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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

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Thanks MM-C5.

I think it was my duty to help out a fellow "blackvette" LOL

Actually, I would have done this with any vette owner.

He needs to be taken care of and treated fairly and with respect.

MM-C5 said:
The Black Vette, you are to be commended for all initiating the email campaign to Stewart :beer 76okievette, I think you have the right idea in getting local clubs involved. Hopefully they will jump in also. By any chance, did you let Stewart know you had sent this thread to the local clubs?

While they might pay some attention to those of us outside The Bay Area, the real concern will be about thier reputation with local buyers. Hmm, I wonder if they are the "Proud Sponsor" of any particular club out there.

What a shame! :cry

Yes I did sent this thread to Bay Area Corvettes. I did not see Steward listed as the sponser of any club. I did not sent a note to Steward to tell them I notified the local clubs. I will attemp too do that. Have we heard any news on what going on with getting this worked out?
StewartCars: All is asked for is fairness!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last update was how barnetdh went back and got some items out from his car and asked more questions about the incident.

I do not know if any progress has been made. Perhaps, his insurance company is taking this from here. He did say that when he knows something he will let us know. So perhaps, he doesn't know what progress has been made himself.

I am certain that Stewart is watching this thread now. Especially, after well over a dozen, maybe two dozen e-mails. Also, I am sure barnetdh mentioned this site to them as well.

To the folks at Stewartcars: Accidents happen. I am more pleased that the service technician did not get injured or even killed!!!!! We are all blessed that he is okay. If this matter is handled properly, no one is going to hold anything against you. It appears you have been in business for several years. All that is asked for is that our fellow Corvette buddy is taken care of properly. All that matters now is how you handle this. Again, feel free to contact me at the theblackcobrasnake@yahoo.com if you wish to communicate any information.
I enjoyed looking at your website. It was nicely done. Great pictures of the shop too!!!!!!


76okievette said:
Yes I did sent this thread to Bay Area Corvettes. I did not see Steward listed as the sponser of any club. I did not sent a note to Steward to tell them I notified the local clubs. I will attemp too do that. Have we heard any news on what going on with getting this worked out?
Thanks for contacting them 76!!!!!!!!

76okievette said:
Yes I did sent this thread to Bay Area Corvettes. I did not see Steward listed as the sponser of any club. I did not sent a note to Steward to tell them I notified the local clubs. I will attemp too do that. Have we heard any news on what going on with getting this worked out?
I'm curious as to exactly what it is you want the dealership to do to satisfy you? Have they made any other specific offers besides fixing as good as new?
jak112460 said:
I'm curious as to exactly what it is you want the dealership to do to satisfy you? Have they made any other specific offers besides fixing as good as new?

Besides the fact that they tried to cover it up; that car just can't be fixed as good as new.

This is like an Corvette version of the X-Files or something like that.
$64,000 question!!!!!!

That my good friend IS the $64,000 question!!!!!!

jak112460 said:
I'm curious as to exactly what it is you want the dealership to do to satisfy you? Have they made any other specific offers besides fixing as good as new?
The first thing you have to understand is that to the dealer that car is just another car. They don't have any emotions tied to any car on that lot. To you it's a work of art. The first thing you should do is get a lawyer, preferrably a friend that is a lawyer, and have him fire off a letter to the general manager and owner of the dealership. You need to be reasonable. Don't be asking for a brand new car. If it were me I would ask for a low milage Vette similar to yours and try get them to trade you. Frankly, I wouldn't want the car back no matter what they did. They could put a big block and blower on it and I wouldn't want it. If you know what I mean. They have to accept that Corvettes carry more than, "just another car", label. They sell and promote the car as an American dream car and intimate that it will be a collectors item one day. They promote the car in a way that makes people want to collect them. To me if they think they can fix it perfect then great. They can trade you for the car and fix it and then sell it for a perfect car price. Of course you and they both have to disclose the damges on that car to any buyer. This is why you just letting them "fix" it is not in your interest. If it were a damaged fender that would be one thing but I bet you are going to have at least a front of rear clip plus hundreds of minors parts.
theblackvette said:
The last update was how barnetdh went back and got some items out from his car and asked more questions about the incident.

I do not know if any progress has been made. Perhaps, his insurance company is taking this from here. He did say that when he knows something he will let us know. So perhaps, he doesn't know what progress has been made himself.
I spoke to my insurance company yesterday. They were going to send an adjuster out to G & M Autobody in Colma (owned by Stewart Automotive). I told John, the manager of G & M not to start work until my insurance got out there.

CSAA said they were waiving the $250 deductible, since Stewart had insurance coverage. I haven't heard back yet from them. No other word.
invinceablevett said:
Hello barnetdh.....I too have sent an E-mail to the service department.Although I am many miles away I did include in my e-mail a little advice for them indicating that this error on their part could cost them their reputation.I hope they do their best.I would like to add that the best thing for you to do is to contact a shark...oopps I meant a lawyer.The local journalists would be thrilled to help you out with this so I suggest you give them a call also.I hope things work out.
We have a consumer service with our local channel 4 that my wife works across the street from. We also have Channel 7's "7 on your side" that we're checking out. It's not a story until Stewart refuses to make it right. Also talking to attorneys.... Thanx for the support!

- Dave
Thanks for the update barnetdh!!!!!

Thank you for the update barnetdh!!!!

My suspicions were correct. I figured you left it in the hands of your insurance company.

The question is whether or not they are going to call the vehicle a "total." I don't see how they cannot call this a total loss. The wheels practically came through the quarter panels and there must have been some sort of frame damage.

