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If I was Dave Hill: How I would have designed the New Z06


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2004
1989 Convertible
The New Corvette’s design is definitely a controversial one; some people miss the popup headlights and clamshell hood. Others say that it looks too much like a Viper and not like a “Vette.”

Well even though I like the new design better than the C5’s, I would have liked the New Vette to incorporate some of the more traditional styling components of Vettes of days gone by, and so here is what I would have liked the New Vette to look like if I was Dave Hill.


I hope that you enjoy this picture as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Nice job. I like it, however, I'm not crazy about the pop-up headlights. I really like what Corvette Engineering did with the C6 headlights.

They look cool, they're extremely effective at lighting up the road, and they weigh less than pop-up lights. I'm all for saving weight on the Corvette.
but the headlights are NOT evolutionary or anything like that
I like the non pop up headlights now. I think in the right colors ...where you don't mind seeing the black band around the C6 headlight glass...It looks great.

I've seen other car makers with smoother transitions from fender to lights..

For some reason GM put a black trim around the C6's headlights and its distracting..

EttevroC said:
The New Corvette’s design is definitely a controversial one; some people miss the popup headlights and clamshell hood. Others say that it looks too much like a Viper and not like a “Vette.”

Well even though I like the new design better than the C5’s, I would have liked the New Vette to incorporate some of the more traditional styling components of Vettes of days gone by, and so here is what I would have liked the New Vette to look like if I was Dave Hill.


I hope that you enjoy this picture as much as I enjoyed creating it.
the clamshell hood was dropped because of the cost,over $4K for a C-4 and raising your insurance. my 97 C-5 cost less to insure than a C-4 because of the cost to repair was less than a C-4. the clamshell hood on a viper cost over $14K
EttevroC I didn't know you had an automotive design background:upthumbs . Nice job:_rock . I too would have liked to have seen the pop-up head lights on the C6. One good reason is that there is less of a chance having the lense broken by flying objects such as rocks. I had to replace one of the headlight lense on my '03 Dodge Ram that was broken by a rock. Cost was $450.00. boy was I suprised how much a piece of plastic was. I am not sure, but how much weight would you actually save without the pop-ups? 5 maybe 10 pounds? On the flip side I guess you never have to worry with rebuilding the motors and all of the other hassels that go with a pop-up light system.

Rob said:
I really like what Corvette Engineering did with the C6 headlights.

They look cool, they're extremely effective at lighting up the road, and they weigh less than pop-up lights. I'm all for saving weight on the Corvette.

I am with Rob on this one. The C5 headlights are just not adequate for a car that performs like the C5 does. For me, Corvette is more about performance than appearance. If it works better and weighs less, I am in favor.
Rob said:
Nice job. I like it, however, I'm not crazy about the pop-up headlights. I really like what Corvette Engineering did with the C6 headlights.

They look cool, they're extremely effective at lighting up the road, and they weigh less than pop-up lights. I'm all for saving weight on the Corvette.

I agree with the weight savings, but not when they keep all the other power stuff on the car.

If weight savings is truly that big of a factor, dump the power windows, locks, seats, radio, A/C .... or, at least give the option for the buyer to unselect all those heavy features.

I never understood the C5 Z06, --with expensive titanium exhaust to save a couple pounds, only to keep the stereo, power windows, locks etc.
Heavy Duty said:
EttevroC I didn't know you had an automotive design background:upthumbs . Nice job:_rock . I too would have liked to have seen the pop-up head lights on the C6. One good reason is that there is less of a chance having the lense broken by flying objects such as rocks. I had to replace one of the headlight lense on my '03 Dodge Ram that was broken by a rock. Cost was $450.00. boy was I suprised how much a piece of plastic was. I am not sure, but how much weight would you actually save without the pop-ups? 5 maybe 10 pounds? On the flip side I guess you never have to worry with rebuilding the motors and all of the other hassels that go with a pop-up light system.


Thanks HD and everyone else. I actually wanted to pursue car design when it came time for me to go to college, I even planned on applying to the Pasadena School of Art and Design (It was and still is the Meca of car design) but when I spoke to an admissions officer I was told that there was a 4 year wait. I did get some of my designs published in a national magazine but I ended up going to UMBC and majored in Fine Arts instead.

When I first read that the “New Vette” was going to be patterned after the old Stingray, oh did I get excited. I really envisioned a modern interpretation of a 67. Oh well, I still like the C6 because it is better proportioned than the C4 and C5, and it does have more character in its lines than them as well, imho of course.

