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carnuba wax or polymer

carnuba wax or polymer

  • carnuba

    Votes: 68 43.9%
  • polymer

    Votes: 87 56.1%

  • Total voters
I'm a Zaino fan. I never used anything but carnuba waxes, until I saw the results of claybarring and Zaino....hands down it is far superior (IMO). I have to admit I tried other polymers and went back to Carnuba, but Zaino seems to be different. And I didn't mind waiting on having it delivered to the house...in fact I liked it better that way.
Has anybody tried Eagle Nano? I saw it at the WalMart today while picking up a few items and am curious if anyone has used it.
shine me on

I am a polish [1/2, Irish 1/2], polish-shine junky. I can be sold a product that protects and shines by anybody, in any booth, at any show. I bought IBIZ at Carlisle last month, I had Ice with me, and also at home had something I got at the Museum six months ago that was perfected for the Army [not a real selling point], the green bottle shown above, etc, ad nauseum. I never used Zaino because Sal told me it might mess up the vinyl striping I had on my cars, but I know many in my 300M club rave about it too. I like the IBIZ stuff, but the bottle sprayer sucks and fires little droplets everywhere. And, if you miss any of them, they get unsightly when they dry. I really don't see putting out a great product, and putting it in a crappy, non-functional sprayer bottle. But, I digress. I really like the Ice stuff a lot. Overpriced package, with the sponge applicator and one micro-fibre cloth, but the stuff goes on so easy, and you can do a crapload of cars on one bottle. It wipes off with ease and no scummy haze to deal with. I will continue to use the IBIZ because it can go on while in the sun, on wet, and off wet. Same with the Ice. And...they both smell good too.
For Born2saw....yup....tried the Eagle Nano. I have a black coupe and I noticed a lot of imperfections in the paint as well as "spiderwebbing...swirl marks" whatever you want to call them, the ones you see around the reflection of a street light in your cars surface at night. The product said it was good for "filling in" those small type of imperfections. I thought it worked great. Very easey on and off and I did see an improvement in the light swirl marks.
Im not doing this as long as some here, but I have tried about ten different products. Some of the ones spoken of here [McGuires....Mothers...Zaino] as well as others. Some were polymers, like Rejexx (not a wax.....the long winded explaination was all about molecules lining up and bonding....XX% more reflectivity...impossible for stuff to stick to it...] it did produce an excellent shine but I found it to actually enhance the swirl marks :-).
Now I know that anything you put on the car requires the proper application and prep of the surface [and btw, I did not do the more then five coat process outlined above for the Zaino, so what I bought probably wasn't the full product and as such I can't say I tried the Zaino] but I did work on the car with a clay bar, a polishing cleaner (a wax ...not a buffer.....I dont trust myself doing anything other then a hand application) and a sealer, but never really got every little mark out.
A friend who has a few nice cars (actually a little better then nice....he has one of only eight in the US of a certain type of porsche :-) ) told me he had done a fair amount of research over the years and saw studies that showed a product [P21S] that supposedly came out on top overall. I din't see the study, and I don't know what the criteria was......long lasting...best shine...but he said it was the best he had found.
I later found it (in an Auto Zone believe it or not) and decided to give it a try. A little on the expensive side, like $25 for 6.5 ounces. Very simple ingredients......carnuba wax and bees wax.....thats it. No perfume, no abrasive, no other chemicals....zip....nada....just wax. It looks like a paste but it's practicaly clear. It goes on easey and although it dries a little hazy, nothing seems to come off on the cloth.
It is hands down the best stuff I have ever put on the car. I dont know whether it is because of the consistency (seems thinner than regular wax when you put it on) or what, but it seems to fill in the barely visible marks I spoke of before better then the other stuff I've used. For the first time, Im satisfied with the finish on the car. Prior to trying the P21S I was considering getting the car buffed out by a professional. After using this stuff, it's like a mirror :-) I'm going to leave well enough alone, very satisfied at this point.

