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The car is packed 48 states await

Navy wings and now more of the story


As many of you know, NCRS, if you are a member, will send you the Date of Assembly and the dealer that your car was delivered to .

I just got the official letter as to date of build and Dealer Name and Address.

Guess where the car was delivered to and bought.

Bob Salter Chevrolet
Pensacola Florida

It was built April 7, 1966 which I knew by all the numbers on car.

He sold many cars to pilots getting their wings at the Navy base .

I called the dealer and they were sold in 1986, and became Sandy Chevrolet. By luck, the women who answered the phone, had worked for Bob Salter for many years and was still working for the new owner.

She told me that they threw out all records after 6 years, so that by 1972 the records were gone. So I hit a dead end. I will try with Florida MVD, but am not optimistic, no computers in those days and privacy laws come into effect.

If you are a Phantom F4 pilot and was stationed in Pensacola during 1966-67 and knew a pilot with a 66 Maroon Roadster, let me know.

The following is a re post of my thread on the subject. I am also going to make a new post in addition to this one, for those who do not read this 48 state thread.

A while ago, I had posted pictures of the Navy Wings on my glove box, and the decal on the window. I had bought the car in 1970 from a Navy pilot (original owner) going to Nam. I still do not know what happen to him.

While at my brothers house in Ocala, (he is 25 years younger) he brought out this pin and said , he found it in one of my boxes that I had stored at my parents house, when he was a little kid. I must have taken it out of the glove box some 40 years ago and forgot about it.

It seems to be the uniform pin. Any information on the pin would help.

After all these years I have one more part of the original owners life in the car.

Glove box




Long lost pin



Winter ride Portsmouth NH So. Freeport ME

It is snowing today but yesterday (Sun) it was sunny cool and dry roads.

Started as a little trip and wound up being over 3 hours and almost 200 miles.

I drove up to So. Freeport, ME (yes there is water near Freeport (LL Bean) and stopped by the town dock. In summer it is filled with people, lobster boats and a a great fish fry .



It was so nice I then drove to Portsmouth, NH about 80 miles down the Maine Trpk. stopped for a cup of coffee near the town square.




As I was leaving I made a wrong turn and ( horror to some of you but not me) , I was at the docks with a load of sand and salt being unloaded.




Back on road and had a great day, Drive your car!
Cold weather, top down. What a guy.:happyanim:
Definitely NOT a "fair weather owner"..... that's for sure!
My hat's off to you Jack! :cool!:
Andy Anderson :w
Heading to the Mid-West

I hope all is well with the many forum members who have followed my trip and hosted me along the way.

Goods news. I may be going to the National Convention (NCRS) ( ironic ) this summer. A nice short drive from Maine. I may even be giving a little talk about my trip, how you prep your car, how you plan & pack, roads & how you get into physical shape and many pictures.

I will know more in a few days. I hope to see you there. As usual , I am bringing my tent. If you have a backyard and can put up with me ...........

I will try to see some of you on the way to Michigan. I would like to see a few that I missed last summer.

Got lots to do on car before summer, you all know how annal I am about having a clean car, so get out the wash buckets.

It is Official

Hi ,

I have been invited to give a seminar presentation of my 48 State trip at the NCRS National Convention this summer (July 18-22) in Novi, Michiagan.

It is an honor and I promise to be good. (no making fun of over-spray) I will speak on all the different aspects of trip, physical fitness planning, restoration, routes, tenting, packing, repairs on the road, pictures of locals, pictures of the many NCRS, CF, CAF and Digital Corvette Forum members who made it possible.

My seminar will be on Friday , 21st, 9:30 to 11:30 in the main convention hall. I am driving to Michigan on Sunday the 17th. and really don't have to be there till maybe Wed. Its a short trip of only 850 miles one way. But then again, I thought my 48 state trip would only be 9,000 miles not 20,000.

This will give me time to make some stops on the way. I hope to see some of you again and maybe some that I missed last summer. I will plan my route soon, so you can see if we can have a few mini reunions along the way.

I will have a lot of spare time and may make a few side trips to those who live within 2,000 miles........ you know how I love to drive.

Lots of work to do on the car, so look for my help needed posts.


PS I am taking my tent, but hope some of you near Michigan will keep me from using it. Hint Hint Hint ............



Hi ,

I have been invited to give a seminar presentation of my 48 State trip at the NCRS National Convention this summer (July 18-22) in Novi, Michiagan.

