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Dealer dropped my C5 off lift -- need advice

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheBlueVette
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cruzer82 said:
Hey Barnetdh,

If your still driving that loaner from Steward, why don't you take it to the nearest oval track and see what it can do (provided it is insured) and have some fun. Then take it back to Steward because they can fix them "as good as new" from what I understand. Drag strip would work too.
Just a thought for today....:D
Cruzer82 - Actually, we have a really nice beach here on the coast. I'm sure a little sand and surf wouldn't hurt a bit. Bet I can do some doughnuts when the tide is out. Hope I don't get stuck.;)
barnetdh said:
I had my '97 in for 40,000 mile maintenance, and the dealer dumped it off the lift while changing the oil. They are not being very cooperative in making this right. My car must have fallen 6 feet -- they want to replace the body and paint it, and give it back in 3 weeks "as good as new" Anyone have any ideas on how to get them to make this right? Is there a district manager for California dealerships?
What you need to do is have the damage evaluated and see if they are willing to put the car in the same condition as it was just prior to the accident. You can't better the car.
If they are not will to honor you estimate, sent them a letter of intent. If this letter is not answered with ten days, do a title search on the property for you are now gearing-up to do a non-judicial lien. This will ruin their credit and they do not need a problem like this. We will walk you through the whole procedure as it comes.
Good luck and hope that you prevail shortly.
law107 said:
What you need to do is have the damage evaluated and see if they are willing to put the car in the same condition as it was just prior to the accident. You can't better the car.
If they are not will to honor you estimate, sent them a letter of intent. If this letter is not answered with ten days, do a title search on the property for you are now gearing-up to do a non-judicial lien. This will ruin their credit and they do not need a problem like this. We will walk you through the whole procedure as it comes.
Good luck and hope that you prevail shortly.
Thanks for joining in, law107. Your idea sounds very, very interesting - we may have to have some more discussion on this. :D I'm just waiting for the final version of an independent appraisal to be completed, so I can take some additional steps.
- Dave
Before you go in this direction you should talk to me for this is what we call a "Tool of War" against tyranny. It shouldn't be used where one can be intimidated easily.
When your ready I send you the phone number here for the main office is located in New England (Connecticut).
This weekend, my wife and I have our son home on leave, and we want to spend some time with him before he heads to Iraq on July 6th. We'll get back to Stewart's shortly, after taking some family time out.
Tell your son to stay away from my friends over there:nono ... they are all Medics.

law 107, Welcome to the party.:bar
Here is a new angle. Let’s nail Stewarts for UN-American activity!

If depriving a father the right to drive his Soldier Son, one of the protectors of our way of life, to the airport for his departure to a War zone in his Corvette, the American icon, is not UN-American then what the hell is? Where is tail gunner Joe when we need him.
Here is a new angle. Let’s nail Stewarts for UN-American activity!

If depriving a father the right to drive his Soldier Son, one of the protectors of our way of life, to the airport for his departure to a War zone in his Corvette, the American icon, is not UN-American then what the hell is? Where is tail gunner Joe when we need him.
You got it, Spanishvetts! We could be driving up the California coast with the roof off right now. It's about 70 to 80 degrees F here along the coast, and the sun is shining. I could have dropped him off at the airport in style.

- Dave
Nearly a month, and they still haven't done anything. No surprise.

Anyway, as for the repairs (if that's what you opt for), be forwarned, when the local Chevy dealer here wrecked my car, they wouldn't warrant the work. Of course 6 months later the clearcoat started peeling, and I was SOL. You might want to get something in writting that states they will warrant the repairs.
JR_Vette said:
Nearly a month, and they still haven't done anything. No surprise.

Anyway, as for the repairs (if that's what you opt for), be forwarned, when the local Chevy dealer here wrecked my car, they wouldn't warrant the work. Of course 6 months later the clearcoat started peeling, and I was SOL. You might want to get something in writting that states they will warrant the repairs.
Thanks for the warm welcome to the BAR. Where do I find the young cocktail waitress...in a Corvette driving off into the sunset I supose.:)

It appears that they are hoping that you will just go away and forget the whole matter. It's called buying time for time heals all wounds (This is an old game commonly used in civil matters with lawyers).
law107 said:
Thanks for the warm welcome to the BAR. Where do I find the young cocktail waitress...in a Corvette driving off into the sunset I supose.:)

It appears that they are hoping that you will just go away and forget the whole matter. It's called buying time for time heals all wounds (This is an old game commonly used in civil matters with lawyers).
law107 - Never forgive, never forget. :beer