Don't know about how long it lasts, (but that's my fault, I like waxing it :-)) but after the second or thrid coat (over a few weeks), wifey thought I had the car painted :-) Just my opinion but it's the best I have found so far. [btw, not that you can tell anything from the pictures in the sig, but they were all taken before the P21S]
Pleased to read this discussion,I wraped up my season and am putting my baby to bed/hibernation with a wonderful coat of Zymol[i think i have the spelling corerrect]on her.I am anxious to experiment with Zaino.Should I have any concerns with the change over to that product?next spring? Thanks and do find these forums very informative
Carnuba.....polymer. Less filling....more taste.
Pleased to read this discussion,I wraped up my season and am putting my baby to bed/hibernation with a wonderful coat of Zymol[i think i have the spelling corerrect]on her.I am anxious to experiment with Zaino.Should I have any concerns with the change over to that product?next spring? Thanks and do find these forums very informative

I have never used Zymol before but when I switched to Zaino I made sure to remove all the old wax build up per Zaino's web site.
"Because Zaino Show Car Polish is optically perfect (99.9%) The optimum results are achieved by using over wax free paint."

Found here
I really like the Ice stuff a lot. Overpriced package, with the sponge applicator and one micro-fibre cloth, but the stuff goes on so easy, and you can do a crapload of cars on one bottle. It wipes off with ease and no scummy haze to deal with. I will continue to use the IBIZ because it can go on while in the sun, on wet, and off wet. Same with the Ice. And...they both smell good too.
I just checked out Ice on Yavette my Spiral Grey 03,made it Look "Bad to the Bone"!!!(as in Slippery) It worked so nice I did it to Louise my Torch Red 96 (Wow is She Slick and RED!) I wanna see how it lasts!!!!!:upthumbs
My Wax is Better - nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah....

OMG!!! - won't this thread ever die?

McQuires NXT Generation for the car and McQuires Hot Shine for the tires...:upthumbs
Why is abc banned??

I'm not sure what this has to do with Carnuba wax VS Polymer but I'll try to answer your question.

The Corvette Action Center has a specific guideline concerning membership behavior called the Rules ofConduct. When members repeatedly ignore those rules and then repeatedly ignore the warnings of the Site Staff to adhere to them, they leave no alternative except removal as a member.

This is unfortunate but necessary and abc could not grasp that concept.

Jane Ann
It doesn't have anything to do with the topic, but I read her posts and couldn't find anything objectionable, and didn't want to make the same mistake myself.
It doesn't have anything to do with the topic, but I read her posts and couldn't find anything objectionable, and didn't want to make the same mistake myself.

Fair enough. But I believe the offensive posts - plural, there were several - in the threads involved - again, there was more than one - have long been deleted.

You should consider stopping by the CAC more often to get a better idea of the community as a whole. ;)

Hopefully I've been able to put your mind at rest but if I haven't please feel free to contact me or any other member of the CAC staff, either by private message or by posting a new thread in the Site Help and Feedback Forum.

:wJane Ann
I'm still using Colinite Insulator Wax and Formula 113 mixed 50/50.
Easy on, easy off. Lasts for more than a year.
I had a guy ask me this week what I used on my 82. I told him.
I also told him it hadn't been waxed since last year.
He thought it looked like it had just been waxed, since it had just started raining and was beading up like a fresh wax job.
I'm still using Colinite Insulator Wax and Formula 113 mixed 50/50.
Easy on, easy off. Lasts for more than a year.
I had a guy ask me this week what I used on my 82. I told him.
I also told him it hadn't been waxed since last year.
He thought it looked like it had just been waxed, since it had just started raining and was beading up like a fresh wax job.


I've never heard of these products. Would you mind elaborating on them a bit?

:wJane Ann
Collinite is made in Utica,NY, and is available at hardware stores and Advanced Auto Parts.

Formula 113 is something I pick up at Carlisle every year.

Collinite, by itself is a very good Carnuba wax, but a little hard to remove.
It takes multiple wipings to get it all off. It lasts at least a year of protection.

Formula113 is a great polish/scratch filler/swirlmark remover, but it has the characteristics of butter wax in that the protection is short lived.
Very easy to apply and remove with no dusting, and leaves a gorgeous shine.

So I mix the two together and benefit from the best qualities of both products in one application.:)

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