It is an honor and I promise to be good. (no making fun of over-spray) I will speak on all the different aspects of trip, physical fitness planning, restoration, routes, tenting, packing, repairs on the road, pictures of locals, pictures of the many NCRS, CF, CAF and Digital Corvette Forum members who made it possible.

My seminar will be on Friday , 21st, 9:30 to 11:30 in the main convention hall. I am driving to Michigan on Sunday the 17th. and really don't have to be there till maybe Wed. Its a short trip of only 850 miles one way. But then again, I thought my 48 state trip would only be 9,000 miles not 20,000.

This will give me time to make some stops on the way. I hope to see some of you again and maybe some that I missed last summer. I will plan my route soon, so you can see if we can have a few mini reunions along the way.

I will have a lot of spare time and may make a few side trips to those who live within 2,000 miles........ you know how I love to drive.

Lots of work to do on the car, so look for my help needed posts.


PS I am taking my tent, but hope some of you near Michigan will keep me from using it. Hint Hint Hint ............



Jack you know you are welcome in Md. This time I can drive to Annapolis, I'm finally done. You can even set up a tent in the woods if you prefer.:L Shemp :beer
Maybe Carlisle

Jack you know you are welcome in Md. This time I can drive to Annapolis, I'm finally done. You can even set up a tent in the woods if you prefer.:L Shemp :beer
A little out of the way, but I may go to Carlisle this year. Never been to it. That might be fun, and not far from many who I visited in the mid Atlantic states,

Hope you are driving your car, you must be in heaven, although gas is a bear, but when you think of how soon we may be too old to drive , the cost is worth it.

Hi everyone, hope you are starting to enjoy the summer. Real tough weather over the last few months, hope all in the affected areas are getting back to some kind of normal.

As many of you know, I am going to the NCRS National Convention in Novi, Michigan the week of July 18- 22. I hope to meet some of you in Canada on my way to Novi.

I am still collecting info on long time owners of corvettes, and I would like to bring some pictures of our Canadian members and their cars.

Here is a Google Map of my projected route. if you are interested in meeting me on the way, send my a post or PM so I can start putting dots on the map.

I will repeat this post as a new post on the forum, called " Car is packed and Canada awaits ( a small part ).

My presentation at the convention is on my 48 State Trip.

I hope to get more people to drive their cars. I guess the NCRS is a good place to start.

PM if interested. I will make two overnight stops on my way from Maine. I leave ME on Sunday July 17th. I don't know where I am stopping yet, but I will be staying near Toronto on Tuesday at a members house

Here is the map with a few dots.



Link to new post
Snuck back out to garage

I had urgent business at home,(running out of pixie dust) so I had to get from Michigan to Maine by 5 pm on Monday.

I left Novi on Friday and made a much needed stop in Ohio at "midyearvette" aka "Knuckles" , I have never asked how he got that nick name.

Quick trip of only 120 miles. Frank and his wife Kathy rescued me last year with their summer home on Lake Erie . We worked on the car timing and the Holley and it was humming before I left.

Here are some pictures

Frank all set to work


Don't ask me what I was doing


Frank, Kathy , Jane (Kath's sister took picture) Bob friend of Jane


Rock Climbing and beating the 100 degree weather at their beach, that had started the moment I left Maine 6 days before.



I was able to spend two days with them and take a rest before the real
trip home. I had to cover 300 miles to Rochester to meet members of the Rochester Corvette Club by 5 pm on Sunday. I left Ohio Sunday around 9 am and made it on time.

My host in Rochester for Sunday night was Kevin McTighe and his wife Harriet.

The Rochester CC outing was great, over 100 members attended and food and drink was abundant.




Kevin and Harriet on the move



I had to leave on Monday morning from Rochester NY and get to Cape Elizabeth , Maine by 5 pm that day. A short trip of 502 miles.

Long drive of 10 hrs. Car ran great , but I was a little worn out and it has taken a few days to recover. Old cars run better than old bodies.

Thanks again to the many forum members and families who have made my adventures.........Adventures

love to all

Perfect 1966 Cars at Novi NCRS Convention

Just thought I would share some of the 1966 cars that I saw at Novi, NCRS convention. The only problem was that the cars were always locked and hood closed when ever I was on the floor, too bad that even at a show, the owners are a little over protective. So no engine photos, and I did want to see what they had under the hood that I didn't have.............




