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Corvette to sport Chevy's gold bow-tie?

Should the Chevrolet Gold Bow-Tie emblem be added to the Corvette?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 10.1%
  • No

    Votes: 269 87.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 2.0%

  • Total voters
At least yours is done TASTEFULLY.:_rock
That 85 was for sale for $9K when I bought my 71 a year ago.. I think it's still available.. yup. Looks interesting with a 400+ hp stroker 421 and they dropped the price..
The gold bowtie looks cheap even on the cheap models. Good news is, if they make the change, it will make our old models more desirable.
The gold bowtie looks cheap even on the cheap models. Good news is, if they make the change, it will make our old models more desirable.
There! See!?!? That's some positive thinking for all you naysayers out there! :L
Bow Tie?

I think the value of my car just went way up!:)
The Chevrolet gold bow-tie logo may become more prominently placed on the brand's performance offerings in the coming years, according to General Motors Vice President of Design Ed Welburn. Mr. Welburn spoke about the future of Chevrolet design on the weekly Autoline Detroit TV series. Welburn said there will be increasing design synergy across Chevy models, with a common design theme becoming obvious in the coming years.

When host John McElroy pointed out that the gold bow-tie emblem doesn't appear prominently on the Corvette, Welburn responded by saying this is likely to change. "The gold bowtie will be there," he said. "There is a strong siganture grille that we are developing for all Chevys," Welburn explained. "We will depart a bit in the grille area […] but that bowtie will be there on every Chevy."

Traditionally, GM has refrained from putting the Chevy logo on the Corvette because the brand is typically associated with more economical vehicles. GM may now wish to associate the Corvette more closely with Chevy in an effort to improve consumer perception of the brand.

Source: http://www.leftlanenews.com/2006/09/29/corvette-camaro-to-sport-chevys-gold-bow-tie/


Makes me want to go right out and buy one!
After Market Grill, Please

The little bowtie in the Corvette flag/emblem is more than enough for me. Thank you very much. ;help
But it looks so good on this car (laughing my arse off!)

Yeah, I hope they leave the gold bowtie off, because like most people have said, the Corvette is special compared to the rest of the line up. To steal a qoute, "Why mess with something that looks fine just they way it is?"
As far as this Camaro is concerned, I wonder why they did not leave that old logo that had the red white and blue in it. And I agree- that bowtie just doesn't look right. maybe if it was embedded or something, it would not look as bad. And is it just me or are sports cars like the Camaro getting a little bulky? Look at the Mustang and Challenger. I like them, but they seem a little too big to be considered a sports car. That's just me though.
. And is it just me or are sports cars like the Camaro getting a little bulky? Look at the Mustang and Challenger.

No it not just you. I have thought the same thing for a while now. Look at the Camaros, Mustangs, Chargers of the late 60's....beautiful cars. Then, they got big and bulky by '71 amd design went downhill. (especially the mustangs and chargers of 71,72 and 73.)
Four Seater Vette??

Speaking of a four seat sports car: :v

I recently read an article in one of the Corvette magazines that mentioned that when Ford changed the T-Bird from a two seater to four in 1958, that they sold a lot more. Chevy noticed this and experimented with a four seater Vette in 63. They made a mock up coup for the executives to look at before they made the decision to do it. The doors were longer but it otherwise looked the same. However, the Execs couldn't get out of the back seat without someone outside the car assisting. This killed the idea and kept the Vette at just two seats. There was also a dealership in NY that made an insert for the back of a coup that created a seat for kids. Small kids. Which they could do in those days without the mandatory seat belt laws.
Speaking of a four seat sports car: :v

The doors were longer but it otherwise looked the same. However, the Execs couldn't get out of the back seat without someone outside the car assisting. This killed the idea and kept the Vette at just two seats.

Instead they went on to make many more "two seated" models that you could hardly get in or out of.


What the f**k are those dorks at GM thinking about anyway?

The Corvette needs the Bow-tie, absolutely but....it needs to be RED not freakin' gold!!!
There goes the neighborhood.

My $.02- a Corvette with a big nasty bowtie in the grill will look like Flava Flav with his clock draped around his neck.

So how does he get more a$$ than toilet seat? ;shrug
One word..."TACKY"!
I voted no for the bowtie. Yes, I know it has been in use forever, but I believe what they are talking about is making it much larger, like on the HHR. :crazy
Right now on the Mercedes forum a similiar grille item is being talked about.
They want to change the front grille of the SL550 to a single chrome bar with the Mercedes emblem in the center. As are other Mercedes from small to large.
It must be that the corporate thinkers what you to identify all models of their brand with one look. That may be fine but it doesn't show much design thought.
I say no, but as long as they keep making the corvette i guess i can live with it there will just be a aftermarket market for a red one

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