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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheBlueVette
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Excellent points BobChad!!!!!

I think that once he makes contact with the dealer and still doesn't get it right then he should pull the car out.

Also, if they give him the run around "We don't know his phone number!" Then he should pull the car out of the dealership.

Barnetdh must talk with the owner. The letter Bobchad recommended is good. However, I would tell them that you MUST speak with the owner as it was in HIS shop that the damage was caused in.

If they won't let you speak with the owner immediately, then I agree, you will not get anywhere with these people!
Contacting GM!

I have contacted GM and stressed the importance of them getting involved!!!!

The contact information is here at this link.

Click on Chevrolet and please spend a minute to express your feelings as to why GM should get involved in this! Thanks.

I thought Smarty Jones losing the Triple Crown was bad. Barnetdh getting treated like this, is worse than the horse race!!!!! Here is the link:

Thank you!!!!!

Thanks so much Huffer for letting your Corvette Crew know about this!

It is important to get the word out! The actions of this dealership need to be watched closely and carefully. Those that get their cars serviced at dealerships should be extremely concerned!!!!!

Huffer said:
I'm a die-hard member of Corvette Crew from North eastern Alabama. I currently have a '94 and a Greenwood C3. I have posted a link to this thread on the site. We have nothing but hard core Vette enthusiasts that are all about watching out for each other any way we can.

We're all hoping for a great outcome with this and will help all we can :)

Good luck barnetdh,
Zip zip zipping around town!!! Blue-Sun!!!!!

Hey there blue-sun!!!!!

Looks like you need to add a vette to that list! You may be reluctant to do so though after reading this entire thread. But, nonetheless, I love my Z06 and I have fun driving in it daily as it is indeed my daily driver.

I was zipping around town a couple weeks ago in one of these Imprezas. Wow, the power was amazing. You gotta love that turbo gauge!!!! Here is a picture of the one I was riding in!

Thank's Rob!!!!!!

I was wondering when this disclaimer was going to be posted.

It is totally understandable why you needed to put this out here.

Thanks for allowing CAC to be the home base for Barnetdh's story!

Rob said:
Message from the Administration of CAC:

We support our member's concerns about the damage done to his Corvette while in a dealership for routine service. This is a matter that requires the full cooperation of everyone involved to ensure the proper outcome for the owner.

As in all matters on the Internet, we are not in a position to substantiate the specifics of this or any other dispute between our members and third parties.

We ask the principals in this matter to keep updating this thread. However, we also request that no inappropriate claims, suggestions or actions be taken through this venue.

Barnetdh, we're watching this one closely. Good luck. It's obvious that a great many people share your concern.
Thanks, Diesel Dually!!!!!!!

Hey thanks for coming here from fullsizechecy.com and joining to speak out!!!!!

Although, your ride is not a vette, you are a car/truck owner and anyone who owns a vehicle should be concerned! Thanks again and thanks for supporting this rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love them Duallys. Four tires in the back. It isn't often I see them but when I do I like them. They are pretty cool. They tow a lot of boats around my neck of the woods.

Diesel Dually said:
I surfed in here from Fullsizechevy.com and wanted to let you know that even though my ride is not a 'vette, I love it and baby it all the same. We stand behind you,barnetdh...please let us know how things are working out, and if you need assistance via e-mail or snail mail.

Good luck, and kudos to you for the patience you are showing. I would be negotiating via Louisville Slugger if any monkey dropped any vehicle I owned.

Stay safe guys!
Welcome uly123!!!!!!!!!

Hi uly123!!!! Thanks for joining and chiming in!

I see you got a ZR-1! Some guy at my local cruise in owns a black one.

It is one sweet vette!

The owner of this site has one.

We thank you for contributing to this rally!!!!!!

uly123 said:
I am watching and waiting to see if Stewart Auto Group "does the right thing" and gives you a car...not the one they dropped. I suspect they will find you what they consider a comparable car and offer it to you. They won't likely give you the 01 on their lot, but find another that is closer in value to your car...in their opinion. It will then be your decision to either accept it or fight them (with Attorney fees of course) for a better offer. I completely agree that most dealerships and many other auto repair shops are shoddy at best. I always try to do my own work whenever possible. Ya just can't trust most folks with your Vette. Best regards and my prayers are with you Dave!
Amen, TooTall

Barnetdh, did indeed obtain the name of the dealer. But just the name.

He needs to get a phone number to call this guy up to discuss his situation.

As I said before, I would be surprised if he even knows what happened in his shop!

TooTall said:

Congradulations on your sucessful search for the owner of Stewart Chevrolet.

I've been keeping up with this thread from the start and can't believe what has transpired. I was on a club run with 30 other vettes this weekend and spread the news to all that would listen. I am amazed at and respectful of your patience in dealing with the $%#&ing morons at this dealership.

Please don't hesitate to get that message hand carried by special messenger if necessary to the owner of this dealership. I truly believe that if he knows of this situation and takes a good look at the resulting common interest, support and outrage this issue has and is building among true car enthuiasts, his concern for his own future bottom line as a GM dealer will have him do the right thing.
That's number ONE!

