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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

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Thank you visitors for checking in!!!!!!!!

I think anything is repairable pretty much.

It is their duty to make a customer happy.

I see no way for them to make Barnetdh happy unless they give him a replacement car.

Therefore, they should replace the car!

WOW! Look at all the guests here! WELCOME!!!!

bobchad said:
They can say anything they want but they have to prove it. I suspect that they think the car is repairable and think they are going to do the repairs. If it were my car, I would want control over it particularly in light of this heated dispute.
Rob said:
Couple things to keep in mind here though. The relationship between GM and GM dealerships is the same as the relationship between Ford, and Chrysler, and all of their dealerships. If this same thing happened at a Ford dealership, Ford would probably respond in the same way.

Each dealership is owned and operated independently from the manufacturer. The dealer does nothing more than purchase the cars from the manufacturer and sell them.

The fact is, the dealership is at fault and not General Motors. If the car failed or the damage was incurred due to an inherent flaw/failure of the car, then yes, the fault/responsibility would lie on the side of the manufacturer.

This incident and how it's handled, really shouldn't be a reflection upon GM. If for example, there was some kind of design flaw in the engine which caused it to blow. And GM refused to send out a field inspector/Engineer to inspect the situation, then yes, something like this would be a strong negative towards GM, but again, this problem was caused by dealer equipment failure and/or technician error/negligence and not the manufacturer.
I have to disagree with you a bit here...

GM has dealerships, that may not be owned/operated by them, but if they don't like something that a dealer is doing they have the power to stop it or change it. All GM has to do is stop selling them cars / take the dealership away (actually, just threaten it).

Quite frankly, GM is represented by their dealerships. If they don't take action when a dealer treats a customer badly, it is just like them directly treating the customer badly. This would be an entirely different story if they sold cars to consumers directly.

When you go to a dealer have a car serviced, you are expecting GM training, quality, and a GM 'guarantee' that your car will be taken care of the right way. that is why you pay a huge premium to have your car serviced at a dealer... the dealer has paid $$$ to send their techs to GM training to take care of your car the right way.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't GM's fault the tech was too stupid to make sure the car wouldn't fall off the lift, but it is within their power to make sure the customer is taken care of. All they have to do is give the dealer a new corvette at cost to give to the customer. The dealer eats the difference between the new corvette at cost vs. the car they just destroyed. GM doesn't lose anything, the dealer loses a little for their mistake, and the customer is happy... actually, more than happy because he has a new corvette. That customer would be a customer for life too.
Something I have not seen mentioned. He can settle quickly with his insurance company for a reasonable amount, and then go after the dealership in small claims court for the difference, of $5000. Courts usually will not grant compensation for stress, but you might be able to get something for "loss of use". Depending on what else you find, you might also be able to claim "Bad Faith".

Also, why would anyone let the dealer do the repair? Of course they would love to do so since they have the staff on salary. I wonder if they would be so quick to want to repair the car if you took it to the best (and top dollar) Corvette repair facility in the area.
Exchange Barnetdh's car with the Convertible already!!!!!

Hi BcWaller!!!! Welcome to CAC and welcome to this thread!

I would hope that GM would care, even if it is "just a little."

This dealership's actions concern me greatly. Their actions would likely represent how other dealerships would conduct themselves in a similar situation.

I don't think I will be comfortable handing my keys over to a dealership for an oil change if this is the way that they are going to treat their customers.

I get better treatment from a valet!!!!!!!!!

StewartCars: Please get your act together and grant this man that convertible that you have parked in your lot! Stop trying to take advantage of someone and take responsibility for your actions. He doesn't want you repairing his car. Exchange the car you destroyed and THEN you can repair it all you want!!!!!!!!!!!
Rob said:
Couple things to keep in mind here though. The relationship between GM and GM dealerships is the same as the relationship between Ford, and Chrysler, and all of their dealerships. If this same thing happened at a Ford dealership, Ford would probably respond in the same way.

Each dealership is owned and operated independently from the manufacturer. The dealer does nothing more than purchase the cars from the manufacturer and sell them.

The fact is, the dealership is at fault and not General Motors. If the car failed or the damage was incurred due to an inherent flaw/failure of the car, then yes, the fault/responsibility would lie on the side of the manufacturer.

This incident and how it's handled, really shouldn't be a reflection upon GM. If for example, there was some kind of design flaw in the engine which caused it to blow. And GM refused to send out a field inspector/Engineer to inspect the situation, then yes, something like this would be a strong negative towards GM, but again, this problem was caused by dealer equipment failure and/or technician error/negligence and not the manufacturer.


I see your points there and I understand. It wasn't GM's fault, but I kind of see GM as the "patriach" of sorts. When the dealership fails to satisfy the customer, you go back to GM. And to have GM pass it off like a weak punch is an insult to Dave.

It just seems like GM has become less and less customer service oriented. In their attitude dealing with this and going back years to the demise of the F-body cars (that's a totally different subject!:L:L:L)

I think they're taking the "general" term too literally. ;)
I have been reading this post for the past couple days and like everyone else it seems, telling the story to friends and family. All opions seem to point to $$ or new car. I agree with the point if it does get repaired, that car is not worth half as much when re-sold, and why should he penialized for the dealers f#$@-up....

All the support here and on other forums should only help his cause, especially if someone at GM were to see these numbers vuiewing and posting...

Utah said:
All the support here and on other forums should only help his cause, especially if someone at GM were to see these numbers vuiewing and posting...