- Dave
barnetdh said:
law107 - Never forgive, never forget. :beer

I'll drink to that for I (we) hang in there for years on cases, especially federal criminal matters. Law is a double edge sword, so when walking into a knife fight, always bring a gun!
law107.....I agree with your statement about the stalling tactics used.I have a case of a tenant not paying his rent and running off.This case is now a year old and no date was even scheduled but I am a very patient person.I am willing to give all the money that couple owes me to my lawyer just as long as they pay.For me it's a matter of principle more than anything else.........That couple in question was in a bind with nowhere to go,it was 2 weeks before the 1st of July(date where all the leases are up).They needed a place and my house was not yet ready but I told them it would.3 days before moving time they show up with all their stuff AND A DOG.I specifically mentioned on the lease NO PETS.at this point I should have sent hem away but because my dad said that they"looked like good people"I accepted the dog.I had renovated the whole house for them(even changed walls around).I worked night and day to get the house ready and it was....For some reason I had a bad feeling about them even though they had good paying jobs,man was my feeling right!The first cheque bounced and the battle began,dog droppings all over the yard,broken screen doors and windows,garbage bags full in the back yard etc etc..In th end they decided that, because we are having a little crisis(apartments are few and expensive),they would "sell"their lease.Since I opposed it and they miscalculated the timeline,they ended up having 2 places rented.They obviously paid their new landlord and left my house empty.I tracked them down and started to add up "the bill".....You see I would have been happy with them paying me the last month that they owed me and I would have rented to someone else.They wanted to make money with my house....:nono ........I called my lawyer and got the ball rolling.I don't care if I don't get a cent back just as long as THEY pay!!!!!....In barnedth's place I would have called my lawyer right away,then called local media and had a good ole time watching them squirm.If you have noticed,this thread has been viewed some 95 000 times plus all the viewing in other forums.I think it's safe to say that Stewart's has lost at least one potential customer or 2 ..now add up the loss of profit on those 2 sales and what ya got?....the difference between barnedth getting his "accidented good as new" car back or a replacement "equal or better than".Man these guys at Stewart's really missed the boat on this one.....they could have got some great publicity FOR FREE !!!!!......then again......they could still get barnetdh what he wants AND the good PR.....It's not too late!!!!!:Steer .....Come on Stewart's you can do it..:v
Thats a good point. I think at the very least, none of the CAC members would ever spend money at Stewarts. And the point you brought up that just a few lost customers would've paid for a (new to) Dave car. Oh well, I guess some people like fighting.
I would have thought that when I came back Dave would be talking about a new vette he was given by the dealership for his troubles. It appears to me this hasn't happened, nor is it going to happen. It is such a shame that General Motors has not stepped in or that this dealership won't do anything to make things right. Repairing a car dropped off a lift and saying it is good as new doesn't make things right in my book. Best of luck to you Dave.

Adios amigo y hasta luego! :)

barnetdh said:
Hola, CubanZ06!

I have a lot of bad things to say too!:L Thanks for stopping by and visiting my little horror story here. I'm still waiting for my other appraiser to call back, to see what he thinks about the frame being off. With my luck, he probably left town. :eyerole

I really want to be back in a vette :w very soon!

Take care!

- Dave
Lazcat.....I litterally gave up my life to earn anything I own and that includes a beautiful corvette...I am by no means "rich",I still work 60 hours a week because God gave me the health to do so...I am not saying I am better than or smarter than barnedth but I would be hammering Stewart's employees,fax lines,service department,complaint department,....etc....I don't want to give up ALL my secrets but you get the picture.........You can reason it out any way you want,barnedth had a beautiful corvette and THEY RECKED IT.Some will call it an accident and they are right but when you are in the business of CARING for automobiles I'm sure it can't be good for business to DROP A CUSTOMER'S PRIZED POSESSION.....I wouldn't give a flying f&*# if anyone smashed up any other one of my vehicles but touching my vette would make me raise hell.....Maybe that's just me..and my vette....Make it right Stewart's....:mad
Yes, Make it right Stewart's!!!!

Believe it or not, they CAN still make it right!!!!!!
invinceablevett said:
I wouldn't give a flying f&*# if anyone smashed up any other one of my vehicles but touching my vette would make me raise hell.....Maybe that's just me..and my vette....Make it right Stewart's....:mad
CubanZ06 said:
I would have thought that when I came back Dave would be talking about a new vette he was given by the dealership for his troubles. It appears to me this hasn't happened, nor is it going to happen. It is such a shame that General Motors has not stepped in or that this dealership won't do anything to make things right. Repairing a car dropped off a lift and saying it is good as new doesn't make things right in my book. Best of luck to you Dave.

Adios amigo y hasta luego! :)
CubanZ06 -- I was hoping to be able to tell you about my new 'vette, too! Still waiting for the frame report. I don't know what the problem is. :confused I can relate to what invinceablevett was saying about just wanting to make them pay. All this BS I have to go through is making me want to cause grief right back at them :mad even if I get nothing in return.

invinceablevett said:
Lazcat.....I litterally gave up my life to earn anything I own and that includes a beautiful corvette...I am by no means "rich",I still work 60 hours a week because God gave me the health to do so...I am not saying I am better than or smarter than barnedth but I would be hammering Stewart's employees,fax lines,service department,complaint department,....etc....I don't want to give up ALL my secrets but you get the picture.........You can reason it out any way you want,barnedth had a beautiful corvette and THEY RECKED IT.Some will call it an accident and they are right but when you are in the business of CARING for automobiles I'm sure it can't be good for business to DROP A CUSTOMER'S PRIZED POSESSION.....I wouldn't give a flying f&*# if anyone smashed up any other one of my vehicles but touching my vette would make me raise hell.....Maybe that's just me..and my vette....Make it right Stewart's....:mad
Rentals are allot of work, I have a few rentals, I was being sarcastic, (I should have been a little clearer then I would not be writeing now).

Stewart's made a mistake. no question about that, but then stewards screwed up, I will never buy or get service there. (I take my vette to the bay area for repairs and maintance).
theblackvette said:
Believe it or not, they CAN still make it right!!!!!!

They can make it right, but they just choose not to. :confused
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