<a href="http://s633.photobucket.com/albums/uu57/jackfit87/NCRS%20%20DON%20Paragon%20car%20fix/?action=view&current=NCRSshowdonPagonCarfis010.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu57/jackfit87/NCRS%20%20DON%20Paragon%20car%20fix/NCRSshowdonPagonCarfis010.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="http://s633.photobucket.com/albums/uu57/jackfit87/NCRS%20%20DON%20Paragon%20car%20fix/?action=view&current=NCRSshowdonPagonCarfis011.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu57/jackfit87/NCRS%20%20DON%20Paragon%20car%20fix/NCRSshowdonPagonCarfis011.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Opps how did this one get in

Surf is Up

Drove down to Higgins Beach, a local surf and resort beach a few miles away, near Portland , ME.

The surf was up and the winds have picked up before the Hurricane that has been projected to hit the North East maybe.

Great driving weather as summer is starting to wain here in Maine

Would have been a surf board in the passenger seat 40 years ago, or at least a would be surfer girl

Have fun rest of summer



45 year old birdcage

Windshield Damage from 48 State Trip

I took a rock to the windshield last summer outside of Park City UT, on my trip. Found a local glass shop to perform the task of taking out my old windshield and putting new one back in birdcage.

It is an insurance claim , so I had to use a shop to have all materials paid for . Plus, I am not able to do the glass bit, Glass shop does removal and install and I made a deal to have me remove the trim and to put back the trim, as the glass shop did not want to be responsible for damage to trim.

They came out to my house and within a few moments, we had the glass out and started to clean up the birdcage of sealants.

I had the windshield replaced 36 years ago by a local shop in New Hampshire. He used the right materials, as they were still soft, my windshield never leaked. Top and trim leaked, but was cured by my third latch.

They did a good job, (35 years ago) as you can see from the pictures of my clips and birdcage. Clips look like new, look at the screws, shinny, no rust anywhere except on top corners and just surface rust. I will not need any clips at all.

Any tips on rust and rust proofing before glass install?

You can see the original Milano Maroon paint

My trim came off without problems, a little bending of the lower trim , but go on will be easier I hope. It is a two person job and I found a good tread on how to do it.

Seats are out to to be covered, can't wait , after 45 years on the same foam and springs.









Looking good there Jack.:thumb
It looks like you do have some light surface rust - very minor. That said, I's treat the entire channel area with Loctite Duro Extend. That will kill and encapsulate the rust, and provide a good surface to repaint the area.
A fall ride before the NE Snow storm

There is a big storm heading to New England over the weekend and I thought today would be a good day for a country ride of about 140 miles. I only had my Iphone so the picture quality is so so.

Sky was clear and I drove from up Route 1 from Cape Elizabeth to Wisscassett ME. From there I took rt. 218 which is a river road over hill and dale, lots of dairy farms and old towns.

I passed through Alana ME, a small town, with just a country store. Most of the buildings are from the late 1700's.

Maine has great country roads and most of them have been resurfaced in the last year or two.

Sign on country store locating historic buildings and ages


1795 School house


Meeting House


Watch out deer or cows


Watch out guys hunters may think you are deer


Car ran great, top down, heater on, blue skies and no cars on the road.
Identify this fuel pump

Hi, It has been a great fall for driving here in New England. I am close to 30,000 miles on engine rebuild and restoration in 2010 and 2011.

3 projects left to complete

New convertible top

Rebuild original steering box (sending out to a pro)

Rebuilding fuel pump that failed on the second day of my 48 state trip.

Remember the Bronx and the picture of Joey and Tony and I eventually got it replaced with a Napa pump. Still working 30,000 miles later.

The pump that failed was a correct service replacement for my L-79 327/350. I have replaced the pump 3 or 4 times over the last 40 years.

I took it apart and it seems to be a half breed, bottom cap has a " Made in Canada " the inner ring has a " Made in USA "

A metal tag the has M 3972

the inner chamber has a FP 1159 stamped
and FP 8**67

and a " A " in a circle

I bought it many years ago and want to order a rebuild kit.

I am sure that it is a rebuild that used tops and bottoms from different pumps.

See the pictures and tell me if you can identify it. You can see the diaphragm that gave in and you will notice that the pivot pin is missing from the body. No wonder the car would not run.

Let me know what you think of the pump and its background.

I will document the rebuild








Nice used car

I took a little trip to NYC for Thanksgiving and while there took a few photos.

My son and I dropped in at the Mid-Town Motorworks for a look at some of the cars for sale.

No Corvettes, but we found two that we liked,

A new Austin Martin convertible for just $171,000


and now the best deal in the place:

One slightly used Buguatti Veyron 2008

All yours for $1,400,000




Now for some nice stuff




and best of all My wife and son who allow me to play Peter Pan


Happy Holidays to All


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