I still don't see how this car is going to be repaired so that is "good as new." Do you? You are the only one here that has seen it in person. Do you think that they can repair this to your satisfaction? Also, when you sell the car you will be required to disclose that it was involved in a major accident. I don't see how you can win by having this car repaired. I think at the minimum you should get replacement value for the vehicle. Additional consideration should be made to you based on the situation. But to repair it as good as new, to me is next to impossible.

Again, thanks for keeping up posted. We are all behind you 100 percent and are watching closely. If you need further advice from fellow corvette owners, by all means come to us!

Best regards,


barnetdh said:
I spoke to my insurance company yesterday. They were going to send an adjuster out to G & M Autobody in Colma (owned by Stewart Automotive). I told John, the manager of G & M not to start work until my insurance got out there.

CSAA said they were waiving the $250 deductible, since Stewart had insurance coverage. I haven't heard back yet from them. No other word.
theblackvette said:
Your concern is only natural barnetdh! However, it is clear that those notes were written by individuals. Notice on one of them they stated about the sender's concern about what they saw on a website. As if they are real names, perhaps you may be right, but in my opinion they are REAL people.

Needless to say, they were interested in finding out more information. You said you called them. What did they tell you? Did you call back and ask for those people by name?
Keep us posted, barnetdh.

Best regards,

the blackvette
I called Kathy Sawyer at the Customer Service Center. They linked this back to my original email from Damien Crumbly. I fingured it was the run-around, so I asked if this meant that they weren't going to do anything. The service rep said that they had called the General Manager about this, and that Stewart was in the process of finding a C5 for me!"

Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What would I do without my friends and supporters in this forum!

Thanks, everyone! :upthumbs

- Dave
jak112460 said:
I'm curious as to exactly what it is you want the dealership to do to satisfy you? Have they made any other specific offers besides fixing as good as new?
They offered a '02 Malibu as a loaner, and maybe as much as $17,000 on a trade in on a newer model.

I want a replacement C5 of equal or greater value to my '97 coupe (or convertible) with low miles (mine was 40,000) in good condition.

This is EXCELLENT News!!!!

If Stewart is in the process of finding you a C5 this to me would demonstrate good intentions on their part! This would be excellent news!!!!!!!!

It appears that you do indeed want a replacement of equal or greater value.

StewartCars, how about surprising my good friend here barnetdh with a convertible! I know that would put a smile on his face!!!!!

And believe me, the convertible that you give him will be put all over this board giving you the great advertising and demonstrating your commitment to making your customers happy!!!!!!!

My vote is a convertible for our Corvette buddy!!!!!!!

Please make it happen, StewartCars!!!!!!!!!!!

This would be so kind of you to set up our buddy with a 1998 Roaster like this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have great confidence in you!!!!!!


barnetdh said:
I called Kathy Sawyer at the Customer Service Center. They linked this back to my original email from Damien Crumbly. I fingured it was the run-around, so I asked if this meant that they weren't going to do anything. The service rep said that they had called the General Manager about this, and that Stewart was in the process of finding a C5 for me!"

Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What would I do without my friends and supporters in this forum!

Thanks, everyone! :upthumbs

- Dave
Never forget that the dealership will only do what is in their best interests and what they can get away with. They are not simply going to hand you a car. They are going to find a car and then try to make it out to be so much better than yours that you need to come up with some cash. They will get five or six grand for your car. Maybe more depending on repair worthiness. ALWAYS keep in mind that the dealer is looking out for themselves first. Play hard ball. Do not waiver from what you want. They destroyed your beautiful car and are totally in the wrong here. They know there are people who have sued and gotten more than another car so they are only going to give in little steps until they see no other choice.
Take a strong position and make it known.

barnetdh said:
I spoke to my insurance company yesterday. They were going to send an adjuster out to G & M Autobody in Colma (owned by Stewart Automotive). I told John, the manager of G & M not to start work until my insurance got out there.

CSAA said they were waiving the $250 deductible, since Stewart had insurance coverage. I haven't heard back yet from them. No other word.
:eek Dave,
Your post concerns me. First, you were not involved in any type of accident. Stewart simply killed your baby and needs to replace it. Your insurance company is not picking up the tab here. There is no deductible to be waved.

Second, I would make it clear to the shop and your insurance company that you don't intend for any work to be done on "The Corpse".

Make it very clear to all that you will not settle for less than an equivalent replacement with no money out of your pocket. Even when it is your insurance agent coming at you with a proposed settlement you don't have to except anything until you’re satisfied. You retain the right to initiate litigation.

The trade-in deal they offered also sounds like a slap in the face. If you’re going to upgrade to a newer model it should be at dealer cost minus the replacement valve of your car not MSRP minus the standard trade-in price.
I didnt read one line in this thread...

The title makes me wanna :puke
Unbelievable! I hope you get more than just a car back, someone should pay .
Yes, you should get more than just a replacement 1997 corvette with similar options and miles.

Its gone beyond a simple replacement.

Whatever the dealer has in a vehicle, rest assured its no where close to what you have lost in total with your former Corvette.

Hope it turns into a nice cash amount that allows you to shop for the EXACT vette you want.

Good luck
They want to offer you a same year corvette with same mileage and same options?????.....sounds good BUT what happens to all the sunny days gone by without your car?????....aggravation suffered?????...time spent(money) making phone calls and writing to different departments?????......I know it's not a perfect world out there but when I make a mistake I end up paying for my mistake.........PS : I think they will make this right.....CONVERTIBLE PLEASE!!!!!
Also please don't forget that you know the history of your car. Even if you didn't buy it new, you know the last xxxxx miles. You know that it has been taken care of. You can't say that of any other vehicle. The previous owner got rid of it for a reason. Could be as simple as a new kid, or could be that he had nothing but problems with it. A trade for a car of equal miles, year, options, etc, may not be an even trade...then again, it may also be a step up. Just something to consider.
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