a deal for a C6... somewhere between invoice and MSRP to cover your emotional pain and suffering sounds reasonable! :D

Edit: Hmm... just realized there was 58 pages and this was an old thread. ;LOL Guess I'll have to read and find out what happened.
Urban Legend

kbuhagiar said:
Trust me, they are in total denial. I was at a social event a couple of months ago, and I was introduced to a middle manager who works at the dealership in question. He first insisted it was an 'urban legend' that had proliferated on the Web, and it wasn't until I persisted with the facts that he admitted that there 'had been a little problem', but that it got 'blown way out of proportion'.
He proceed to rant about how 'the lawyers' really stuck it to the dealership over a little 'misunderstanding'.:(

I still haven't decided whether this was blind ignorance or unmitigated gall.
Probably a little bit of both.
Wow! I'm an urban legend. That's kind of cool! :L

Great post! Made my day! ;LOL Thanks!
TheBlueVette said:
Wow! I'm an urban legend. That's kind of cool! :L

Great post! Made my day! ;LOL Thanks!
Maybe we can get those two Myth Busters guys on TV to attempt recreating the event....just to see if it can really happen that way ;) :L :L

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