I can see everyone’s point about weight and insurance savings as being important, but sometimes styling is everything. I was at a Car/Airshow 2 years ago where I overheard a very interesting conversation between a father and his young son that really hit the nail on the head.

Parked on the flight line was a new Z06 along side a 1960 Vette. The boy was oohing and ahing over the 1960 and completely ignoring the Z. The father pointed to the “Teeth” like grill on the 1960 and asked his son if he new what they were used for; the boy shrugged his shoulders and the father said “absolutely nothing except for visual excitement; being different.” He went on to explain to the young boy how style meant something back then, and then he pointed to the Z and said that today’s cars are all about being the same as the other guy.

I mean no offence to those who absolutely love the looks of the “New Vette,” I still think that sometimes style should not follow function.
Heavy Duty said:
EttevroC I didn't know you had an automotive design background:upthumbs . Nice job:_rock . I too would have liked to have seen the pop-up head lights on the C6. One good reason is that there is less of a chance having the lense broken by flying objects such as rocks. I had to replace one of the headlight lense on my '03 Dodge Ram that was broken by a rock. Cost was $450.00. boy was I suprised how much a piece of plastic was. I am not sure, but how much weight would you actually save without the pop-ups? 5 maybe 10 pounds? On the flip side I guess you never have to worry with rebuilding the motors and all of the other hassels that go with a pop-up light system.


I would rather replace that then a big chunk out of the paint.

The design of the non pop-up headlights has started to grow on me with the C6. I think it looks kind of mean looking from ground level looking straight at the nose. I still love the way the C4's front end looks, but the C6 is gaining a little...
I like the non-pop up headlights because it's two less things to go wrong with the car!:L

Ever get those lazy headlights that need new bushings? Took me 4 hours to do one side!:cry
EttevroC said:
Parked on the flight line was a new Z06 along side a 1960 Vette. The boy was oohing and ahing over the 1960 and completely ignoring the Z. The father pointed to the “Teeth” like grill on the 1960 and asked his son if he new what they were used for; the boy shrugged his shoulders and the father said “absolutely nothing except for visual excitement; being different.” He went on to explain to the young boy how style meant something back then, and then he pointed to the Z and said that today’s cars are all about being the same as the other guy.

I mean no offence to those who absolutely love the looks of the “New Vette,” I still think that sometimes style should not follow function.
Hmmmm....I agree to a point.

Styling is important - I agree. However in order to design/develop a sports car that is both stylish as well as a high performer - is a very delicate balance.

Take a look at the performance that today's Corvette is capable of. We're looking at a 2006 Z06 that will easily exceed 190 mph, probably reach 0-60 in a flat 3.0 seconds, or pretty damn close to it.....and capable of pulling in excess of 1.00 Gs without even sweating it.

Now, lets take a look at the performance of a 1960 Corvette....or even a 1963-1967 Corvette. I don't have the numbers at my finger tips, but I can tell you that when a 1963-1967 Corvette starts to reach 100 mph, that front-end starts to lift like a 747 taking off from an airport.

On today's highways, in some areas, it's not unusual to see people flying by at 80-90mph. That's only 10-20 mph shy of 100 mph. Today's Corvette can do that and not even come close to breaking a sweat while remaining completely stable and stuck to the pavement.

Today's Corvette is capable of doing what it does best due to the design and engineering of the car. The design was sculpted after a large amount of time testing in a wind tunnel.

Now....let's take a look at a C5 compared to the C6. With subtle styling cues, I think the C6 looks 100X better than the C5, and I used to be a big fan of the C5. Now that the C6 is out, I'm actually not that fond of the C5 now.

Corvette designers were capable of instilling subtle styling cues to reach an overall impact that is not only form, but also function.

Now, don't get me wrong; I'd still like to see the Corvette evolve into a more exotic form like Ferrari, but in my humble opinion, the C6 isn't too far away.

Meh....when it comes to design, everyone has their own personal opinions based upon what they do or don't find desirable. For me personally, styling is important, but so too is function.

I think the C6 is the closest the Corvette has ever come to having an almost equivalent level of both style and function. :)
Rob said:
Now....let's take a look at a C5 compared to the C6. With subtle styling cues, I think the C6 looks 100X better than the C5, and I used to be a big fan of the C5. Now that the C6 is out, I'm actually not that fond of the C5 now.