Number TWO: He might consider taking a good hard look at just who he has running his day to day operations.

Good Luck, Stay Strong!
Send the picture of the cracked frame (along with all the others) to the insurance company. Plead your case to them that the car is totaled and see what they will do as far as a cash settlement is concerned. Tell them you want fair market value for a 97 vette with 40K. Tell them you are concerned for your safety in a performance car with frame damage, Then you can go vette shopping and they can use their attack dogs on the dealership.
Barnetdh, Here is a point to remind the insurance company of, if the car is repaired it will most likely be back in the shop every week (and I'm sure you could see to that), to repair or replace something that has gone wrong due to the damage done by the dealer (no one can say that it was not due to the damage done). Most insurance companies do not want an on-going repair of a car that should have been totaled. When an insurance company totals a car they wash their hands of it and they are off the hook for any other repairs.
I am a little worried that this is going to reflect on your record with the insurance company??

Check your email, I may have found the owners address.
I figured the owner has to show up at Stewart's sometime, so I just called. the receptionist said he was in, and transferred me. Then she came back on line, and said he wasn't available. Probably ducking me. I left a voice message for him to call me. I let him know that I wanted a replacement car, not a repair. I also said there is a lot of on-line interest in this -- over 25,000 hits on the thread, and his reputation was going downhill. I would only be too glad to tell everyone that he was willing to make this right. We'll see if he cares.

- Dave
barnetdh said:
I figured the owner has to show up at Stewart's sometime, so I just called. the receptionist said he was in, and transferred me. Then she came back on line, and said he wasn't available. Probably ducking me. I left a voice message for him to call me. I let him know that I wanted a replacement car, not a repair. I also said there is a lot of on-line interest in this -- over 25,000 hits on the thread, and his reputation was going downhill. I would only be too glad to tell everyone that he was willing to make this right. We'll see if he cares.

- Dave

KA&TN! That's teh spirit! Hopefully, he'll have the common sense to call you back.

barnetdh - just wanted to let you know I emailed the dealership my thoughts and comments as a car enthusiast and frequent buyer of new vehicles about the situation
barnetdh said:
I figured the owner has to show up at Stewart's sometime, so I just called. the receptionist said he was in, and transferred me. Then she came back on line, and said he wasn't available. Probably ducking me. I left a voice message for him to call me. I let him know that I wanted a replacement car, not a repair. I also said there is a lot of on-line interest in this -- over 25,000 hits on the thread, and his reputation was going downhill. I would only be too glad to tell everyone that he was willing to make this right. We'll see if he cares.

- Dave
Ummm, I want to caution you against something here. Please do not threaten the dealer with his reputation going downhill via this web site. I do not want the Corvette Action Center dragged into court over this and that has been a concern of mine since this thread began.

It's one thing to state the facts on a public web site, but it's another to threaten a company with bad publicity utilizing a single source.

Maybe I'm being too over protective, but nevertheless, I think I have a legitimate concern here.
What still has me puzzled about this entire incident is how much would it actually cost the dealer to make things right?

Between giving folks low ball values on used trade ins, and getting a great condition 40,000 mile car, parting out the damaged 97 and the dealer putting in an insurance claim what would be the final cost to them?
Let's Address Rob's Concern Here!!!!!

Hi Rob! Thanks again for checking in to what appears to be the most active thread ever on CAC.

You stated the following:

"Maybe I'm being too over protective, but nevertheless, I think I have a legitimate concern here."

Your concern is totally legitimate and you have every right to continue to express your concern and remind members and visitors that posts here need to be factual in nature.

I do not think anyone has crossed the line here in this thread. Let's keep it that way.

StewartCars reputation to me remains stable. Even today, I continue to be impressed by their website and find their dealership to be among the best facilities I have seen based on the photographs placed on their website.

There are a lot of emotions here. I also respect barnetdh's behavior. He has demonstrated a lot of restraint.

But, yes, getting back to the purpose of this post.

Your concern is realized and please by all means if someone steps over the line be sure to call him or her out. This is about discussing barnetdh's situation and giving him advice. It is unfortunate that this is not looking to be easy to solve, however, I still remain confident that StewartCars will make good and will demonstrate their dedication to their customers. It isn't everyday that something like this happens. I still say it is best to remain patient. Patience usually always wins!

Thanks again Rob, for allowing this thread to continue. There are a LOT of other forums that are discussing this thread. CAC is not the only forum talking about this experience barnetdh is having.

Best regards.

the blackvette

Rob said:
Ummm, I want to caution you against something here. Please do not threaten the dealer with his reputation going downhill via this web site. I do not want the Corvette Action Center dragged into court over this and that has been a concern of mine since this thread began.

It's one thing to state the facts on a public web site, but it's another to threaten a company with bad publicity utilizing a single source.