I'm sure there is, but they obviously don't seem to care judged by their lack of closure they want with Dave. :cry
No repair, just replace that car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, this is a strong point as to why Barnetdh would not want his car repaired. He will lose a lot of money if he trys to sell the vehicle!

It makes no sense for him to eat this when all he did was bring his C5 for a 40,000 mile maintenance.

Why can't someone take responsibility for their actions?

Why does the dealership make Barnetdh look like he is the bad guy just because he doesn't want to go along with THEIR plan?

Barnetdh should be making the rules, not them!

Utah said:
I have been reading this post for the past couple days and like everyone else it seems, telling the story to friends and family. All opions seem to point to $$ or new car. I agree with the point if it does get repaired, that car is not worth half as much when re-sold, and why should he penialized for the dealers f#$@-up....

All the support here and on other forums should only help his cause, especially if someone at GM were to see these numbers vuiewing and posting...

Definately makes sense that it would be a crack. If you look it goes to a corner. Now I'm not a metalurgist but I did take a few classes dealing with metals and stress cracks. Corners focus stresses. From looking at the picture it's in a location that makes sense to be a stress crack. The only thing that's keeping me from being sure is that I would expect the crack to be wider at the top, where the stress is greatest. Could be just the way the car settled though after the crack, pulling it apart more at the bottom. Hard to tell since I don't know exactly where on the car that is or which direction the stresses would have acted upon it in a fall.
My friends, I am ovecome by the support shown. This is incredible! I'm still away on business, and only have lmited access to the Internet.I checked my voice mail at work and at home -- no word yet from anyone. I'll keep you updated.

Many thanks to blackvette!!!!

- Dave
Thanks for checking in Barnetdh!!!!!

Thanks for checking in!!!!!

You are very welcome, Barnetdh! Your story needs to be known by as many people as possible. What you are going through isn't right! You need as much support as possible!

Yes, there has been a lot of action here!!!!!

You have support nationwide now my friend!!!!

Gosh, nothing in your voice mail at work or at home.

I think you return tomorrow. Hopefully, you will hear something from someone soon!!!!!!!!!

barnetdh said:
My friends, I am ovecome by the support shown. This is incredible! I'm still away on business, and only have lmited access to the Internet.I checked my voice mail at work and at home -- no word yet from anyone. I'll keep you updated.

Many thanks to blackvette!!!!

- Dave
I, too, cannot believe that this situation has not been settled yet. Like everyone else, I've been following this post quite frequently and am expecting a postive result, but still nothing. I hope this dealership comes to their senses soon. Sorry for your misfortunes barnetdh.
How does Barnetdh able to compose himself!

Yeah, we are all surprised by how long this is taking and their attitude towards Barnetdh!

I do not know how Barnetdh is able to compose himself. He appeared to me as a patient and understanding individual. My hat goes off to him!

If it were me, I would be there screaming and shouting and giving them hell about this! It would be so bad they would have to commit me and put me in a strait jacket as I would have had a total emotional and shouting obscenity breakdown in their showroom!

corvetterider84 said:
I, too, cannot believe that this situation has not been settled yet. Like everyone else, I've been following this post quite frequently and am expecting a postive result, but still nothing. I hope this dealership comes to their senses soon. Sorry for your misfortunes barnetdh.
Message from the Administration of CAC:

We support our member's concerns about the damage done to his Corvette while in a dealership for routine service. This is a matter that requires the full cooperation of everyone involved to ensure the proper outcome for the owner.

As in all matters on the Internet, we are not in a position to substantiate the specifics of this or any other dispute between our members and third parties.

We ask the principals in this matter to keep updating this thread. However, we also request that no inappropriate claims, suggestions or actions be taken through this venue.

Barnetdh, we're watching this one closely. Good luck. It's obvious that a great many people share your concern.
I surfed in here from Fullsizechevy.com and wanted to let you know that even though my ride is not a 'vette, I love it and baby it all the same. We stand behind you,barnetdh...please let us know how things are working out, and if you need assistance via e-mail or snail mail.

Good luck, and kudos to you for the patience you are showing. I would be negotiating via Louisville Slugger if any monkey dropped any vehicle I owned.

Stay safe guys!
WHO is the Dealer...?

I missed it if it was posted somewhere...


It was actually located below your post, depending upon how you view these threads. ;)
The dealer who was working on my '97 was Stewart Automotive Group in Colma, CA, near South San Francisco.
I just called my wife. She was able to track down he owner of Stewart's Automotive while I've been out of town I'll fire off a letter as soon as I get back.

His name is Paul Montalbano, c/o Stewart Automotive, 780 Serramonte Bld., Colma, CA 94014

- Dave
theblackvette said:
I just sent Barnetdh an PM requesting more specific pictures. Especially the ones that appear to show a crack or drip.
I have more pictures to get developed. Unfortunately, the camera was in my briefcase, and I brought it with me -- otherwise my wife would already would had them developed. I'll get them developed as soon as I return.

- Dave
Vettelt193 said:
All they have to do is give the dealer a new corvette at cost to give to the customer. The dealer eats the difference between the new corvette at cost vs. the car they just destroyed. GM doesn't lose anything, the dealer loses a little for their mistake, and the customer is happy... actually, more than happy because he has a new corvette. That customer would be a customer for life too.
Amen -

They still have an opportunity to make this right, and make me happy. Or not.

- Dave
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