Rob I agree 100%. I was never really a big fan of the C5, but they grew on me over a few years. Don't get me wrong they are wonderful cars, but the new C6 is just simply bad...

Rob said:
I think the C6 is the closest the Corvette has ever come to having an almost equivalent level of both style and function. :)

All except for the C4 right? :D
Vettefan87 said:
All except for the C4 right? :D

Oh of course!

I finally took mine out of storage (and after having to replace the battery), and finally brought it home to my garage last weekend. God, how I missed driving that car.

I had some idiot in a Pontiac Vibe trying to race me. At 90....the Vibe just sort of faded in the rearview mirror. Don't ya just hate when that happens!? :L
The thing about the C5 that just can't grow on me is the big butt. I like big butts and I cannot lie but the C5 butt is just too much butt for me.:L
Yup, sure do. It is just nice to have an excuse to get on it, to put some people away in there proper place. It is an awesome feeling isn't it? Not driving it for a long time then just getting in it, and you can't get over yourself how you almost forgot how it feels? At least that is how It works for me. I bet you couldn't get rid of that grin on your face all day though.
The lights issue has been debated many times. The lights on my C5 STINK. If the lights work better on the C6, then that is what matters most to me. It is very easy to over-drive the lights on a C5. It can be spooky driving along wondering what will pop out in front of me by the time those feeble lights pick it up. My fiance's BMW 330xi has great lights. There is just no comparison at all.

It is funny about peoples' taste in Corvettes. My favorites, in order: C5, C4, C6, C2, C1, and C3 a distant last. Others like the C3. I think it is a cartoon car (sorry Shark owners). But it is just a matter of taste.
There are a lot of C3 owners who thought the C4 was very radical when it first came out and they didn't like it. Some still don't like the C4. But I can tell you that the C4 handles way better than the C3 at 100+ MPH. I have a friend who has a C3 and he doesn't like pushing the car much fast than 120 MPH because it will get light on the frontend. Not the C4. I find that the car handles very well at those speeds.

When the C5 first came out i didn't like it either because of the Big butt look. But I guess over the years the big butt C5 has grown onto me to the point i went and bought one. The second thing I didn't like was an all Alum block for an engine. After coming here and checking out the C5 Forums I've found that there has been very few, if any, problems with the engine in these cars. Profomance wise, the C5 is light years better than my '86. But, you have to understand that in 1986 the Corvette was just starting to recover from its very anemic state.

I am sure that the C6 with the fixed headlights and all will also grow on me as well. I remember watching a show where they highlighted the unvailing of the C6 to a lot of Corvette fans. Many liked the looks of the car but there was also those who stated that it wasn't a vette because it didn't have the pop-up headlights. So i guess it comes down to what the definition of a Corvette should be and what should it look like? I think that each of us have our own answers to that question.

Touch up paint is way cheaper than replacing a light lense. Ford wants ~$600.00 for the headlight lense on my Mustang. That is the cost just for the part because the handlight lense is part of the entire headlight assembly. Anyone know what the replacement cost is for the lense on the C6? Besides, I do have that clear plastic stuff on mine to prevent paint chips. Now I've got to get it on the C4 since i jsut had it painted.

H.D. :beer
I agree with HD, the C5 design has grown on me over the years as well, mainly because you don't see many RX7s around and the convertible's short roof profile elongates the rear of the car and reduces the "Big Butt" a bit.

I think most car designers today have creative problems when it comes to designing sides and rears of their cars. Take the Chrysler 300 for instance, its front view and profile view is very creative and different, but when they got around to the sides and the rear they completely whimped out. The 300's slab side has absolutely no character and the rear looks like any old car on the road.

I realize that aerodynamics have a lot to do with today’s designs, but the funny thing is that the coefficient of drag for the C4 and C6 is not that much different, especially between the C5 and C6. From what I’ve read, frontal area is just as important or even more so than total CoD in terms of efficiency. For me, when it is all said and done, I would rather see a radical design than a evolutionary design.
the big butt was the main reason I didn't buy a C5, the car has a nice side view appearance but the rear was unacceptable. The C6 is all Rob said it is and more. HOwever, I'd still rather swap the C6 body with a 1967 427 body any day. Nice as the C6 is it's not tremendously unique. It's a huge improvement over the ponderous old technology C5 though.

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