Maybe I'm being too over protective, but nevertheless, I think I have a legitimate concern here.
Let's review the facts here!!!!!! I call this the "Big Seven"

In an effort to keep this thread in line and on target I wish to update what I feel are the facts. I base these facts on my reports I see here from barnetdh as well as my discussions with him behind the scenes.

Fact #1: Barnetdh had his car serviced at StewartCars in Colma, California, a suburb of San Francisco. During a routine oil change, his car was dropped onto the ground causing damage to his 1997 Corvette Coupe. Barnetdh has provided pictures earlier in this thread.

Fact #2: The damage to Barnetdh's corvette is indeed in excess of $10,000. This estimate is based on the shop that is owned by StewartCars and their insurance company. It is only an estimate and does not include any future repairs that may be required if they are discovered later. Barnetdh does not wish to have any repairs performed by the dealership or by anyone. He wishes to have a replacement Corvette given to him that is equal or greater than in value. Or as an alternative, a written promise to obtain a replacement car in the near future. Then, it would not matter who repairs the vehicle.

Fact #3: Barnetdh has been in contact with the dealership. They wish to begin repairing the corvette. Barnetdh, does not want it repaired. Barnetdh is concerned that they want to merely repair his car rather than give him a replacement. Barnetdh is concerned that by having his corvette repaired, not only may the car not be safe, more importantly, the car will now be devalued if he wishes to sell his car.

Fact #4: Barnetdh's corvette is still at the dealership. Barnetdh is attempting to contact the owner of StewartCars. He wishes to speak with the owner and discuss the options that are available to him. Barnetdh recently left a voice mail on the owner's phone. Barnetdh is awaiting his reply.

Fact #5: GM knows about the situation. So do a lot of other internet bulletin boards. Everyone wants to see this resolved, but done so fairly. All Barnetdh would like is to have the option of a replacement car. If the dealership wishes to begin repairs they may do so, BUT Barnetdh would like in writing the option of taking a replacement car equal or greater in value to his 1997 C5 coupe.

Fact #6: Confidence remains high. Barnetdh is a customer of this dealership. He has a right to express what he wishes. It was his car that was damaged at the dealership. It is not unreasonable for Barnetdh to make requests for a replacement car.

Fact #7: This thread is no way intended to smear anyone. That is NOT the purpose of this thread. Barnetdh decided to contact this message forum and obtain advice. There is nothing wrong with discussing his situation and him obtaining advice. There is nothing wrong with anyone expressing legitimate opinions. Anyone who uses this thread to smear and tell lies about anyone should be removed from here at once.

Thank you.
DISCLAIMER: This is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as a legal opinion. For entertainment purposes only. For legal advice, consult a competent attorney licensed to practice in your state.

1. From now on, try to get as much of your correspondence between you and the dealership in WRITING. Conversations on the phone don't play well in court. Photocopies of letters do. I'd start by IMMEDIATELY sending a letter telling the dealership to cease and desist any work on the vehicle.

2. This dealership is trying to screw you. Don't take a repair job, especially when it looks like you have some frame damage.

3. IMPORTANT!!! Contact an attorney and ask him about your options. Consultations are generally free. There might be some consumer protection laws in California that allow for tripling of damages and mandatory attorneys fees paid by the defendant depending on the circumstances. This means you wouldn't have to pay the 30-40% fee.

4. I'm not sure about California law, but if the retail replacement value of your car is over $15-20,000.00, it probably isn't small claims as some have suggested.

5. As you have contacted your insurance company, be very clear on what they say they can do for you (if anything). Do NOT authorize them to do anything unless you're sure it is what you want. Don't let them go for repair costs when you want a replacement car or replacement value in cash.

6. Do NOT threaten to call OSHA or any other state agency to report them for violations if they don't cave in to your demands. This is called BLACKMAIL and can get YOU into a whole heap of trouble. If you're going to call OSHA, etc., just do it, and don't threaten them.

7. Again, get any proposed resolution in writing. Your attorney should look at this and be protecting your interests in this matter.

8. Try to get someone from an independent body shop to look at the car and give you an estimate. Your insurance company might be able to do this too. While your at it, ask your insurance company what the diminished value of your car would be. All of this info will go into determining your damages if you need to go to court.

9. Start looking at classifieds for cars that are similar in options and condition to yours and print out the descriptions with prices. This will be useful in proving up replacement value of your car if you have to go to court. DON'T depend/wait on the dealership to do this for you! You don't want THEIR numbers, you want YOUR numbers!

10. Do NOT make any negative statements on this forum or to anyone that you cannot back up with objective, verifiable evidence that is admissable in court. You don't want to be facing a slander or libel suit. This means be careful of posting anything negative you've been told in a phone conversation unless you're darn sure that person won't mind testifying for you in court.

Keep us posted. FYI, I got wind of this in the caranddriver.com forums; I'll probably post a blurb on miataforum.com too.
I said talk to a competent lawyer days ago - individual indicated he had and was told it was in the insurance companies hands - BULLS**T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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